M’lakhim Alef (1 Ki) 21

1 A while later, an incident occurred involving Navot the Yizre‘eli. He owned a vineyard in Yizre‘el, right next to the palace of Ach’av king of Shomron.

2 Ach’av spoke to Navot and said, “Give me your vineyard, so that I can have it as my vegetable garden, because it’s close to my palace. In exchange I will give you a better vineyard; or, if you prefer, I will give you its monetary value.”

3 But Navot said to Ach’av, “Adonaiforbid that I should give you my ancestral heritage!”

4 Ach’av went home resentful and depressed at what Navot the Yizre‘eli had said to him, since he had said, “I won’t give you my ancestral heritage.” He lay down on his bed, turned his face away and refused to eat.

5 Izevel his wife went and said to him, “Why are you so depressed that you refuse to eat?”

6 He answered her, “Because I spoke to Navot the Yizre‘eli and said to him, “Sell me your vineyard for money; or else, if you prefer, I will give you another vineyard for it”; but he answered, “I won’t give you my vineyard.”

7 “Are you the king of Isra’el or not?” asked his wife Izevel. “Get up, eat some food, and cheer up! I will give you the vineyard of Navot the Yizre‘eli.”

8 So she wrote letters in Ach’av’s name, sealed them with his seal and sent the letters to the leaders and notables of the city where Navot lived.

9 In the letters she wrote, “Proclaim a fast, and give Navot the seat of honor among the people.

10 Have two good-for-nothing men sit opposite him, and have them accuse him publicly of cursing God and the king. Then take him outside and stone him to death.”

11 The leaders and notables of the city he lived in did as Izevel had written in the letters she sent to them.

12 They proclaimed a fast and gave Navot the seat of honor among the people.

13 The two good-for-nothing men came in and sat opposite him, and these scoundrels publicly accused Navot, saying, “Navot cursed God and the king.” So they took him outside the city and stoned him to death,

14 then sent a message to Izevel, “Navot has been stoned to death.”

15 When Izevel heard that Navot had been stoned to death, she said to Ach’av, “Get up, and take possession of the vineyard that Navot the Yizre‘eli refused to sell you, because Navot is no longer alive; he is dead.”

16 When Ach’av heard that Navot was dead, he set out to go down to the vineyard of Navot the Yizre‘eli, to take possession of it.

17 But the word ofAdonaicame to Eliyahu from Tishbe:

18 “Get up, go down to meet Ach’av king of Isra’el, who lives in Shomron. Right now he is in the vineyard of Navot; he has gone down there to take possession of it.

19 This is what you are to say to him: ‘Here is whatAdonaisays: “You have committed murder, and now you are stealing the victim’s property!” ’ Also say to him, ‘Here is whatAdonaisays: “In the very place where dogs licked up the blood of Navot, dogs will lick up your blood — yours!” ’”

20 Ach’av said to Eliyahu, “My enemy! You’ve found me!” He answered, “Yes, I have found you; because you have given yourself over to do what is evil fromAdonai’s perspective.

21 ‘Here,’ [saysAdonai,] ‘I am bringing disaster on you! I will sweep you away completely; I will cut off from Ach’av every male, whether a slave or free in Isra’el.

22 I will make your house like the house of Yarov‘am the son of N’vat and like the house of Ba‘sha the son of Achiyah for provoking my anger and leading Isra’el into sin.’

23 Adonaialso said this about Izevel: ‘The dogs will eat Izevel by the wall around Yizre‘el.

24 If someone from the line of Ach’av dies in the city, the dogs will eat him; if he dies in the countryside, the vultures will eat him.’”

25 Truly, there was never anyone like Ach’av. Stirred up by his wife Izevel, he gave himself over to do what is evil fromAdonai’s perspective.

26 His behavior in following idols was grossly abominable; he did everything the Emori had done, whomAdonaiexpelled ahead of the people of Isra’el.

27 Ach’av, on hearing these words, tore his clothes, put sackcloth on himself and fasted. He slept in the sackcloth and went about dejectedly.

28 Then the word ofAdonaicame to Eliyahu from Tishbe:

29 “Do you see how Ach’av has humbled himself before me? Since he has humbled himself before me, I will not bring this evil during his lifetime; but during his son’s lifetime I will bring the evil on his house.”

M’lakhim Alef (1 Ki) 22

1 For three years there was no war between Aram and Isra’el.

2 Then, in the third year, Y’hoshafat the king of Y’hudah came down to the king of Isra’el.

3 The king of Isra’el said to his servants, “Are you aware that Ramot-Gil‘ad belongs to us; yet, we’re doing nothing to recover it from the king of Aram?”

