1 A psalm of Asaf: God, the pagans have entered your heritage. They have defiled your holy temple and turned Yerushalayim into rubble. 2 They have given the corpses of your servants as food for the birds in the air, yes, the flesh of those faithful to you for the wild animals of the earth. […]
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Tehillim (Psa) 80
1 For the leader. Set to “Lilies.” A testimony. A psalm of Asaf: 2 Shepherd of Isra’el, listen! You who lead Yosef like a flock, you whose throne is on thek’ruvim, shine out! 3 Before Efrayim, Binyamin and M’nasheh, rouse your power; and come to save us. 4 God, restore us! Make your face shine, […]
Tehillim (Psa) 81
1 For the Leader. On thegittit. By Asaf: 2 Sing for joy to God our strength! Shout to the God of Ya‘akov! 3 Start the music! Beat the drum! Play the sweet lyre and the lute! 4 Sound theshofaratRosh-Hodesh and at full moon for the pilgrim feast, 5 because this is a law for Isra’el, […]
Tehillim (Psa) 82
1 A psalm of Asaf: Elohim[God] stands in the divine assembly; there with theelohim[judges], he judges: 2 “How long will you go on judging unfairly, favoring the wicked?(Selah) 3 Give justice to the weak and fatherless! Uphold the rights of the wretched and poor! 4 Rescue the destitute and needy; deliver them from the power […]
Tehillim (Psa) 83
1 A song. A psalm of Asaf: 2 God, don’t remain silent! Don’t stay quiet, God, or still; 3 because here are your enemies, causing an uproar; those who hate you are raising their heads, 4 craftily conspiring against your people, consulting together against those you treasure. 5 They say, “Come, let’s wipe them out […]
Tehillim (Psa) 84
1 For the leader. On thegittit. A psalm of the sons of Korach: 2 How deeply loved are your dwelling-places, Adonai-Tzva’ot! 3 My soul yearns, yes, faints with longing for the courtyards ofAdonai; my heart and body cry for joy to the living God. 4 As the sparrow finds herself a home and the swallow […]
Tehillim (Psa) 85
1 For the leader. A psalm of the sons of Korach: 2 Adonai, you have shown favor to your land; you have restored the fortunes of Ya‘akov, 3 taken away the guilt of your people, pardoned all their sin,(Selah) 4 withdrawn all your wrath, turned from your fierce anger. 5 Restore us, God of our […]
Tehillim (Psa) 86
1 A prayer of David: Listen,Adonai, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. 2 Preserve my life, for I am faithful; save your servant, who puts his trust in you because you are my God. 3 Take pity on me,Adonai, for I cry to you all day. 4 Fill your servant’s heart with […]
Tehillim (Psa) 87
1 A psalm of the sons of Korach. A song: On the holy mountains is [the city’s] foundation. 2 Adonailoves the gates of Tziyon more than all the dwellings in Ya‘akov. 3 Glorious things are said about you, city of God.(Selah) 4 I count Rahav and Bavel among those who know me; Of P’leshet, Tzor […]
Tehillim (Psa) 88
1 A song. A psalm of the sons of Korach. For the leader. Set to “Sickness that Causes Suffering.” Amaskilof Heiman the Ezrachi. 2 Adonai, God of my salvation, when I cry out to you in the night, 3 let my prayer come before you, turn your ear to my cry for help! 4 For […]