1 For the leader. A psalm of David: 2 The heavens declare the glory of God, the dome of the sky speaks the work of his hands. 3 Every day it utters speech, every night it reveals knowledge. 4 Without speech, without a word, without their voices being heard, 5 their line goes out through […]
Author Archives: admin
Tehillim (Psa) 20
1 For the leader. A psalm of David: 2 MayAdonaianswer you in times of distress, may the name of the God of Ya‘akov protect you. 3 May he send you help from the sanctuary and give you support from Tziyon. 4 May he be reminded by all your grain offerings and accept the fat of […]
Tehillim (Psa) 21
1 For the leader. A psalm of David: 2 Adonai, the king finds joy in your strength; what great joy he displays in your victory! 3 You give him his heart’s desire; you don’t refuse the prayer from his lips.(Selah) 4 For you come to meet him with the best blessings, you place a crown […]
Tehillim (Psa) 22
1 For the leader. Set to “Sunrise.” A psalm of David: 2 My God! My God! Why have you abandoned me? Why so far from helping me, so far from my anguished cries? 3 My God, by day I call to you, but you don’t answer; likewise at night, but I get no relief. 4 […]
Tehillim (Psa) 23
1 A psalm of David: Adonaiis my shepherd; I lack nothing. 2 He has me lie down in grassy pastures, he leads me by quiet water, 3 he restores my inner person. He guides me in right paths for the sake of his own name. 4 Even if I pass through death-dark ravines, I will […]
Tehillim (Psa) 24
1 By David. A psalm: The earth isAdonai’s, with all that is in it, the world and those who live there; 2 for he set its foundations on the seas and established it on the rivers. 3 Who may go up to the mountain ofAdonai? Who can stand in his holy place? 4 Those with […]
Tehillim (Psa) 25
1 By David: I lift my inner being to you,Adonai; 2 I trust you, my God. Don’t let me be disgraced, don’t let my enemies gloat over me. 3 No one waiting for you will be disgraced; disgrace awaits those who break faith for no reason. 4 Make me know your ways,Adonai, teach me your […]
Tehillim (Psa) 26
1 By David: Vindicate me,Adonai, for I have lived a blameless life; unwaveringly I trust inAdonai. 2 Examine me,Adonai, test me, search my mind and heart. 3 For your grace is there before my eyes, and I live my life by your truth. 4 I have not sat with worthless folks, I won’t consort with […]
Tehillim (Psa) 27
1 By David: Adonaiis my light and salvation; whom do I need to fear? Adonaiis the stronghold of my life; of whom should I be afraid? 2 When evildoers assailed me to devour my flesh, my adversaries and foes, they stumbled and fell. 3 If an army encamps against me, my heart will not fear; […]
Tehillim (Psa) 28
1 By David: Adonai, I am calling to you; my Rock, don’t be deaf to my cry. For if you answer me with silence, I will be like those who fall in a pit. 2 Hear the sound of my prayers when I cry to you, when I lift my hands toward your holy sanctuary. […]