4 He said to Y’hoshafat, “Will you go with me to attack Ramot-Gil‘ad?” Y’hoshafat answered the king of Isra’el, “I’m with you all the way; think of my troops and horses as yours.”

5 But Y’hoshafat said to the king of Isra’el, “First, we should seek the word ofAdonai.”

6 So the king of Isra’el assembled the prophets, about 400 men. “Should I attack Ramot-Gil‘ad?” he asked them, “Or should I hold off?” They said, “Attack!Adonaiwill hand it over to the king.”

7 But Y’hoshafat said, “Besides these, isn’t there a prophet ofAdonaihere that we can consult?”

8 The king of Isra’el said to Y’hoshafat, “Yes, there is still one man through whom we can consultAdonai, Mikhay’hu the son of Yimlah; but I hate him, because he doesn’t prophesy good things for me, but bad!” Y’hoshafat replied, “The king shouldn’t say such a thing.”

9 Then the king of Isra’el called an officer and said, “Quickly! Bring Mikhay’hu the son of Yimlah.”

10 Now the king of Isra’el and Y’hoshafat the king of Y’hudah were each sitting on his throne, dressed in their royal robes, on a threshing-floor at the entrance to the gate of Shomron; and all the prophets were there, prophesying in their presence.

11 Tzidkiyah the son of Kena‘anah had made himself some horns out of iron and said, “This is whatAdonaisays: ‘With these you will gore Aram until they are destroyed.’”

12 All the prophets prophesied the same thing: “Go up and attack Ramot-Gil‘ad. You will succeed, forAdonaiwill hand it over to the king.”

13 The messenger who had gone to call Mikhay’hu said to him, “Here, now, the prophets are unanimously predicting success for the king. Please let your word be like the word of one of them — say something good.”

14 But Mikhay’hu answered, “AsAdonailives, whateverAdonaisays to me is what I will say.”

15 When he reached the king, the king asked him, “Mikhay’hu, should we go up and attack Ramot-Gil‘ad; or should we hold off?” He answered, “Go up, you will succeed,Adonaiwill hand it over to the king.”

16 The king said to him, “How many times do I have to warn you to tell me nothing but the truth in the name ofAdonai?”

17 Then he said, “I saw all Isra’el scattered over the hills like sheep without a shepherd; andAdonaisaid, ‘These men have no leader; let everyone go home in peace.’”

18 The king of Isra’el said to Y’hoshafat, “Didn’t I tell you that he wouldn’t prophesy good things about me, but bad?”

19 Mikhay’hu continued: “Therefore hear the word ofAdonai. I sawAdonaisitting on his throne with the whole army of heaven standing by him on his right and on his left.

20 Adonaiasked, ‘Who will entice Ach’av to go up to his death at Ramot-Gil‘ad?’ One of them said, ‘Do it this way,’ and another, ‘Do it that way.’

21 Then a spirit stepped up, stood in front ofAdonaiand said, ‘I will entice him.’

22 Adonaiasked, ‘How?’ and he answered, ‘I will go and be a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all his prophets.’Adonaisaid, ‘You will succeed in enticing him. Go, and do it.’

23 So nowAdonaihas put a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all these prophets of yours; meanwhile,Adonaihas ordained disaster for you.”

24 Then Tzidkiyah the son of Kena‘anah came up, slapped Mikhay’hu in the face and said, “And how did the Spirit ofAdonaileave me to speak to you?”

25 Mikhay’hu said, “You’ll find out the day you go into an inside room, trying to hide.”

26 The king of Isra’el said, “Seize Mikhay’hu, and take him back to Amon the governor of the city and Yo’ash the king’s son.

27 Say, ‘The king says to put this man in prison; and feed him only bread and water, and not much of that, until I return in peace.’”

28 Mikhay’hu said, “If you return in peace at all,Adonaihas not spoken through me!” Then he added, “Did you hear me, you peoples, all of you?”

29 So the king of Isra’el and Y’hoshafat the king of Y’hudah went up to Ramot-Gil‘ad.

30 The king of Isra’el said to Y’hoshafat, “I will disguise myself and go into battle; but you, put on your robes.” So the king of Isra’el disguised himself and went into battle.

31 Now the king of Aram had ordered the thirty-two chariot commanders, “Don’t attack anyone of either high or low rank, only the king of Isra’el.”

32 So when the chariot commanders saw Y’hoshafat they said, “This must be the king of Isra’el,” and turned to attack him. But Y’hoshafat gave a yell,

33 so that the chariot commanders saw that he wasn’t the king of Isra’el and stopped pursuing him.

