Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 49

1 Coastlands, listen to me;

listen, you peoples far away:

Adonaicalled me from the womb;

before I was born, he had spoken my name.

2 He has made my mouth like a sharp sword

while hiding me in the shadow of his hand;

he has made me like a sharpened arrow

while concealing me in his quiver.

3 He said to me, “You are my servant,

Isra’el, through whom I will show my glory.”

4 But I said, “I have toiled in vain,

spent my strength for nothing, futility.”

Yet my cause is withAdonai,

my reward is with my God.

5 So nowAdonaisays —

he formed me in the womb to be his servant,

to bring Ya‘akov back to him,

to have Isra’el gathered to him,

so that I will be honored in the sight ofAdonai,

my God having become my strength —

6 he has said, “It is not enough

that you are merely my servant

to raise up the tribes of Ya‘akov

and restore the offspring of Isra’el.

I will also make you a light to the nations,

so my salvation can spread to the ends of the earth.”

7 Here is whatAdonai,

the Redeemer of Isra’el,

his Holy One, says to the one despised,

whom the nations detest, to the servant of tyrants:

“When kings see you, they will stand up;

princes too will prostrate themselves,

because ofAdonai, who is faithful,

the Holy One of Isra’el, who has chosen you.”

8 Here is whatAdonaisays:

“At the time when I choose, I will answer you;

on the day of salvation, I will help you.

I have preserved you, and I have appointed you

to be the covenant for a people,

to restore the land and distribute again

its ruined inheritances to their owners,

9 to say to the prisoners, ‘Come out!’

to those in darkness, ‘Show yourselves!’

They will feed along the paths,

and all the high hills will be their pastures.

10 They will be neither hungry nor thirsty;

neither scorching wind nor sun will strike them;

for he who has mercy on them will lead them

and guide them to springs of water.

11 I will turn all my mountains into a road,

my highways will be raised up.

12 There they come, some from far away,

some from the north, some from the west,

and some from the land of Sinim.”

13 Sing, heaven! Rejoice, earth!

Break out in song, you mountains!

ForAdonaiis comforting his people,

having mercy on his own who have suffered.

14 “But Tziyon says, ‘Adonaihas abandoned me,

Adonaihas forgotten me.’

15 Can a woman forget her child at the breast,

not show pity on the child from her womb?

Even if these were to forget,

I would not forget you.

16 I have engraved you on the palms of my hands,

your walls are always before me.”

17 Your children are coming quickly,

your destroyers and plunderers are leaving and going.

18 Raise your eyes, and look around:

they are all gathering and coming to you.

Adonaiswears: “As surely as I am alive,

you will wear them all like jewels,

adorn yourself with them like a bride.”

19 For your desolate places and ruins

and your devastated land

will be too cramped for those living in it;

your devourers will be far away.

20 The day will come when the children born

when you were mourning will say to you,

“This place is too cramped for me!

Give me room, so I can live!”

21 Then you will ask yourself,

“Who fathered these for me?

I’ve been mourning my children, alone,

as an exile, wandering to and fro;

so who has raised these?

I was left alone, so where have these come from?”

22 AdonaiElohimanswers:

“I am beckoning to the nations,

raising my banner for the peoples.

They will bring your sons in their arms

and carry your daughters on their shoulders.

23 Kings will be your foster-fathers,

their princesses your nurses.

They will bow to you, face toward the earth,

and lick the dust on your feet.

Then you will know that I amAdonai—

those who wait for me will not be sorry.”

24 But can booty be wrested from a warrior?

Can a victor’s captives be freed?

25 Here isAdonai’s answer:

“Even a warrior’s captives will be snatched away,

and the booty of the fearful will be freed.

I will fight those who fight you,

and I will save your children.

26 I will feed those oppressing you with their own flesh;

they will be drunk on their own blood as with wine.

Then everyone will know that I,Adonai, am your Savior

and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Ya‘akov.”

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