Yirmeyahu (Jer) 23

1 “Oh no! The shepherds are destroying and scattering the sheep in my pasture!” saysAdonai.

2 Therefore this is whatAdonai, the God of Isra’el, says against the shepherds who shepherd my people: “You have scattered my flock, driven them away and not taken care of them. So I will ‘take care of’ you because of your evil deeds,” saysAdonai.

3 “I myself will gather what remains of my flock from all the countries where I have driven them and bring them back to their homes, and they will be fruitful and increase their numbers.

4 I will appoint shepherds over them who will shepherd them; then they will no longer be afraid or disgraced; and none will be missing,” saysAdonai.

5 “The days are coming,” saysAdonai

when I will raise a righteous Branch for David.

He will reign as king and succeed,

he will do what is just and right in the land.

6 In his days Y’hudah will be saved,

Isra’el will live in safety,

and the name given to him will be

AdonaiTzidkenu[Adonaiour righteousness].

7 “Therefore,” saysAdonai, “the day will come when people no longer swear, ‘AsAdonailives, who brought the people of Isra’el out of the land of Egypt,’

8 but, ‘AsAdonailives, who brought the descendants of the house of Isra’el up from the land to the north’ and from all the countries where I drove them. Then they will live in their own land.”

9 Concerning the prophets:

My heart within me is broken,

all my bones are shaking;

I am like a drunk,

like a man overcome by wine,

because ofAdonai,

because of his holy words.

10 For the land is full of adulterers;

because of a curse the land is in mourning —

the desert pastures have dried up.

Their course is evil, their power misused.

11 “Both prophet andcohenare godless;

In my own house I find their wickedness,” saysAdonai.

12 “Therefore their way will be slippery for them;

they will be driven into darkness and fall there.

For I will bring disaster upon them,

their year of punishment,” saysAdonai.

13 “I have seen inappropriate conduct

in the prophets of Shomron —

they prophesied by Ba‘al

and led my people Isra’el astray.

14 But in the prophets of Yerushalayim

I have seen a horrible thing —

they commit adultery, live in lies,

so encouraging evildoers

that none returns from his sin.

For me they have all become like S’dom,

its inhabitants like ‘Amora.”

15 Therefore, this is whatAdonai-Tzva’otsays concerning the prophets:

“I will feed them bitter wormwood

and make them drink poisonous water,

for ungodliness has spread through all the land

from the prophets of Yerushalayim.”

16 Adonai-Tzva’otsays:

“Don’t listen to the words of the prophets

who are prophesying to you.

They are making you act foolishly,

telling you visions from their own minds

and not from the mouth ofAdonai.

17 They keep reassuring those who despise me,

‘Adonaisays you will be safe and secure,’

and saying to all living by their own stubborn hearts,

‘Nothing bad will happen to you.’

18 But which of them has been present at the council

ofAdonaito see and hear his word?

Who has paid attention to

his word enough to hear it?”

19 Look! The storm ofAdonai,

bursting out in fury,

a whirling storm, whirling down

upon the heads of the wicked!

20 Adonai’s anger will not abate

till he fully accomplishes the purpose in his heart.

In theacharit-hayamim,

you will understand everything.

21 “I did not send these prophets; yet they ran.

I did not speak to them; yet they prophesied.

22 If they have been present at my council,

they should let my people hear my words

and turn them from their evil way

and the evil of their actions.

23 Am I God only when near,” asksAdonai,

“and not when far away?

24 Can anyone hide in a place so secret

that I won’t see him?” asksAdonai.

Adonaisays, “Do I not

fill heaven and earth?

25 “I have heard what these prophets prophesying lies in my name are saying: ‘I’ve had a dream! I’ve had a dream!’

26 How long will this go on? Is [my word] in the hearts of prophets who are prophesying lies, who are prophesying the deceit of their own minds?

27 With their dreams that they keep telling each other, they hope to cause my people to forget my name; just as their ancestors forgot my name when they worshipped Ba‘al.

28 “If a prophet has a dream,

let him tell it as a dream.

But someone who has my word

should speak my word faithfully.

What do chaff and wheat

have in common?” asksAdonai.

29 “Isn’t my word like fire,” asksAdonai,

“like a hammer shattering rocks?

30 So, I am against the prophets,” saysAdonai,

“who steal my words from each other.

31 Yes, I am against the prophets,” saysAdonai,

“who speak their own words, then add, ‘He says.’

32 “I am against those who concoct prophecies out of fake dreams,” saysAdonai. “They tell them, and by their lies and arrogance they lead my people astray. I didn’t send them, I didn’t commission them, and they don’t do this people any good at all,” saysAdonai.

33 “When [someone from] this people, a prophet or acohenasks you, ‘What is the burden ofAdonai?’ you are to answer them, ‘What burden? I am throwing you off,’ saysAdonai.

34 As for a prophet,cohenor [someone else from] this people who speaks about ‘the burden ofAdonai,’ I will punish him and his household.”

35 So, when you speak with your neighbor or brother, ask, “What answer hasAdonaigiven?” or “What hasAdonaisaid?”

36 Don’t use the expression, “burden ofAdonai” any more; for every person’s own word will be his burden. Must you twist the words of the living God, ofAdonai-Tzva’ot, our God?

37 So, when speaking to a prophet, ask, “What answer hasAdonaigiven you?” or “What didAdonaisay?”

38 But if you talk about “the burden ofAdonai,” then here is whatAdonaisays: “Because you use this expression, ‘the burden ofAdonai,’ after I have already sent you the order not to say, ‘the burden ofAdonai,’

39 I will lift you up, burden that you are, and throw you off, away from my presence — you and the city I gave you and your ancestors.

40 Then I will subject you to everlasting disgrace — eternal, unforgettable shame.”

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