Tehillim (Psa) 52

1 For the leader. Amaskilof David,

2 when Do’eg from Edom came and told Sha’ul, “David has arrived at the house of Achimelekh”:

3 Why do you boast of your evil, you tyrant,

when God’s mercy is present every day?

4 Your tongue, as sharp as a razor,

plots destruction and works deception.

5 You love evil more than good,

lies rather than speaking uprightly.(Selah)

6 You love all words that eat people up,

you deceitful tongue!

7 This is why God will strike you down,

seize you, pluck you from your tent

and uproot you from the land of the living.(Selah)

8 The righteous will see and be awestruck;

they will jeer at him, saying,

9 “This fellow would not make God his refuge,

but trusted in his own great wealth,

relying on his evil plots.”

10 But I am like a leafy olive tree

in the house of God;

I put my trust in the grace of God

forever and ever.

11 I will praise you forever for what you have done,

and I will put my hope in your name;

for this is what is good

in the presence of your faithful.

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