Tehillim (Psa) 112

1 Halleluyah!

How happy is anyone who fearsAdonai,

who greatly delights in hismitzvot.

2 His descendants will be powerful on earth,

a blessed generation of upright people.

3 Wealth and riches are in his house,

and his righteousness stands forever.

4 To the upright he shines like a light in the dark,

merciful, compassionate and righteous.

5 Things go well with the person who is merciful and lends,

who conducts his affairs with fairness;

6 for he will never be moved.

The righteous will be remembered forever.

7 He will not be frightened by bad news;

he remains steady, trusting inAdonai.

8 His heart is set firm, he will not be afraid,

till finally he looks in triumph at his enemies.

9 He distributes freely, he gives to the poor;

his righteousness stands forever.

His power will be increased honorably.

10 The wicked will be angry when they see this;

they will gnash their teeth and waste away,

the desires of the wicked will come to nothing.

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