34 However, one soldier shot an arrow at random and struck the king of Isra’el between his lower armor and his breastplate. So the king said to his chariot-driver, “Turn the reins, and take me out of the fighting; I’m collapsing from my wounds.”

35 But the fighting grew fiercer that day; and they propped the king upright in his chariot facing Aram until he died, in the evening, with the blood streaming from his wound onto the floor of the chariot.

36 Around sundown, a cry spread through the ranks: “Every man to his own town! Every man to his own land!”

37 So the king died and was brought to Shomron, and they buried the king in Shomron.

38 They washed the chariot at the Pool of Shomron where the prostitutes bathed, and the dogs licked up his blood, in keeping with the wordAdonaihad spoken.

39 Other activities of Ach’av’s reign, all his accomplishments, the ivory palace he built and all the cities he built are recorded in the Annals of the Kings of Isra’el.

40 So Ach’av slept with his ancestors, and Achazyah his son became king in his place.

41 Y’hoshafat the son of Asa began his reign over Y’hudah in the fourth year of Ach’av king of Isra’el.

42 Y’hoshafat was thirty-five years old when he began to rule, and he ruled twenty-five years in Yerushalayim. His mother’s name was ‘Azuvah the daughter of Shilchi.

43 He lived in the manner of Asa his father and did not turn away from it, doing what was right fromAdonai’s perspective;

44 although the high places were not taken away — the people still sacrificed and presented offerings on the high places.

45 Y’hoshafat made peace with the king of Isra’el.

46 Other activities of Y’hoshafat, all his power that he demonstrated and how he made war are recorded in the Annals of the Kings of Y’hudah.

47 He rid the land of the male and female cult-prostitutes remaining from the time of his father Asa.

48 There had previously been no king in Edom, but now a deputy was made king.

49 Y’hoshafat built some large “Tarshish” ships to go to Ofir for gold, but they didn’t make the voyage, because they were wrecked at ‘Etzyon-Gever.

50 Achazyah the son of Ach’av suggested to Y’hoshafat that his men should go to sea with Y’hoshafat’s men, but Y’hoshafat would not agree.

51 So Y’hoshafat slept with his ancestors and was buried with his ancestors in the City of David his ancestor, and Y’horam his son became king in his place.

52 Achazyah the son of Ach’av began his reign over Isra’el in Shomron in the seventeenth year of Y’hoshafat king of Y’hudah, and he ruled two years over Isra’el.

53 He did what was evil fromAdonai’s perspective, living in the manner of his father, his mother and Yarov‘am the son of N’vat, by which he led Isra’el into sin.

54 He also served Ba‘al and worshipped him; and he madeAdonaithe God of Isra’el angry, in keeping with everything his father had done.

Sh’mu’el Bet (2 Sa) 1

1 Sha’ul had died, and David had been two days in Ziklag after returning from the slaughter of the ‘Amaleki.

2 On the third day, there came a man from Sha’ul’s camp with his clothes torn and earth on his head. He approached David, fell to the ground and prostrated himself.

3 David said to him, “Where are you coming from?” “I escaped from the camp of Isra’el,” he replied.

4 “Tell me, please, how did things go?” asked David. “The people have fled the battle,” he answered, “and many of them are wounded or dead. Sha’ul and Y’honatan his son are dead too.”

5 David asked the young man who had told him this, “How do you know that Sha’ul and Y’honatan his son are dead?”

6 The young man who had told him said, “I happened to be on Mount Gilboa when I saw Sha’ul leaning on his spear. The chariots and cavalry were bearing down on him.

7 He looked behind him, saw me and called to me. I answered, ‘Here I am.’

8 He said to me, ‘Who are you?’ and I answered, ‘I’m an ‘Amaleki’

9 He said to me, ‘I’m in agony, and I’m going to die, but I’m still alive. So please, stand next to me; and kill me.’

10 So I stood next to him and killed him, because I was sure he was so badly wounded that he couldn’t live. I took the crown that was on his head and the bracelet on his arm and have brought them here to my lord.”

11 Then David took hold of his clothes and tore them, and likewise all the men who were with him.

12 They wailed and cried, and they fasted until evening for Sha’ul, for Y’honatan his son, forAdonai’s people and for the house of Isra’el; because they had fallen by the sword.

13 David said to the young man who had told him, “Where are you from?” He answered, “I’m the son of a [resident] foreigner, an ‘Amaleki.”

