Tz’fanyah (Zep) 3

1 Woe to her who is filthy, defiled;

woe to the tyrant city!

2 She wouldn’t listen to the voice,

wouldn’t receive correction;

she didn’t trust inAdonai,

didn’t draw close to her God.

3 Her leaders there with her are roaring lions,

her judges desert wolves,

who don’t leave even a bone for tomorrow.

4 Her prophets are reckless, treacherous men;

hercohanimprofane the holy

and do violence toTorah.

5 Adonai, who is righteous, is there among them;

he never does anything wrong.

Every morning he renders his judgment,

every morning, without fail;

yet the wrongdoer knows no shame.

6 “I have cut off nations,

their battlements are ruined;

I have made their streets ruins,

no one walks in them.

Their cities are destroyed,

abandoned, unpeopled.

7 I said, ‘Surely now you will fear me,

you will receive correction’;

so that her place will not be cut off

by all the punishments I brought on her.

But no, they only grew all the more eager

to be corrupt in all that they do.

8 Therefore, wait for me,” saysAdonai,

“for the day when I rise to witness against you,

when I decide to assemble nations,

to gather kingdoms together,

to pour on them my indignation,

all my furious anger;

for all the earth will be consumed

in the fire of my passion.

9 For then I will change the peoples,

so that they will have pure lips,

to call on the name ofAdonai, all of them,

and serve him with one accord.

10 Even from beyond Ethiopia’s rivers

they will bring those who petition me,

the daughter of my dispersed as my offering.

11 When that day comes, you will not be ashamed

of everything you have done,

committing wrongs against me;

for then I will remove from among you

those of you who take joy in arrogance;

you will no longer be full of pride

on my holy mountain.

12 I will leave among you

a poor and afflicted people,

who will find their refuge

in the name ofAdonai.”

13 The remnant of Isra’el will not do wrong,

nor will they speak lies,

nor will there be found in their mouths

a tongue given over to deceit;

for they will be able to graze and lie down,

with no one to disturb them.

14 Sing, daughter of Tziyon!

Shout, Isra’el!

Be glad and rejoice with all your heart,

daughter of Yerushalayim!

15 Adonaihas removed the judgments against you,

he has expelled your enemy;

the king of Isra’el,Adonai,

is right there with you.

You no longer need to fear

that anything bad will happen.

16 On that day, it will be said

to Yerushalayim,

“Do not fear, Tziyon!

don’t let your hands droop down.

17 Adonaiyour God is right there with you,

as a mighty savior.

He will rejoice over you and be glad,

he will be silent in his love,

he will shout over you with joy.”

18 “I will gather those of yours

who grieve over the appointed feasts

and bear the burden of reproach

[because they cannot keep them].

19 When that time comes, I will deal

with all those who oppress you.

I will save her who is lame,

gather her who was driven away,

and make them whose shame spread over the earth

the object of praise and renown.

20 When that time comes, I will bring you in;

when that time comes, I will gather you

and make you the object of fame and praise

among all the peoples of the earth —

when I restore your fortunes

before your very eyes,” saysAdonai.

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