Tehillim (Psa) 89

1 Amaskilof Eitan the Ezrachi:

2 I will sing aboutAdonai’s acts of grace forever,

with my mouth proclaim your faithfulness to all generations;

3 because I said, “Grace is built to last forever;

in the heavens themselves you established your faithfulness.”

4 You said, “I made a covenant with the one I chose,

I swore to my servant David,

5 ‘I will establish your dynasty forever,

build up your throne through all generations.’”(Selah)

6 Let the heavens praise your wonders,Adonai,

your faithfulness in the assembly of the angels.

7 For who in the skies can be compared withAdonai?

Which of these gods can rivalAdonai,

8 a God dreaded in the great assembly of the holy ones

and feared by all around him?

9 AdonaiElohei-Tzva’ot!

Who is as mighty as you,Yah?

Your faithfulness surrounds you.

10 You control the raging of the sea;

when its waves rear up, you calm them.

11 You crushed Rahav like a carcass;

with your strong arm you scattered your foes.

12 The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours;

you founded the world and everything in it.

13 You created north and south;

Tavor and Hermon take joy in your name.

14 Your arm is mighty, your hand is strong,

your right hand is lifted high.

15 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne;

grace and truth attend you.

16 How happy are the people who know the joyful shout!

They walk in the light of your presence,Adonai.

17 They rejoice in your name all day

and are lifted up by your righteousness,

18 for you yourself are the strength in which they glory.

Our power grows by pleasing you,

19 for our shield comes fromAdonai—

our king is from the Holy One of Isra’el.

20 There was a time when you spoke in a vision;

you declared to your loyal [prophets],

“I have given help to a warrior,

I have raised up someone chosen from the people.

21 I have found David my servant

and anointed him with my holy oil.

22 My hand will always be with him,

and my arm will give him strength.

23 No enemy will outwit him,

no wicked man overcome him.

24 I will crush his foes before him

and strike down those who hate him.

25 My faithfulness and grace will be with him;

through my name his power will grow.

26 I will put his hand on the sea

and his right hand on the rivers.

27 He will call to me, ‘You are my father,

my God, the Rock of my salvation.’

28 I will give him the position of firstborn,

the highest of the kings of the earth.

29 I will keep my grace for him forever,

and in my covenant be faithful with him.

30 I will establish his dynasty forever,

and his throne as long as the heavens last.

31 “If his descendants abandon myTorah

and fail to live by my rulings,

32 if they profane my regulations

and don’t obey mymitzvot,

33 I will punish their disobedience with the rod

and their guilt with lashes.

34 But I won’t withdraw my grace from him

or be false to my faithfulness.

35 I will not profane my covenant

or change what my lips have spoken.

36 I have sworn by my holiness once and for all;

I will not lie to David —

37 his dynasty will last forever,

his throne like the sun before me.

38 It will be established forever, like the moon,

which remains a faithful witness in the sky.”(Selah)

39 But you spurned your anointed one,

rejected and vented your rage on him.

40 You renounced the covenant with your servant

and defiled his crown in the dust.

41 You broke through all his defenses

and left his strongholds in ruins.

42 All who pass by plunder him;

he is an object of scorn to his neighbors.

43 You raised up the right hand of his foes

and made all his enemies rejoice.

44 You drive back his drawn sword

and fail to support him in battle.

45 You brought an end to his splendor

and hurled his throne to the ground.

46 You cut short the days of his youth

and covered him with shame.(Selah)

47 How long,Adonai? Will you hide yourself forever?

How long will your fury burn like fire?

48 Remember how little time I have!

Was it for no purpose that you created all humanity?

49 Who can live and not see death?

Who can save himself from the power of the grave?(Selah)

50 Where,Adonai, are the acts of grace you once did,

those which, in your faithfulness, you swore to David?

51 Remember,Adonai, the taunts hurled at your servants,

which I carry in my heart [from] so many peoples!

52 Your enemies,Adonai, have flung their taunts,

flung them in the footsteps of your anointed one.

53 Blessed beAdonaiforever.

Amen. Amen.

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