B’midbar (Num) 31

1 (LY: ii)Adonaisaid to Moshe,

2 “On behalf of the people of Isra’el, take vengeance on the Midyanim. After that, you will be gathered to your people.”

3 Moshe said to the people, “Equip men from among yourselves for war. They are to go and fight Midyan, in order to carry outAdonai’s vengeance on Midyan.

4 You are to send to the war a thousand men from every one of Isra’el’s tribes.”

5 So out of the thousands of people in Isra’el, a thousand armed men from each tribe, 12,000 altogether, were mustered for war.

6 Moshe sent them, a thousand from each tribe, to the war; he sent them and Pinchas the son of El‘azar thecohento the war, with the holy utensils and the trumpets for sounding the alarm in his care.

7 They fought against Midyan, asAdonaihad ordered Moshe, and killed every male.

8 They killed the kings of Midyan along with the others who were slain — Evi, Rekem, Tzur, Hur and Reva, the five kings of Midyan. They also killed Bil‘am the son of B‘or with the sword.

9 The people of Isra’el took captive the women of Midyan and their little ones, and they took as booty all their cattle, flocks and other goods.

10 They set fire to all their cities in the areas where they lived and all their camps.

11 They took all the booty, all the people and animals they had captured,

12 and brought the captives, booty and spoil to Moshe, El‘azar thecohenand the community of Isra’el in the camp on the plains of Mo’av by the Yarden across from Yericho.

(RY: ii, LY: iii)

13 Moshe, El‘azar thecohenand all the community leaders went to meet them outside the camp.

14 But Moshe was angry with the army officers, the commanders of thousands and the commanders of hundreds coming in from the battlefield.

15 Moshe asked them, “You let the women live?

16 Why, these are the ones who — because of Bil‘am’s advice — caused the people of Isra’el to rebel, breaking faith withAdonaiin the P‘or incident, so that the plague broke out amongAdonai’s community!

17 Now kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has ever slept with a man.

18 But the young girls who have never slept with a man, keep alive for yourselves.

19 Pitch your tents outside the camp for seven days. Whoever has killed a person or touched the corpse of someone slain, purify yourselves on the third and seventh days, you and your captives.

20 Also purify every garment, whether of skin or goat’s hair, and everything made of wood.”

21 El‘azar thecohensaid to the soldiers who had gone to the front, “This is the regulation from theTorahwhichAdonaihas ordered Moshe.

22 Even though gold, silver, brass, iron, tin and lead

23 can all withstand fire, so that you are indeed to purify everything made of these materials by having them pass through fire; nevertheless they must also be purified with the water for purification. Everything that can’t withstand fire you are to have go through the water.

24 On the seventh day you are to wash your clothes, and you will be clean; after that you may enter the camp.”

(LY: iv)

25 Adonaisaid to Moshe,

26 “Take all the booty, both people and animals, you, El‘azar thecohenand the leaders of clans in the community;

27 and divide the booty into two parts: half for the experienced soldiers who went out to battle, and half for the rest of the community.

28 From the portion of the soldiers who went out to battle, levy a tax forAdonaiconsisting of one-five-hundredth of the persons, cattle, donkeys and sheep;

29 take it from their half and give it to El‘azar thecohenas a portion set apart forAdonai.

30 From the half that goes to the people of Isra’el, you are to take one-fiftieth of the persons, and of the cattle, donkeys and sheep, that is, of all the livestock; and give them to theL’vi’imtaking care of the tabernacle ofAdonai.”

31 Moshe and El‘azar thecohendid asAdonaihad ordered Moshe.

32 The booty, over and above the portion which the soldiers took, came to 675,000 sheep,

33 72,000 cattle,

34 61,000 donkeys,

35 and 32,000 persons in all, consisting of the women who had never slept with a man.

36 The half which was the portion of the soldiers who went out to fight, numbered 337,500 sheep,

37 of whichAdonai’s tribute was 675;

38 36,000 cattle, of whichAdonai’s tribute was seventy-two;

39 30,500 donkeys, of whichAdonai’s tribute was sixty-one;

40 and 16,000 persons, of whomAdonai’s tribute was thirty-two persons.

41 Moshe gave the tribute set apart forAdonaito El‘azar thecohen, asAdonaihad ordered Moshe.

(LY: v)

42 From the half that went to people of Isra’el, which Moshe separated from that of the men who had gone to fight —

43 now the community’s half consisted of 337,500 sheep,

44 36,000 cattle,

45 30,500 donkeys

46 and 16,000 persons —

47 from the people of Isra’el’s half, Moshe took one-fiftieth of the persons and animals and gave them to theL’vi’imtaking care of the tabernacle ofAdonai, asAdonaihad ordered Moshe.

48 The officers in charge of the thousands who fought, the commanders of thousands and the commanders of hundreds, approached Moshe

49 and said to him, “Your servants have counted all the soldiers under our command, and not one of us is missing.

50 We have brought an offering forAdonai, what every man has obtained in the way of gold jewelry — armlets, bracelets, signet rings, earrings and belts — to make atonement for ourselves beforeAdonai.”

51 Moshe and El‘azar thecohenaccepted their gold, all the jewelry.

52 All the gold in this gift which the commanders of thousands and the commanders of hundreds set apart forAdonaiweighed 420 pounds.

53 For the soldiers had taken booty, every man for himself.

54 Moshe and El‘azar thecohentook the gold from the commanders of thousands and of hundreds and brought it into the tent of meeting as a reminder for the people of Isra’el beforeAdonai.

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