1 From: Sha’ul, an emissary of the Messiah Yeshua by God’s will, which holds forth a promise of life through being united with Messiah Yeshua 2 To: Timothy, my dear son: Grace, mercy andshalomfrom God the Father and the Messiah Yeshua, our Lord. 3 I give thanks to God, whom, like my forbears, I worship […]
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2 Timothy (2 Ti) 2
1 So then, you, my son, be empowered by the grace that comes from the Messiah Yeshua. 2 And the things you heard from me, which were supported by many witnesses, these things commit to faithful people, such as will be competent to teach others also. 3 Accept your share in suffering disgrace as a […]
2 Timothy (2 Ti) 3
1 Moreover, understand this: in theacharit-hayamimwill come trying times. 2 People will be self-loving, money-loving, proud, arrogant, insulting, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, uncontrolled, brutal, hateful of good, 4 traitorous, headstrong, swollen with conceit, loving pleasure rather than God, 5 as they retain the outer form of religion but deny its […]
2 Timothy (2 Ti) 4
1 I solemnly charge you before God and the Messiah Yeshua, who will judge the living and the dead when he appears and establishes his Kingdom: 2 proclaim the Word! Be on hand with it whether the time seems right or not. Convict, censure and exhort with unfailing patience and with teaching. 3 For the […]
1 Timothy (1 Ti) 1
1 From: Sha’ul, an emissary of the Messiah Yeshua by command of God our deliverer and the Messiah Yeshua our hope, 2 To: Timothy, a true son because of your trust: Grace, mercy andshalomfrom God the Father and the Messiah Yeshua our Lord. 3 As I counseled you when I was leaving for Macedonia, stay […]
1 Timothy (1 Ti) 2
1 First of all, then, I counsel that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all human beings, 2 including kings and all in positions of prominence; so that we may lead quiet and peaceful lives, being godly and upright in everything. 3 This is what God, our Deliverer, regards as good; this is […]
1 Timothy (1 Ti) 3
1 Here is a statement you can trust: anyone aspiring to be a congregation leader is seeking worthwhile work. 2 A congregation leader must be above reproach, he must be faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, orderly, hospitable and able to teach. 3 He must not drink excessively or get into fights; rather, he must […]
1 Timothy (1 Ti) 4
1 The Spirit expressly states that in theacharit-hayamimsome people will apostatize from the faith by paying attention to deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2 Such teachings come from the hypocrisy of liars whose own consciences have been burned, as if with a red-hot branding iron. 3 They forbid marriage and require abstinence from […]
1 Timothy (1 Ti) 5
1 Do not rebuke an older man sharply, but appeal to him as you would to a father; treat younger men like brothers, 2 older women like mothers and younger women like sisters, with absolute purity. 3 Show respect to widows who are really in need. 4 But if a widow has children or grandchildren, […]
1 Timothy (1 Ti) 6
1 Those who are under the yoke of slavery should regard their masters as worthy of full respect, so that the name of God and the teaching will not be brought into disrepute. 2 And those who have believing masters are not to show them less respect on the ground that they are brothers; on […]