1 A prophecy about the Valley of Vision: Tell me what is wrong with you, that you have all gone up on the roofs. 2 You city full of noise, confusion and boisterous excitement, your slain did not fall to the sword, nor did they die in battle. 3 All your leaders fled together and […]
Author Archives: admin
Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 23
1 A prophecy about Tzor: Howl, you “Tarshish” ships, because the harbor is destroyed! On returning from Kittim, they discover they cannot enter it. 2 Silence, you who live on the coast, you who have been enriched by the merchants of Tzidon crossing the sea. 3 By the great water the grain of Shichor, the […]
Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 24
1 Look!Adonaiis stripping and destroying the land, turning it upside down and scattering its inhabitants — 2 cohenand commoner, slave and master, maid and mistress, buyer and seller, lender and borrower, creditor and debtor. 3 The land will be completely stripped, completely plundered, forAdonaihas spoken this word. 4 The land fades and withers, the world […]
Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 25
1 Adonai, you are my God. I exalt you, I praise your name. For you have accomplished marvels, [fulfilled] ancient plans faithfully and truly. 2 For you have made a city a heap of stones, turned a fortified city into rubble, made the foreigners’ fortress a city that will never be rebuilt. 3 Therefore mighty […]
Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 26
1 On that day this song will be sung in the land of Y’hudah: “We have a strong city! He has built walls and ramparts for our safety. 2 Open the gates! Let the righteous nation enter, a nation that keeps faith! 3 “A person whose desire rests on you you preserve in perfect peace, […]
Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 27
1 On that dayAdonai, with his great, strong, relentless sword, will punish Livyatan the fleeing serpent, the twisting serpent Livyatan; he will slay the sea monster. 2 On that day, a pleasant vineyard — sing about it! 3 “I,Adonai, guard it. Moment to moment I water it. So that no harm will come to it, […]
Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 28
1 Woe to the haughty crown of Efrayim’s drunks, to the fading flower of its proud splendor, located at the head of the rich valley belonging to people overcome by wine! 2 Adonaihas someone strong and powerful. He comes like a hailstorm, a destructive tempest, like a flood of water, rushing, overwhelming; with his hand […]
Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 29
1 Woe to Ari’el [fireplace on God’s altar, lion of God] — Ari’el, the city where David encamped! Celebrate the feasts for a few more years, 2 but then I will bring trouble to Ari’el. There will be mourning and moaning, as she becomes truly anari’elfor me. 3 I will encamp all around you, besiege […]
Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 30
1 “Woe to the rebellious children,” saysAdonai. “They make plans, but the plans are not mine; they develop alliances, but not from my Spirit, in order to pile sin upon sin. 2 They go down to Egypt but don’t consult me, seeking refuge in Pharaoh’s protection, seeking shelter in Egypt’s shadow. 3 But Pharaoh’s protection […]
Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 31
1 Woe to those going down to Egypt expecting help — relying on horses; trusting in chariots, because they have many, and in the strength of their cavalrymen — but not looking to the Holy One of Isra’el, not consultingAdonai. 2 But he too is wise and can bring disaster, and he does not take […]