Tehillim (Psa) 140

1 For the leader. A psalm of David:

2 Rescue me,Adonai, from evil people,

protect me from violent people.

3 They plan evil things in their hearts —

they continually stir up bitter strife.

4 They have made their tongues as sharp as a snake’s;

viper’s venom is under their lips.(Selah)

5 Keep me,Adonai, from the hands of the wicked,

protect me from violent people

who are trying to trip me up.

6 The arrogant hide snares for me;

they spread nets by the side of the road,

hoping to trap me there.(Selah)

7 I said toAdonai, “You are my God;

listen,Adonai, to my plea for mercy.”

8 Adonai,Adonai, my saving strength,

my helmet shielding my head in battle,

9 Adonai, don’t grant the wicked their wishes;

make their plot fail, so they won’t grow proud.(Selah)

10 May the heads of those who surround me

be engulfed in the evil they spoke of, themselves.

11 May burning coals rain down on them,

may they be flung into the fire,

flung into deep pits,

never to rise again.

12 Let slanderers find no place in the land;

let the violent and evil be hunted relentlessly.

13 I know thatAdonaigives justice to the poor

and maintains the rights of the needy.

14 The righteous will surely give thanks to your name;

the upright will live in your presence.

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