14 David asked him, “How is it that you weren’t afraid to raise your hand to destroyAdonai’s anointed?”

15 David called one of his young men and said, “Go over to him, and kill him.” The man struck him down, and he died.

16 David said to him, “Your blood is on your own head. Your own mouth convicted you when you said, ‘I killedAdonai’s anointed.’”

17 Then David pronounced this lament over Sha’ul and over Y’honatan his son,

18 in order to teach the people of Y’hudah [not to underestimate] archery (the lament has been written down in the book of Yashar):

19 “Your glory, Isra’el, lies dead on your high places!

How the heroes have fallen!

20 Don’t speak of it in Gat;

don’t proclaim it in the streets of Ashkelon;

then the daughters of the P’lishtim won’t rejoice,

the daughters of the uncircumcised won’t gloat.

21 “Mountains of Gilboa — may there be on you

no dew, no rain, no fields with good crops;

because there the shields of the heroes were dishonored,

the shield of Sha’ul was no longer rubbed with oil.

22 “From the blood of the dead, from the flesh of heroes,

the bow of Y’honatan did not retreat

or the sword of Sha’ul return unsatisfied.

23 Sha’ul and Y’honatan, loved and gracious while alive,

were not separated even in death;

they were swifter than eagles, stronger than lions.

24 “Daughters of Isra’el, weep over Sha’ul!

He clothed you luxuriously in scarlet

and put gold jewelry on your clothing.

25 “How the heroes have fallen in the heat of battle,

Y’honatan killed on your high places!

26 I grieve for you, my brother Y’honatan,

you meant so much to me!

Your love for me was deeper

than the love of women.

27 How the heroes have fallen

and the weapons of war perished”

Sh’mu’el Bet (2 Sa) 2

1 After this, David consultedAdonai; he asked, “Should I go up into any of the cities of Y’hudah?”Adonaisaid to him, “Go up.” David asked, “Where should I go up?” He said, “To Hevron.”

2 So David went up there with his two wives Achino‘am from Yizre‘el and Avigayil the widow of Naval from Karmel.

3 David brought the men up with him, each with his household; and they lived in the cities of Hevron.

4 Then the men of Y’hudah came, and there they anointed David king over the house of Y’hudah. They informed David that the men of Yavesh-Gil‘ad were the ones who had buried Sha’ul.

5 So David sent messengers to the men of Yavesh-Gil‘ad with this message: “May you be blessed byAdonai, because you showed this kindness to your lord, Sha’ul, and buried him.

6 Now mayAdonaishow kindness and truth to you; and I too will show you favor because you have done this.

7 Be strong, and be brave. Sha’ul your lord is dead, but the house of Y’hudah have anointed me king over them.”

8 Avner the son of Ner, commander of Sha’ul’s army, had taken Ish-Boshet the son of Sha’ul, brought him over to Machanayim,

9 and made him king over Gil‘ad, the Ashuri, Yizre‘el, Efrayim, Binyamin and all Isra’el.

10 Ish-Boshet the son of Sha’ul was forty years old when he began to rule over Isra’el, and he ruled for two years. But the house of Y’hudah followed David.

11 David was king in Hevron over the house of Y’hudah for seven years and six months.

12 Avner the son of Ner and the servants of Ish-Boshet the son of Sha’ul went out from Machanayim to Giv‘on;

13 while Yo’av the son of Tz’ruyah and David’s servants also went out; and they met together by the pool at Giv‘on. One group sat down on one side of the pool and the other on the other side.

14 Avner said to Yo’av, “If it’s all right with you, let’s have the young men get up and fight it out between themselves, while we watch.” Yo’av said, “Yes, let them.”

15 So they got up and paired off, twelve for Binyamin and Ish-Boshet the son of Sha’ul, and twelve of David’s servants.

16 Each one grabbed his partner by the head and drove his sword into his side, so that they fell down together. For this reason that place was named Helkat-Hatzurim [field of blades]; it is in Giv‘on.

17 The battle that day was very fierce; Avner and the men of Isra’el were beaten by David’s servants.

18 The three sons of Tz’ruyah were there, Yo’av, Avishai and ‘Asah’el. ‘Asah’el was as fleet-footed as a gazelle in an open field.

19 ‘Asah’el chased Avner, going straight for him, veering neither right nor left.

20 Avner looked behind him and asked, “Is that you, ‘Asah’el?” “Yes, it is,” he answered.

21 Avner said to him, “Turn off to your right or your left, catch one of the young men and take his armor.” But ‘Asah’el wouldn’t turn aside and kept following him.

22 Avner said again to ‘Asah’el, “Turn aside and stop following me! Why should I kill you? If I did, how could I look your brother Yo’av in the eye?”

