1 Shlomo the son of David grew stronger in his rulership;Adonaihis God was with him, making him greater and greater. 2 Shlomo spoke to all Isra’el — to the captains of thousands and of hundreds, to the judges and to every leader in all Isra’el, the heads of clans. 3 Shlomo and the whole community […]
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Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 2
1 Shlomo enlisted 70,000 men who carried loads, another 80,000 men who were stonecutters in the hills and 3,600 supervising them. 2 Then Shlomo sent this message to Huram the king of Tzor: “[Deal with me] as you dealt with David my father when you sent him cedar logs, so that he could build himself […]
Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 3
1 Then Shlomo began to build the house ofAdonaiin Yerushalayim on Mount Moriyah, whereAdonaihad appeared to David his father. Provision had been made for this at the place David had chosen, the threshing-floor of Ornan the Y’vusi. 2 He began building in the fourth year of his reign, on the second day of the second […]
Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 4
1 He made an altar of bronze thirty-five feet long, thirty-five feet wide and seventeen-and-a-half feet high. 2 He made the cast metal “Sea” circular, seventeen-and-a-half feet from rim to rim, eight-and-three quarters feet high and fifty-two-and-a-half feet in circumference. 3 Below the rim a ring of ox-like figures encircled it, ten for every twenty-one […]
Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 5
1 Thus all the work that Shlomo did for the house ofAdonaiwas finished. Then Shlomo brought in the gifts which David his father had consecrated — the silver, the gold and all the utensils — and put them in the treasuries of the house of God. 2 Shlomo assembled all the leaders of Isra’el and […]
Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 6
1 Shlomo said, “Adonaisaid he would live in thick darkness. 2 But I have built you a magnificent house, a place where you can live forever.” 3 Then the king turned around and blessed the whole community of Isra’el. The whole community of Isra’el stood 4 as he said, “Blessed beAdonai, the God of Isra’el, […]
Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 7
1 When Shlomo had finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory ofAdonaifilled the house, 2 so that thecohanimcould not enter the house ofAdonai; because the glory ofAdonaifilledAdonai’s house. 3 All the people of Isra’el saw when the fire came down, and the glory ofAdonaiwas […]
Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 8
1 At the end of twenty years, during which time Shlomo had built the house ofAdonaiand his own palace, 2 Shlomo built up the cities which Huram had given to Shlomo and had the people of Isra’el live there. 3 Then Shlomo attacked Hamat-Tzovah and defeated it. 4 He built Tadmor in the desert and […]
Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 9
1 When the queen of Sh’va heard what was being said about Shlomo, she came to test him with difficult questions in Yerushalayim, accompanied by a very great retinue, including camels bearing spices and gold in abundance, and precious stones. When she appeared before Shlomo, she spoke with him about everything on her heart; 2 […]
Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 10
1 Rechav‘am went to Sh’khem, where all Isra’el had come in order to proclaim him king. 2 When Yarov‘am the son of N’vat heard of it, he returned from Egypt, where he had fled from Shlomo. 3 They sent and summoned him, so Yarov‘am and all Isra’el came and said to Rechav‘am, 4 “Your father […]