1 Another day came when the sons of God came to serveAdonai, and among them came the Adversary to serveAdonai. 2 Adonaiasked the Adversary, “Where are you coming from?” The Adversary answeredAdonai, “From roaming through the earth, wandering here and there.” 3 Adonaiasked the Adversary, “Did you notice my servant Iyov, that there’s no one […]
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Iyov (Job) 3
1 Iyov said, 2 “Perish the day I was born and the night that said, ‘A man is conceived.’ 3 May that day be darkness, may God on high not seek it, may no light shine on it, 4 may gloom dark as death defile it, may clouds settle on it, may it be terrified […]
Iyov (Job) 4
1 Then Elifaz the Teimani spoke up: 2 “If one tries to speak to you, will you mind? Yet who could keep from speaking? 3 You have given moral instruction to many, you have firmed up feeble hands, 4 your words have supported those who were stumbling, and you have strengthened the weak-kneed. 5 “But […]
Iyov (Job) 5
1 “Call if you like, but will anyone answer? To which of the holy ones will you turn? 2 For anger kills the fool, and envy slays the silly. 3 I watch as a fool establishes roots, but I curse his home with sudden [destruction] — 4 his children are far from help, publicly humiliated, […]
Iyov (Job) 6
1 Iyov responded: 2 “I wish my frustration could be weighed, all my calamities laid on the scales! 3 They would outweigh the sands of the seas! No wonder, then, that my words come out stammered! 4 For the arrows ofShaddaifind their mark in me, and my spirit is drinking in their poison; the terrors […]
Iyov (Job) 7
1 “Human life on earth is like serving in the army; yes, we drudge through our days like a hired worker, 2 like a slave longing for shade, like a worker thinking only of his wages. 3 So I am assigned months of meaninglessness; troubled nights are my lot. 4 When I lie down, I […]
Iyov (Job) 8
1 Bildad the Shuchi spoke next: 2 “How long will you go on talking like this? What you are saying is raging wind! 3 Does God distort judgment? DoesShaddaipervert justice? 4 If your children sinned against him, he left them to be victims of their own offense. 5 “If you will earnestly seek God and […]
Iyov (Job) 9
1 Then Iyov responded: 2 “Indeed, I know that this is so; but how can a human win a case against God? 3 Whoever might want to argue with him could not answer him one [question] in a thousand. 4 His heart is so wise, his strength so great — who can resist him and […]
Iyov (Job) 10
1 “I am just worn out. “By my life [I swear], I will never abandon my complaint; I will speak out in my soul’s bitterness. 2 I will say to God, ‘Don’t condemn me! Tell me why you are contending with me. 3 Do you gain some advantage from oppressing, from spurning what your own […]
Iyov (Job) 11
1 Next Tzofar the Na‘amati spoke up: 2 “Shouldn’t this torrent of words be answered? Does talking a lot make a person right? 3 Is your babble supposed to put others to silence? When you mock, is no one to make you ashamed? 4 “You claim that your teaching is pure; you tell [God], ‘I […]