B’midbar (Num) 3

1 (iv)These are the descendants of Aharon and Moshe as of the day whenAdonaispoke with Moshe on Mount Sinai.

2 The names of the sons of Aharon are: Nadav the firstborn, Avihu, El‘azar and Itamar.

3 These were the names of the sons of Aharon thecohen, whom he anointed and ordained ascohanim.

4 But Nadav and Avihu died in the presence ofAdonaiwhen they offered unauthorized fire beforeAdonaiin the Sinai Desert, and they had no children; El‘azar and Itamar served ascohanimin the presence of Aharon their father.

5 Adonaisaid to Moshe,

6 “Summon the tribe of Levi, and assign them to Aharon thecohen, so that they can help him.

7 They are to carry out his duties and the duties of the whole community before the tent of meeting in performing the service of the tabernacle.

8 They are to be in charge of all the furnishings of the tent of meeting and to carry out all the duties of the people of Isra’el connected with the service of the tabernacle.

9 Assign theL’vi’imto Aharon and his sons; their one responsibility in regard to the people of Isra’el is to serve him.

10 You are to appoint Aharon and his sons to carry out the duties ofcohanim; anyone else who involves himself is to be put to death.”

11 Adonaisaid to Moshe,

12 “I have taken theL’vi’imfrom among the people of Isra’el in lieu of every firstborn male that is first from the womb among the people of Isra’el; theL’vi’imare to be mine.

13 All the firstborn males belong to me, because on the day that I killed all the firstborn males in the land of Egypt, I separated for myself all the firstborn males in Isra’el, both human and animal. They are mine; I amAdonai.”


14 Adonaisaid to Moshe in the Sinai Desert,

15 “Take a census of the tribe of Levi by clans and families. Count every male a month old or over.”

16 Moshe counted them in the mannerAdonaihad said, as he had been ordered.

17 The names of the sons of Levi were Gershon, K’hat and M’rari.

18 The names of the sons of Gershon were Livni and Shim‘i; they fathered their respective clans;

19 likewise the sons of K’hat — ‘Amram,Yitz’har, Hevron and ‘Uzi’el —

20 and the sons of M’rari — Machli and Mushi. These fathered the clans of theL’vi’im.

21 Gershon fathered the clans of Livni and Shim‘i; these were the Gershon clans.

22 Of them, 7,500 males a month old and over were counted.

23 The Gershon clans were to camp behind the tabernacle, toward the west.

24 The chief of the Gershon clan was Elyasaf, the son of La’el.

25 In connection with the tent of meeting, the descendants of Gershon were to be in charge of the following: the tabernacle itself, its inner and outer coverings, the screen for the entrance of the tent of meeting,

26 the curtains surrounding the courtyard, the screen for the entrance of the courtyard surrounding the tabernacle and the altar, all the fixtures and ropes for these items, and their maintenance.

27 K’hat fathered the clans of ‘Amram, Yitz’har, Hevron and ‘Uzi’el; these were the K’hat clans.

28 Of them, 8,600 males a month old and over were counted; they were in charge of the Holy Place.

29 The K’hat clans were to camp next to the tabernacle, toward the south.

30 The chief of the K’hat clan was Elitzafan the son of ‘Uzi’el.

31 They were responsible for the ark, the table, themenorah, the altars, the utensils thecohanimuse when they serve in the Holy Place, the curtain, and everything involved with the maintenance of these things.

32 El‘azar the son of Aharon thecohenwas first among the chiefs of theL’vi’imand supervised those in charge of the Holy Place.

33 M’rari fathered the clans of Machli and Mushi; these were the M’rari clans.

34 Of them, 6,200 males a month old and over were counted.

35 The chief of the M’rari clan was Tzuri’el the son of Avichayil. They were to camp next to the tabernacle, toward the north.

36 The M’rari clans were assigned responsibility for the frames of the tabernacle, along with its crossbars, posts, sockets and fittings, together with their maintenance;

37 also the posts of the surrounding courtyard, with their sockets, pegs and ropes.

38 Those who were to camp in front of the tabernacle on the east, in front of the tent of meeting toward the sunrise, were Moshe, Aharon and his sons who were in charge of the Holy Place. They carried out their responsibility on behalf of the people of Isra’el, and anyone else who involved himself was to be put to death.

39 The total number ofL’vi’imwhom Moshe and Aharon counted by their clans, all the males a month old and over, was 22,000.


40 Adonaisaid to Moshe, “Register all the firstborn males of the people of Isra’el a month old and over, and determine how many there are.

41 Then you are to take theL’vi’imfor me,Adonai, in place of all the firstborn among the people of Isra’el, and the cattle of theL’vi’imin place of the firstborn of the cattle belonging to the people of Isra’el.”

42 Moshe counted, asAdonaihad ordered him, all the firstborn among the people of Isra’el.

43 The total number of firstborn males registered, a month old and over, of those who were counted, was 22,273.

44 Adonaisaid to Moshe,

45 “Take theL’vi’imin place of all the firstborn among the people of Isra’el, and the cattle of theL’vi’imin place of their cattle; theL’vi’imare to belong to me,Adonai.

46 Since there were 273 more firstborn males from Isra’el than maleL’vi’im, in order to redeem them,

47 you are to take fiveshekels [two ounces] for each of these (use the sanctuaryshekel, which is equal to twentygerahs).

48 Give the redemption money for these extra people to Aharon and his sons.”

49 Moshe took the redemption money from those who were over and above those redeemed by theL’vi’im;

50 the amount of money he took from the firstborn of the people of Isra’el was 1,365shekels, using the sanctuaryshekel.

51 Moshe gave the redemption-money to Aharon and his sons, in keeping with whatAdonaihad said, asAdonaihad ordered Moshe.

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