1 But after Ehud had died, the people of Isra’el again did what was evil fromAdonai’s perspective. 2 SoAdonaihanded them over to Yavin king of Kena‘an. He ruled from Hatzor; and the commander of his army was Sisra, who lived in Haroshet-HaGoyim. 3 The people of Isra’el cried out toAdonai, because he had 900 iron […]
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Shof’tim (Jdg) 5
1 On that day D’vorah and Barak the son of Avino‘am sang this song: 2 “When leaders in Isra’el dedicate themselves, and the people volunteer, you should all blessAdonai. 3 Hear, kings; listen, princes; I will sing toAdonai! I will sing praise toAdonai the God of Isra’el. 4 “Adonai, when you went out from Se‘ir, […]
Shof’tim (Jdg) 6
1 But the people of Isra’el did what was evil fromAdonai’s perspective, soAdonaihanded them over to Midyan for seven years. 2 Midyan exercised its power harshly against Isra’el, and because of Midyan the people of Isra’el hid themselves in mountains, in caves and in other safe places. 3 One time, after Isra’el’s sowing season, Midyan, […]
Shof’tim (Jdg) 7
1 Then Yeruba‘al, that is, Gid‘on, and all the people with him, got up early and set up camp by ‘Ein-Harod; the camp of Midyan was north of them, by Giv‘at-Moreh, in the valley. 2 Adonaisaid to Gid‘on, “There are too many people with you for me to hand Midyan over to them, because I […]
Shof’tim (Jdg) 8
1 But the men of Efrayim complained to Gid‘on, “Why didn’t you call on us when you went to fight Midyan? Why did you treat us this way?” They were sharp in their criticism. 2 He answered by saying to them, “How can what I have done be compared with what you have done? Aren’t […]
Shof’tim (Jdg) 9
1 Avimelekh the son of Yeruba‘al went to Sh’khem, to his mother’s brothers, and spoke with them and with the whole clan of his maternal grandfather. He said, 2 “Please ask all the men of Sh’khem, ‘Which is better for you — that all seventy sons of Yeruba‘al rule over you, or that one person […]
Shof’tim (Jdg) 10
1 After Avimelekh there arose to save Isra’el Tola the son of Pu’ah, the son of Dodo, from the tribe of Yissakhar. He lived in Shamir, in the hills of Efrayim. 2 He judged Isra’el twenty-three years, and when he died he was buried in Shamir. 3 After him arose Ya’ir, from Gil‘ad. He judged […]
Shof’tim (Jdg) 11
1 Now Yiftach, a brave soldier from Gil‘ad, was the son of a prostitute. His father, Gil‘ad, 2 had other sons by his wife; and when his wife’s sons grew up, they drove Yiftach away and told him, “You will not inherit from our father, because you are another woman’s son.” 3 Then Yiftach fled […]
Shof’tim (Jdg) 12
1 The men of Efrayim assembled, crossed into Tzafon and said to Yiftach, “Why didn’t you call us to go with you when you went over to fight the people of ‘Amon? We’re ready to burn down your house with you in it!” 2 Yiftach answered, “When my people and I were in a serious […]
Shof’tim (Jdg) 13
1 Again the people of Isra’el did what was evil fromAdonai’s perspective, andAdonaihanded them over to the P’lishtim for forty years. 2 There was a man from Tzor‘ah from the family of Dan, whose name was Manoach; his wife was barren, childless. 3 The angel ofAdonaiappeared to the woman and said to her, “Listen! You […]