Tehillim (Psa) 14

1 For the leader. By David:

Fools say in their hearts,

“There is no God.”

They deal corruptly, their deeds are vile,

not one does what is right.

2 From heavenAdonaiobserves humankind

to see if anyone has understanding,

if anyone seeks God.

3 But all turn aside, all alike are corrupt;

no one does what is right,

not a single one.

4 Don’t they ever learn,

all those evildoers,

who eat up my people as if eating bread

and never call onAdonai?

5 There they are, utterly terrified;

for God is with those who are righteous.

6 You may mock the plans of the poor,

but their refuge isAdonai.

7 How I wish Isra’el’s salvation

would come out of Tziyon!

WhenAdonairestores his people’s fortunes,

Ya‘akov will rejoice, Isra’el will be glad!

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