Yechezk’el (Ezk) 35

1 The word ofAdonaicame to me:

2 “Human being, turn your face against Mount Se‘ir; prophesy against it,

3 and say thatAdonaiElohimsays, ‘I am against you, Mount Se‘ir. I will stretch out my hand against you and make you utterly desolate.

4 I will make your cities ruins and make you an utter waste, and you will know that I amAdonai.

5 Because of your long-standing hatred, you put the people of Isra’el to the sword at their time of calamity, at the time of final iniquity.

6 Therefore, as I live,’AdonaiElohimswears, ‘I will prepare you for blood. Blood will pursue you. You intensely hate your own blood [relatives]; therefore blood will pursue you.

7 Yes, I will make Mount Se‘ir utterly desolate, cutting off from it anyone passing through or returning.

8 I will fill his mountains with his slain; in your hills and valleys and in all your ravines will fall those slain by the sword.

9 I will turn you into perpetual ruins; your cities will not return; and you will know that I amAdonai.

10 “‘Because you say, “These two nations, these two countries, will be mine; we will take possession of them,” even thoughAdonaiis there;

11 therefore, as I live,’ swearsAdonaiElohim, ‘I will deal with you as your anger and envy arising from your hatred deserve; and I will make myself known among them when I judge you.

12 You will know that I,Adonai, have heard all your blasphemous talk against the mountains of Isra’el, such as, “They are desolated, they are given to us to devour.”

13 Moreover, you have boasted against me with your mouths, speaking more and more against me — I have heard it.’

14 Here is whatAdonaiElohimsays: ‘To the joy of all the land, I will desolate you.

15 Since you rejoiced over possessing the house of Isra’el, because it was desolate, that is what I will do to you — you will be desolate, Mount Se‘ir and all Edom, all of it. Then they will know that I amAdonai.’

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