Tehillim (Psa) 76

1 For the leader. With string music. A psalm of Asaf. A song:

2 In Y’hudah God is known;

his name is great in Isra’el.

3 His tent is in Shalem,

his place is in Tziyon.

4 There he broke the flashing arrows,

the shield, the sword, and the weapons of war.(Selah)

5 You are glorious, majestic,

more so than mountains of prey.

6 The bravest have been stripped of their spoil

and now are sleeping their final sleep;

not one of these courageous men

finds strength to raise his hands.

7 At your rebuke, God of Ya‘akov,

riders and horses lie stunned.

8 You are fearsome! When once you are angry,

who can stand in your presence?

9 You pronounce sentence from heaven;

the earth grows silent with fear

10 when God arises to judge,

to save all the humble of the earth.(Selah)

11 Human wrath serves only to praise you;

what remains of this wrath you wear as an ornament.

12 Make vows toAdonaiyour God, and keep them;

all who are around him must bring presents to the one who should be feared.

13 He curbs the spirit of princes;

he is fearsome to the kings of the earth.

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