Z’kharyah (Zec) 14

1 Look, a day is coming forAdonai

when your plunder, [Yerushalayim], will be divided

right there within you.

2 “For I will gather all the nations

against Yerushalayim for war.

The city will be taken,

the houses will be rifled,

the women will be raped,

and half the city will go into exile;

but the rest of the people

will not be cut off from the city.”

3 ThenAdonaiwill go out

and fight against those nations,

fighting as on a day of battle.

4 On that day his feet will stand

on the Mount of Olives,

which lies to the east of Yerushalayim;

and the Mount of Olives will be split in half

from east to west, to make a huge valley.

Half of the mountain will move toward the north,

and half of it toward the south.

5 You will flee to the valley in the mountains,

for the valley in the mountains will reach to Atzel.

You will flee, just as you fled before the earthquake

in the days of ‘Uziyah king of Y’hudah.

ThenAdonaimy God will come

to you with all the holy ones.

6 On that day, there will be

neither bright light nor thick darkness;

7 and one day, known toAdonai,

will be neither day nor night,

although by evening there will be light.

8 On that day, fresh water will flow

out from Yerushalayim,

half toward the eastern sea

and half toward the western sea,

both summer and winter.

9 ThenAdonaiwill be king

over the whole world.

On that dayAdonaiwill be the only one,

and his name will be the only name.

10 All the land will be made like the ‘Aravah, from Geva to Rimmon in the Negev. Yerushalayim will be raised up and inhabited where she is, from Binyamin’s Gate to the place where the earlier gate stood, and on to the Corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hanan’el to the king’s winepresses.

11 People will live there, the curse will be broken, and Yerushalayim will live in safety.

12 Adonaiwill strike all the peoples who made war against Yerushalayim with a plague in which their flesh rots away while they are standing on their feet, their eyes rot away in their sockets, and their tongues rot away in their mouths.

13 When that day comes, there will be among them great panic, sent byAdonai, so that everyone lays hands on his neighbor, who in turn attacks him.

14 Y’hudah too will fight against Yerushalayim; and the wealth of all the nations will be assembled — gold, silver and clothing in great abundance.

15 A plague like this plague will also affect the horses, mules, camels, donkeys and all the other animals in those camps.

16 Finally, everyone remaining from all the nations that came to attack Yerushalayim will go up every year to worship the king,Adonai-Tzva’ot, and to keep the festival ofSukkot.

17 If any of the families of the earth does not go up to Yerushalayim to worship the king,Adonai-Tzva’ot, no rain will fall on them.

18 If the family of Egypt doesn’t go up, if they refuse to come, they will have no [annual] overflow [from the Nile]; moreover, there will be the plague with whichAdonaiwill strike the nations that don’t go up to keep the festival ofSukkot.

19 This will be Egypt’s punishment and the punishment of all the nations that don’t go up to keep the festival ofSukkot.

20 When that day comes, this will be written on the bells worn by the horses: “Consecrated toAdonai”; and the cooking pots in the house ofAdonaiwill be [as holy] as the sprinkling bowls before the altar.

21 Yes, every cooking pot in Yerushalayim and Y’hudah will be consecrated toAdonai-Tzva’ot. Everyone who offers sacrifices will come, take them and use them to stew the meat. When that day comes, there will no longer be merchants in the house ofAdonai-Tzva’ot.

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