Sh’mot (Exo) 25

Parashah 19: T’rumah (Contribution) 25:1–27:19

1 Adonaisaid to Moshe,

2 “Tell the people of Isra’el to take up a collection for me — accept a contribution from anyone who wholeheartedly wants to give.

3 The contribution you are to take from them is to consist of gold, silver and bronze;

4 blue, purple and scarlet yarn; fine linen, goat’s hair,

5 tanned ram skins and fine leather; acacia-wood;

6 oil for the light, spices for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense;

7 onyx stones and other stones to be set, for the ritual vest and breastplate.

8 “They are to make me a sanctuary, so that I may live among them.

9 You are to make it according to everything I show you — the design of the tabernacle and the design of its furnishings. This is how you are to make it.

10 “They are to make an ark of acacia-wood three-and-three-quarters feet long, two-and-a-quarter feet wide and two-and-a-quarter feet high.

11 You are to overlay it with pure gold — overlay it both inside and outside — and put a molding of gold around the top of it.

12 Cast four gold rings for it, and attach them to its four feet, two rings on each side.

13 Make poles of acacia-wood, and overlay them with gold.

14 Put the poles into the rings on the sides of the ark; you will use them to carry the ark.

15 The poles are to remain in the rings of the ark; they are not to be removed from it.

16 Into the ark you are to put the testimony which I am about to give you.


17 “You are to make a cover for the ark out of pure gold; it is to be three-and-three-quarters feet long and two-and-a-quarter feet high.

18 You are to make twok’ruvimof gold. Make them of hammered work for the two ends of the ark-cover.

19 Make onekeruvfor one end and onekeruvfor the other end; make thek’ruvimof one piece with the ark-cover at its two ends.

20 Thek’ruvimwill have their wings spread out above, so that their wings cover the ark, and their faces are toward each other and toward the ark-cover.

21 You are to put the ark-cover on top of the ark.

“Inside the ark you will put the testimony that I am about to give you.

22 There I will meet with you. I will speak with you from above the ark-cover, from between the twok’ruvimwhich are on the ark for the testimony, about all the orders I am giving you for the people of Isra’el.

23 “You are to make a table of acacia-wood three feet long, eighteen inches wide and eighteen inches high.

24 Overlay it with pure gold, and put a molding of gold around the top of it.

25 Make around it a rim a handbreadth wide, and put a molding of gold around the rim.

26 Make four gold rings for it, and attach the rings to the four corners, near its four legs.

27 The rings to hold the poles used to carry the table are to be placed close to the rim.

28 Make the poles of acacia-wood, overlay them with gold, and use them to carry the table.

29 “Make its dishes, pans, bowls and pitchers of pure gold.

30 On the table you are to place the bread of the presence in my presence always.

(S: iii)

31 “You are to make amenorahof pure gold. It is to be made of hammered work; its base, shaft, cups, ring of outer leaves and petals are to be of one piece with it.

32 It is to have six branches extending from its sides, three branches of themenorahon one side of it and three on the other.

33 On one branch are to be three cups shaped like almond blossoms, each with a ring of outer leaves and petals; likewise on the opposite branch three cups shaped like almond blossoms, each with a ring of outer leaves and petals; and similarly for all six branches extending from themenorah.

34 On the central shaft of themenorahare to be four cups shaped like almond blossoms, each with its ring of outer leaves and petals.

35 Where each pair of branches joins the central shaft is to be a ring of outer leaves of one piece with the pair of branches — thus for all six branches.

36 The rings of outer leaves and their branches are to be of one piece with the shaft. Thus the wholemenorahis to be a single piece of hammered work made of pure gold.

37 “Make seven lamps for themenorah, and mount them so as to give light to the space in front of it.

38 Its tongs and trays are to be of pure gold.

39 Themenorahand its utensils are to be made of sixty-six pounds of pure gold.

40 See that you make them according to the design being shown you on the mountain.

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