Iyov (Job) 41

1 “Look, any hope [of capturing him] is futile —

one would fall prostrate at the very sight of him.

2 No one is fierce enough to rouse him,

so who can stand up to me?

3 Who has given me anything

and made me pay it back?

Everything belongs to me

under all of heaven.

4 “I have more to say about his limbs,

his strong talk, and his matchless strength.

5 Who can strip off his [scaly] garment?

Who can enter his jaws?

6 Who can pry open the doors of his face,

so close to his terrible teeth?

7 “His pride is his rows of scales,

tightly sealed together —

8 one is so close to the next

that no air can come between them;

9 they are stuck one to another,

interlocked and impervious.

10 “When he sneezes, light flashes out;

his eyes are like the shimmer of dawn.

11 From his mouth go fiery torches,

and sparks come flying out.

12 His nostrils belch steam

like a caldron boiling on the fire.

13 His breath sets coals ablaze;

flames pour from his mouth.

14 “Strength resides in his neck,

and dismay dances ahead of him [as he goes].

15 The layers of his flesh stick together;

they are firm on him, immovable.

16 His heart is as hard as a stone,

yes, hard as a lower millstone.

17 When he rears himself up, the gods are afraid,

beside themselves in despair.

18 “If a sword touches him, it won’t stick;

neither will a spear, or a dart, or a lance.

19 He regards iron as straw

and bronze as rotten wood.

20 An arrow can’t make him flee;

for him, slingstones are so much chaff.

21 Clubs count as hay,

and he laughs at a quivering javelin.

22 His belly is as sharp as fragments of pottery,

so he moves across the mud like a threshing-sledge.

23 “He makes the depths seethe like a pot,

he makes the sea [boil] like a perfume kettle.

24 He leaves a shining wake behind him,

making the deep seem to have white hair.

25 “On earth there is nothing like him,

a creature without fear.

26 He looks straight at all high things.

He is king over all proud beasts.”

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