Yirmeyahu (Jer) 1

1 These are the words of Yirmeyahu the son of Hilkiyahu, one of thecohanimliving in ‘Anatot, in the territory of Binyamin.

2 The word ofAdonaicame to him during the days of Yoshiyahu the son of Amon, king of Y’hudah, in the thirteenth year of his reign.

3 It also came during the days of Y’hoyakim the son of Yoshiyahu, king of Y’hudah, continuing until the eleventh year of Tzidkiyahu the son of Yoshiyahu, king of Y’hudah, right up until the time Yerushalayim was carried away captive, in the fifth month.

4 Here is the word ofAdonaithat came to me:

5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you;

before you were born, I separated you for myself.

I have appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.”

6 I said, “Oh,AdonaiElohim, I don’t even know how to speak! I’m just a child!”

7 ButAdonaisaid to me, “Don’t say, ‘I’m just a child.’

“For you will go to whomever I send you,

and you will speak whatever I order you.

8 Do not be afraid of them,

for I am with you, saysAdonai,

to rescue you.”

9 ThenAdonaiput out his hand and touched my mouth, andAdonaisaid to me,

“There! I have put my words in your mouth.

10 Today I have placed you over nations and kingdoms

to uproot and to tear down,

to destroy and to demolish,

to build and to plant.”

11 The word ofAdonaicame to me, asking, “Yirmeyahu, what do you see?” I answered, “I see a branch from an almond tree .

12 ThenAdonaisaid to me, “You have seen well, because I am watching to fulfill my word.”

13 A second time the word ofAdonaicame to me, asking, “What do you see?” I answered, “I see a caldron tilted away from the north, over a fire fanned by the wind.”

14 ThenAdonaisaid to me, “From the north calamity will boil over onto everyone living in the land,

15 because I will summon all the families in the kingdoms of the north,” saysAdonai,

“and they will come and sit, each one, on his throne

at the entrance to the gates of Yerushalayim,

opposite its walls, all the way around,

and opposite all the cities of Y’hudah.

16 I will pronounce my judgments against them

for all their wickedness in abandoning me,

offering incense to other gods

and worshipping what their own hands made.

17 “But you, dress for action; stand up and tell them

everything I order you to say.

When you confront them, don’t break down;

or I will break you down in front of them!

18 For today, you see, I have made you into

a fortified city, a pillar of iron,

a wall of bronze against the whole land —

against the kings of Y’hudah, against its princes,

against itscohanimand the people of the land.

19 They will fight against you,

but they will not overcome you,

for I am with you,” saysAdonai,

“to rescue you.”

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