1 N’vukhadnetzar the king had a gold statue made, ninety feet high and nine feet wide, which he set up on the plain of Dura, in the province of Bavel. 2 Then N’vukhadnetzar the king summoned the viceroys, prefects, governors, judges, treasurers, counselors, sheriffs and all the provincial officials to assemble and come to the […]
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Dani’el (Dan) 4
1 “I, N’vukhadnetzar, was contentedly living at home, enjoying the luxury of my palace; 2 but as I lay on my bed, I had a dream which frightened me, followed by fantasies and visions in my head which frightened me even more. 3 So I ordered all the sages of Bavel to present themselves to […]
Dani’el (Dan) 5
1 Belshatzar the king gave a great banquet for a thousand of his lords, and in the presence of the thousand he was drinking wine. 2 While tasting the wine, Belshatzar ordered that the gold and silver vessels which his father N’vukhadnetzar had removed from the temple in Yerushalayim be brought; so that the king, […]
Dani’el (Dan) 6
1 The kingdom passed to Daryavesh the Mede when he was about sixty-two years old. 2 Daryavesh decided to set over the kingdom 120 viceroys to rule throughout the entire kingdom, 3 with three chiefs over them, of whom Dani’el was one, so that these viceroys could be responsible to them and so that the […]
Dani’el (Dan) 7
1 In the first year of Belshatzar king of Bavel, Dani’el had a dream and visions in his head, as he was lying on his bed. He wrote the dream down, and this is his account: 2 “I had a vision at night; I saw there before me the four winds of the sky breaking […]
Dani’el (Dan) 8
1 After that first vision, it was in the third year of the reign of King Belshatzar that another vision appeared to me, Dani’el. 2 I looked into the vision; and as I looked, I found myself in Shushan the capital, in the province of ‘Eilam. I looked into the vision, and I was by […]
Dani’el (Dan) 9
1 In the first year of Daryavesh the son of Achashverosh, a Mede by birth who was made king over the kingdom of the Kasdim — 2 in the first year of his reign, I, Dani’el, was reading the Scriptures and thinking about the number of years whichAdonaihad told Yirmeyah the prophet would be the […]
Dani’el (Dan) 10
1 In the third year of Koresh king of Persia, a word was revealed to Dani’el, also called Belt’shatzar. The word was certain: a great war. He understood the word, having gained understanding in the vision. 2 At that time I, Dani’el, had been mourning for three whole weeks. 3 I hadn’t eaten any food […]
Dani’el (Dan) 11
1 however, I was already standing up to support and help Daryavesh the Mede in the first year of his reign. 2 What I am going to tell you now is true. “Three kings will arise in Persia, followed by a fourth, who will be far wealthier than all of them; and when he has […]
Dani’el (Dan) 12
1 “When that time comes, Mikha’el, the great prince who champions your people, will stand up; and there will be a time of distress unparalleled between the time they became a nation and that moment. At that time, your people will be delivered, everyone whose name is found written in the book. 2 Many of […]