B’resheet (Gen) 5

1 (vi)Here is the genealogy of Adam. On the day that God created man he made him in the likeness of God;

2 he created them male and female; he blessed them and called them Adam [humankind, man] on the day they were created.

3 After Adam lived 130 years he fathered a son like himself and named him Shet.

4 After Shet was born, Adam lived another 800 years and had both sons and daughters.

5 In all, Adam lived 930 years, and then he died.

6 Shet lived 105 years and fathered Enosh.

7 After Enosh was born, Shet lived another 807 years and had sons and daughters.

8 In all, Shet lived 912 years; then he died.

9 Enosh lived ninety years and fathered Kenan.

10 After Kenan was born, Enosh lived another 815 years and had sons and daughters.

11 In all, Enosh lived 905 years; then he died.

12 Kenan lived seventy years and fathered Mahalal’el.

13 After Mahalal’el was born, Kenan lived another 840 years and had sons and daughters.

14 In all, Kenan lived 910 years; then he died.

15 Mahalal’el lived sixty-five years and fathered Yered.

16 After Yered was born, Mahalal’el lived another 830 years and had sons and daughters.

17 In all, Mahalal’el lived 895 years; then he died.

18 Yered lived 162 years and fathered Hanokh.

19 After Hanokh was born, Yered lived 800 years and had sons and daughters.

20 In all, Yered lived 962 years; then he died.

21 Hanokh lived sixty-five years and fathered Metushelach.

22 After Metushelach was born, Hanokh walked with God 300 years and had sons and daughters.

23 In all, Hanokh lived 365 years.

24 Hanokh walked with God, and then he wasn’t there, because God took him.


25 Metushelach lived 187 years and fathered Lemekh.

26 After Lemekh was born, Metushelach lived 782 years and had sons and daughters.

27 In all, Metushelach lived 969 years; then he died.

28 Lemekh lived 182 years and fathered a son,

29 whom he called Noach [restful]; for he said, “This one will comfort us in our labor, in the hard work we do with our hands [to get what comes] from the ground thatAdonaicursed.”

30 After Noach was born, Lemekh lived 595 years and had sons and daughters.

31 In all, Lemekh lived 777 years; then he died.

32 Noach was 500 years old; and Noach fathered Shem, Ham and Yefet.

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