Eikhah (Lam) 5

1 Remember,Adonai, what has happened to us;

look, and see our disgrace.

2 The land we possessed has been passed on to strangers,

our homes to foreigners.

3 We have become fatherless orphans,

our mothers now are widows.

4 We have to pay to drink our own water;

we have to buy our own wood.

5 The yoke is on our necks; we are persecuted;

we toil to exhaustion but are given no rest.

6 We made pacts with Egypt and Ashur

to get enough food.

7 Our ancestors sinned and no longer exist;

we bear the weight of their guilt.

8 We are ruled by slaves,

and there is no one to save us from their power.

9 We get our food at the peril of our lives

because of the sword in the desert.

10 Our skins are as black as a furnace

because of the searing blasts of famine.

11 They have raped the women of Tziyon,

virgins in the cities of Y’hudah.

12 Princes are hung up by their hands,

leaders receive no respect.

13 Young men are compelled to grind at the mill,

boys stagger under loads of wood.

14 The old men have deserted the city gate,

the young men have given up their music.

15 Joy has vanished from our hearts,

our dancing has turned into mourning.

16 The crown has fallen from our heads.

Woe to us! for we have sinned.

17 This is why our hearts are sick;

this is why our eyes grow dim —

18 it’s because of Mount Tziyon, so wasted

that jackals have overrun it.

19 You,Adonai, reign forever;

your throne endures through all generations.

20 Why do you never remember us?

Why abandon us for so long a time?

21 Adonai, turn us back to you; and we will come back;

renew our days, as they were in the past —

22 unless you have totally rejected us

in a fury that knows no limits.

[Adonai, turn us back to you; and we will come back;

renew our days, as they were in the past.]

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