Tehillim (Psa) 5

1 For the leader. On wind instruments. A psalm of David:

2 Give ear to my words,Adonai,

consider my inmost thoughts.

3 Listen to my cry for help,

my king and my God, for I pray to you.

4 Adonai, in the morning you will hear my voice;

in the morning I lay my needs before you

and wait expectantly.

5 For you are not a God

who takes pleasure in wickedness;

evil cannot remain with you.

6 Those who brag cannot stand before your eyes,

you hate all who do evil,

7 you destroy those who tell lies,

Adonaidetests men of blood and deceivers.

8 But I can enter your house

because of your great grace and love;

I will bow down toward your holy temple

in reverence for you.

9 Lead me,Adonai, in your righteousness

because of those lying in wait for me;

make your way straight before me.

10 For in their mouths there is nothing sincere,

within them are calamities,

their throats are open tombs,

they flatter with their tongues.

11 God, declare them guilty!

Let them fall through their own intrigues,

For their many crimes, throw them down;

since they have rebelled against you.

12 But let all who take refuge in you rejoice,

let them forever shout for joy!

Shelter them; and they will be glad,

those who love your name.

13 For you,Adonai, bless the righteous;

you surround them with favor like a shield.

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