Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 16

1 They brought the ark of God in and put it in the tent that David had set up for it; and they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before God.

2 When David had finished offering the burnt offering and peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name ofAdonai.

3 Then he distributed to everyone in Isra’el, to everyone there, both men and women, a loaf of bread, a portion of meat and a raisin cake.

4 He appointed certainL’vi’imto serve in front of the ark ofAdonai, to celebrate, and to thank and praiseAdonaithe God of Isra’el:

5 Asaf, the leader; assisting him, Z’kharyah; then Ye‘i’el, Sh’miramot, Yechi’el, Mattityahu, Eli’av, B’nayahu, ‘Oved-Edom and Ye‘i’el playing lutes and lyres, while Asaf played cymbals.

6 B’nayah and Yachzi’el thecohanimblew the trumpets continually before the ark for the covenant of God.

7 It was on that same day that David first ordered that thanks be given toAdonaithrough Asaf and his kinsmen:

8 Give thanks toAdonai! Call on his name!

Make his deeds known among the peoples.

9 Sing to him, sing praises to him!

Talk about all his wonders.

10 Glory in his holy name;

let those seekingAdonaihave joyful hearts.

11 SeekAdonaiand his strength;

always seek his presence.

12 Remember the wonders he has done,

his signs and his spoken judgments.

13 You descendants of Isra’el his servant,

you offspring of Ya‘akov, his chosen ones:

14 he isAdonaiour God,

His judgments are everywhere on earth.

15 Remember his covenant forever,

the word he commanded to a thousand generations,

16 the covenant he made with Avraham;

the oath he swore to Yitz’chak

17 and established as a law for Ya‘akov,

for Isra’el as an everlasting covenant:

18 “To you I will give the land of Kena‘an

as your allotted heritage.”

19 When you were but few in number,

and not only few, but aliens there too,

20 wandering from nation to nation,

from this kingdom to that people,

21 he allowed no one to oppress them.

Yes, for their sakes he rebuked even kings:

22 “Don’t touch my anointed ones

or do my prophets harm!”

23 Sing toAdonai, all the earth!

Proclaim his victory day after day!

24 Declare his glory among the nations,

his wonders among all peoples!

25 ForAdonaiis great, and greatly to be praised;

he is to be feared more than all gods.

26 For all the gods of the peoples are nothing,

butAdonaimade the heavens.

27 In his presence are honor and majesty;

in his place, strength and joy.

28 GiveAdonaihis due, you families from the peoples,

giveAdonaihis due of glory and strength;

29 giveAdonaithe glory due to his name;

bring an offering, and come into his presence.

WorshipAdonaiin splendid, holy attire.

30 Tremble before him, all the earth!

The world is firmly established, immovable.

31 Let the heavens rejoice; let the earth be glad;

let them say among the nations, “Adonaiis king!”

32 Let the sea roar, and everything in it;

let the fields exult, and all that is in them.

33 Then the trees in the forest will sing beforeAdonai,

because he has come to judge the earth.

34 Give thanks toAdonai; for he is good,

for his grace continues forever.

35 Say: “Save us, God who can save us!

Gather and rescue us from the nations;

so that we can thank your holy name

and glory in praising you.

36 Blessed beAdonai, the God of Isra’el,

from eternity past to eternity future!”

All the people said, “Amen!” and praisedAdonai.

37 So, there before the ark for the covenant ofAdonai, David left Asaf and his kinsmen to perform the service regularly before the ark, as each day’s work required;

38 also ‘Oved-Edom with their kinsmen, sixty-eight of them — ‘Oved-Edom the son of Y’dutun and Hosah were gatekeepers.

39 He left Tzadok thecohenwith his kinsmen before the tabernacle ofAdonaiat the high place in Giv‘on

40 to offer burnt offerings toAdonaievery morning and evening on the altar for burnt offerings, according to everything written in theTorahofAdonai, which he gave to Isra’el.

41 With them were Heman and Y’dutun and the rest who were chosen and assigned by name to give thanks toAdonai, because his grace continues forever.

42 With them were Heman and Y’dutun to play trumpets and cymbals, also instruments for the songs about God; while the sons of Y’dutun were assigned to the gate.

43 Then the people all left for their homes, and David returned to bless his household.

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