1 But this was very displeasing to Yonah, and he became angry. 2 He prayed toAdonai, “Now,Adonai, didn’t I say this would happen, when I was still in my own country? That’s why I tried to get away to Tarshish ahead of time! I knew you were a God who is merciful and compassionate, slow […]
Author Archives: admin
‘Ovadyah (Oba) 1
1 This is the vision of ‘Ovadyah. Here is whatAdonaiElohimsays about Edom. As a messenger was being sent among the nations saying, “Come on, let’s attack her,” we heard a message fromAdonai: 2 “I am making you the least of all nations, you will be beneath contempt. 3 Your proud heart has deceived you, you […]
‘Amos (Amo) 1
1 The words of ‘Amos, one of the sheep owners in T’koa, which he saw concerning Isra’el in the days of ‘Uziyah king of Y’hudah and Yarov‘am the son of Yo’ash, king of Isra’el, two years before the earthquake; 2 he said: Adonaiis roaring from Tziyon thundering from Yerushalayim; the shepherds’ pastures will mourn, and […]
‘Amos (Amo) 2
1 Here is whatAdonaisays: “For Mo’av’s three crimes, no, four — I will not reverse it — because he burned the bones of the king of Edom, turning them into lime; 2 I will send fire on Mo’av, and it will consume the palaces of K’riot. Mo’av will die with turmoil and shouting, along with […]
‘Amos (Amo) 3
1 “Listen to this word whichAdonaihas spoken against you, people of Isra’el, against the entire family that I brought up from the land of Egypt: 2 “Of all the families on earth, only you have I intimately known. This is why I will punish you for all your crimes.” 3 Do two people travel together […]
‘Amos (Amo) 4
1 “Listen, you [lovely] cows of Bashan, who live on Mount Shomron, who oppress the poor and grind down the needy, who say to their husbands, ‘Bring something to drink’: 2 AdonaiElohimhas sworn by his holiness that your time is surely coming. “You will be dragged away with hooks, the last of you with fishhooks. […]
‘Amos (Amo) 5
1 Hear this word that I take up against you in lament, house of Isra’el: 2 The virgin of Isra’el has fallen; she will not rise again. She lies abandoned on her own soil with no one to lift her up. 3 For thus saysAdonaiElohim: “The city from which a thousand marched will be left […]
‘Amos (Amo) 6
1 Woe to those living at ease in Tziyon and to those who feel complacent on the hills of Shomron, renowned men in this foremost of nations, to whom the rest of Isra’el come. 2 Travel to Kalneh and see; from there go on to Hamat the great; then go down to Gat of the […]
‘Amos (Amo) 7
1 Here is whatAdonaiElohimshowed me: he was forming a swarm of locusts as the late crop was starting to come up, the late crop after the hay had been cut to pay the king’s tribute. 2 While they were finishing up eating all the vegetation in the land, I said, “AdonaiElohim, forgive — please! How […]
‘Amos (Amo) 8
1 Here is whatAdonaiElohimshowed me: there in front of me was a basket of summer fruit. 2 He asked, “‘Amos, what do you see?” I answered, “A basket of summer fruit.” ThenAdonaisaid to me, “The end has come for my people, I will never again overlook their offenses. 3 When that time comes, the songs […]