B’midbar (Num) 21

1 Then the king of ‘Arad, a Kena‘ani who lived in the Negev, heard that Isra’el was approaching by way of Atarim, so he attacked Isra’el and took some of them captive.

2 Isra’el made a vow toAdonai, “If you will hand this people over to me, I will completely destroy their cities.”

3 Adonailistened to what Isra’el said and handed over the Kena‘anim, so they completely destroyed them and their cities and named the place Hormah [complete destruction].

4 Then they traveled from Mount Hor on the road toward the Sea of Suf in order to go around the land of Edom; but the people’s tempers grew short because of the detour.

5 The people spoke against God and against Moshe: “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt? To die in the desert? There’s no real food, there’s no water, and we’re sick of this miserable stuff we’re eating!”

(LY: vi)

6 In response,Adonaisent poisonous snakes among the people; they bit the people, and many of Isra’el’s people died.

7 The people came to Moshe and said, “We sinned by speaking againstAdonaiand against you. Pray toAdonaithat he rid us of these snakes.” Moshe prayed for the people,

8 andAdonaianswered Moshe: “Make a poisonous snake and put it on a pole. When anyone who has been bitten sees it, he will live.”

9 Moshe made a bronze snake and put it on the pole; if a snake had bitten someone, then, when he looked toward the bronze snake, he stayed alive.

10 The people of Isra’el traveled on and camped at Ovot.

11 From Ovot they traveled and camped at ‘Iyei-Ha‘avarim, in the desert fronting Mo’av on the east.

12 From there they traveled and camped inVadiZered.

13 From there they traveled and camped on the other side of the Arnon, in the desert; this river comes out of the territory of the Emori; for the Arnon is the boundary between Mo’av and the Emori.

14 This is why it says, in the Book of the Wars ofAdonai, “. . . Vahev at Sufah, thevadis of Arnon,

15 and the slope of thevadis extending as far as the site of ‘Ar, which lie next to the territory of Mo’av.”

16 From there they went on to Be’er [well]; that is the well about whichAdonaisaid to Moshe, “Assemble the people, and I will give them water.”

17 Then Isra’el sang this song:

“Spring up, oh well!

Sing to the well

18 sunk by the princes,

dug by the people’s leaders

with the scepter,

with their staffs!”

From the desert they went to Mattanah,

19 from Mattanah to Nachali’el, from Nachali’el to Bamot,

20 and from Bamot to the valley by the plain of Mo’av at the start of the Pisgah range, where it overlooks the desert.

(RY: iv, LY: vii)

21 Isra’el sent messengers to Sichon, king of the Emori, with this message:

22 “Let me pass through your land. We won’t turn aside into fields or vineyards, and we won’t drink any water from the wells. We will go along the King’s Highway until we have left your territory.”

23 But Sichon would not allow Isra’el to pass through his territory. Instead, Sichon mustered all his people and went out into the desert to fight Isra’el. On reaching Yachatz, he fought Isra’el.

24 Isra’el defeated him by force of arms and took control of his land from the Arnon to the Yabok River, but only as far as the people of ‘Amon, because the territory of the people of ‘Amon was well defended.

25 Isra’el took all these cities — Isra’el lived in all the cities of the Emori, in Heshbon and all its surrounding towns.

26 Heshbon was the city of Sichon, the king of the Emori, who had fought against the former king of Mo’av and conquered all his land up to the Arnon.

27 This is why the storytellers say,

“Come to Heshbon! Let it be rebuilt!

Let Sichon’s city be restored!

28 “For fire burst out of Heshbon,

a flame from the city of Sichon.

It consumed ‘Ar of Mo’av,

the lords of Arnon’s high places.

29 “Woe to you, Mo’av!

You are destroyed, people of K’mosh!

He let his sons be fugitives and his daughters captives

of Sichon, king of the Emori.

30 “We shot them down; Heshbon is destroyed,

all the way to Divon.

We even laid waste to Nofach,

which extends as far as Meidva.”

31 Thus Isra’el lived in the land of the Emori.

32 Moshe sent men to reconnoiter Ya‘zer; they captured its towns and drove out the Emori who were there.

33 Then they turned and went up along the road to Bashan; and ‘Og, the king of Bashan, marched out against them, he with all his people, to fight at Edre‘i.(LY: Maftir)

34 Adonaisaid to Moshe, “Don’t be afraid of him, for I have handed him over to you with all his people and his land. You will treat him just as you did Sichon, king of the Emori, who lived at Heshbon.”

35 So they struck him down, with his sons and all his people, until there was no one left alive; and then they took control of his land.

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