1 A long time afterwards, whenAdonaihad given Isra’el rest from all their surrounding enemies, and Y’hoshua was old, with age taking its toll, 2 Y’hoshua summoned all Isra’el — their leaders, heads, judges and officials — and said to them, “I am old; age is taking its toll. 3 You have seen everything thatAdonaiyour God […]
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Y’hoshua (Jos) 24
1 Y’hoshua gathered all the tribes of Isra’el to Sh’khem; he summoned the leaders, heads, judges and officials of Isra’el; and they presented themselves before God. 2 Y’hoshua said to all the people, “This is whatAdonaithe God of Isra’el says: ‘In antiquity your ancestors lived on the other side of the [Euphrates] River — Terach […]
D’varim (Deu) 1
Parashah 44: D’varim (Words) 1:1–3:22 1 These are the words Moshe spoke to all Isra’el on the far side of the Yarden River, in the desert, in the ‘Aravah, across from Suf, between Pa’ran and Tofel, Lavan, Hatzerot and Di-Zahav. 2 It is eleven days’ journey from Horev to Kadesh-Barnea by way of Mount Se‘ir. […]
D’varim (Deu) 2
1 “Then we turned and began traveling into the desert along the road to the Sea of Suf, asAdonaihad said to me; and we skirted Mount Se‘ir for a long time.(v) 2 FinallyAdonaisaid to me, 3 ‘You have been going around this mountain long enough! Head north, 4 and give this order to the people: […]
D’varim (Deu) 3
1 “Then we turned and went up the road to Bashan, and ‘Og the king of Bashan came out against us with all his people to fight at Edre‘i. 2 Adonaisaid to me, ‘Don’t be afraid of him; for I have handed him, all his people and his territory over to you; you will do […]
D’varim (Deu) 4
1 “Now, Isra’el, listen to the laws and rulings I am teaching you, in order to follow them, so that you will live; then you will go in and take possession of the land thatAdonai, the God of your fathers, is giving you. 2 In order to obey themitzvotofAdonaiyour God which I am giving you, […]
D’varim (Deu) 5
1 (A: iv, S: iii)Then Moshe called to all Isra’el and said to them, “Listen, Isra’el, to the laws and rulings which I am announcing in your hearing today, so that you will learn them and take care to obey them. 2 Adonaiour God made a covenant with us at Horev. 3 Adonaidid not make […]
D’varim (Deu) 6
1 “Now this is themitzvah, the laws and rulings whichAdonaiyour God ordered me to teach you for you to obey in the land you are crossing over to possess, 2 so that you will fearAdonaiyour God and observe all his regulations andmitzvotthat I am giving you — you, your child and your grandchild — as […]
D’varim (Deu) 7
1 (vii)“Adonaiyour God is going to bring you into the land you will enter in order to take possession of it, and he will expel many nations ahead of you — the Hitti, Girgashi, Emori, Kena‘ani, P’rizi, Hivi and Y’vusi, seven nations bigger and stronger than you. 2 When he does this, whenAdonaiyour God hands […]
D’varim (Deu) 8
1 “All themitzvotI am giving you today you are to take care to obey, so that you will live, increase your numbers, enter and take possession of the landAdonaiswore about to your ancestors. 2 You are to remember everything of the way in whichAdonailed you these forty years in the desert, humbling and testing you […]