Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 54

1 “Sing, barren woman who has never had a child!

Burst into song, shout for joy,

you who have never been in labor!

For the deserted wife will have more children

than the woman who is living with her husband,” saysAdonai.

2 Enlarge the space for your tent,

extend the curtains of your dwelling;

do not hold back, lengthen your cords,

make your tent pegs firm.

3 For you will spread out to the right and the left,

your descendants will possess the nations

and inhabit the desolated cities.

4 Don’t be afraid, for you won’t be ashamed;

don’t be discouraged, for you won’t be disgraced.

You will forget the shame of your youth,

no longer remember the dishonor of being widowed.

5 For your husband is your Maker,

Adonai-Tzva’otis his name.

The Holy One of Isra’el is your Redeemer.

He will be called the God of all the earth.

6 ForAdonaihas called you back

like a wife abandoned and grief-stricken;

“A wife married in her youth

cannot be rejected,” says your God.

7 “Briefly I abandoned you,

but with great compassion I am taking you back.

8 I was angry for a moment

and hid my face from you;

but with everlasting grace

I will have compassion on you,”

saysAdonaiyour Redeemer.

9 “For me this is like Noach’s flood.

Just as I swore that no flood like Noach’s

would ever again cover the earth,

so now I swear that never again

will I be angry with you or rebuke you.

10 For the mountains may leave and the hills be removed,

but my grace will never leave you,

and my covenant of peace will not be removed,”

saysAdonai, who has compassion on you.

11 “Storm-ravaged [city], unconsoled,

I will set your stones in the finest way,

lay your foundations with sapphires,

12 make your windows shine with rubies,

your gates with garnet, your walls with gemstones.

13 All your children will be taught byAdonai;

your children will have great peace.

14 In righteousness you will be established,

far from oppression, with nothing to fear;

far from ruin, for it will not come near you.

15 Any alliance that forms against you

will not be my doing;

whoever tries to form such an alliance

will fall because of you.

16 It is I who created the craftsman

who blows on the coals and forges weapons

suited to their purpose;

I also created the destroyer to work havoc.

17 No weapon made will prevail against you.

In court you will refute every accusation.

The servants ofAdonaiinherit all this;

the reward for their righteousness is from me,”


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