Shir-HaShirim (Sng) 1

1 The Ultimate Song, by Shlomo:

2 Let him smother me with kisses from his mouth,

for your love is better than wine.

3 Your anointing oils have a wonderful fragrance;

your name is like anointing oil poured out.

This is why young women love you —

4 “Take me with you. We will run after you.”

The king has brought me into his rooms.

We will be glad and rejoice for you.

We will praise your love more than wine.

How right it is for them to love you!

5 I am dark tan but beautiful,

you daughters of Yerushalayim,

like the tents of Kedar,

like the curtains of Shlomo.

6 Don’t stare at me because I’m dark;

it’s the sun that tanned me.

My mother’s sons were angry with me

and made me look after the vineyards.

But I haven’t cared for my own vineyard.

7 Tell me, my love, where you pasture your flock,

where you have them rest at noon;

for why should I veil myself [like a whore]

beside the flocks of your friends?

8 If you do not know,

you most beautiful of women,

then follow the footprints of the flock

and let your kids graze by the shepherds’ tents.

9 My love, I compare you with my mare,

pulling one of Pharaoh’s chariots —

10 your cheeks are lovely with ornaments,

your neck with its strings of beads;

11 we will make you ornaments

of gold, studded with silver.

12 As the king reclines at table,

my nard gives forth its perfume:

13 to me the man I love is a sachet of myrrh

lodged between my breasts;

14 to me the man I love is a spray of henna flowers

in the vineyards of ‘Ein-Gedi.

15 Look at you, my love! How beautiful you are!

Your eyes are doves —

16 — Look at you!

So handsome, so pleasing, my darling!

Our bed is the greenery;

17 cedars are the beams of our houses,

cypresses the rafters.

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