23 But he still refused to turn aside; so Avner stabbed him in the groin with the back end of the spear, so that the shaft protruded behind him. He fell down and died on the spot. Everyone who came to the place where ‘Asah’el lay dead stopped there.

24 Yo’av and Avishai continued in pursuit of Avner; the sun went down when they arrived at Amah Hill, across from Giach along the Giv‘on Desert road.

25 The people of Binyamin gathered themselves together into a phalanx behind Avner and stood on top of a hill.

26 Then Avner called out to Yo’av, “Must the sword go on devouring forever? Don’t you know that in the end it can produce only bitterness? How long will it be, then, before you tell the people to quit pursuing their brothers?”

27 Yo’av said, “As God lives, if you hadn’t said something, there is no doubt that the people would have kept following their brothers all night long.”

28 Then Yo’av sounded theshofar, and with that the people halted. They stopped pursuing Isra’el, and they stopped fighting.

29 Avner and his men went through the ‘Aravah all that night; they crossed the Yarden, went through all of Bitron and arrived at Machanayim.

30 Yo’av returned from following Avner. When he brought the troops together for review, nineteen of David’s servants were missing, along with ‘Asah’el.

31 But David’s servants had killed 360 of Avner’s men of Binyamin.

32 They took ‘Asah’el and buried him in his father’s tomb in Beit-Lechem. Then Yo’av and his men marched all night, so that they reached Hevron at daybreak.

Sh’mu’el Bet (2 Sa) 3

1 The war between the house of Sha’ul and the house of David dragged on, but David grew stronger, while the house of Sha’ul became weaker.

2 Sons were born to David in Hevron. His firstborn was Amnon, whose mother was Achino‘am from Yizre‘el;

3 his second, Kil’av, whose mother was Avigayil the widow of Naval from Karmel; the third, Avshalom, whose mother was Ma‘akhah the daughter of Talmai king of G’shur;

4 the fourth, Adoniyah the son of Haggit; the fifth, Sh’fatyah the son of Avital;

5 and the sixth, Yitre‘am, whose mother was ‘Eglah David’s wife. These were born to David in Hevron.

6 During the war that was going on between the house of Sha’ul and the house of David, Avner strengthened his position in the house of Sha’ul.

7 Sha’ul had had a concubine named Ritzpah, the daughter of Ayah; and [Ish-Boshet] challenged Avner: “Why did you go and sleep with my father’s concubine?”

8 These words of Ish-Boshet’s enraged Avner. “What am I,” he shouted, “[that you treat me with such contempt]? A dog’s head in Y’hudah? Till this moment I have shown only kindness to the house of Sha’ul your father, and to his brothers and to his friends; and I haven’t handed you over to David. Yet you choose today to pick a fight with me over this woman!

9 May God bring terrible curses on Avner and worse ones yet if I don’t accomplish whatAdonaiswore to David —

10 to transfer the kingdom from the house of Sha’ul and set up the throne of David over Isra’el and Y’hudah, from Dan all the way to Be’er-Sheva!”

11 Ish-Boshet couldn’t answer Avner a word, because he was afraid of him.

12 Avner immediately sent envoys to David with this message: “Who is going to control the land? If you make yourself my ally, I will use my power to bring all Isra’el over to you.”

13 David sent this reply: “Very well, I will be your ally — on one condition: you will not come into my presence unless at the same time you bring with you Mikhal Sha’ul’s daughter.”

14 David sent messengers to say to Ish-Boshet the son of Sha’ul, “Give me back my wife Mikhal. I betrothed her to myself for 100 foreskins of the P’lishtim.”

15 Ish-Boshet sent and took her from her husband Palti’el the son of Layish.

16 Her husband went with her, crying as he went, and followed her to Bachurim. But when Avner told him, “Go back,” he returned.

17 Then Avner conferred with the leaders of Isra’el. He said, “In the past, you wanted David to be king over you.

18 So now, do it. ForAdonaihas said of David, ‘Through my servant David I will rescue my people Isra’el from the power of the P’lishtim and from the power of all their enemies.’”

19 Avner also spoke with the people of Binyamin.

Then Avner went to Hevron and reported to David everything that had been agreed to by Isra’el and the house of Binyamin.

20 When Avner came to David in Hevron he brought twenty men with him. David held a feast for Avner and his men.

21 Avner said to David, “I must get up and go to gather all Isra’el to my lord the king, so that they can make a covenant with you. Then you will be able to rule over everything your heart desires.” David sent Avner off, giving him safe conduct.

22 Just then David’s men and Yo’av returned from a raid, bringing a lot of plunder with them. But Avner was not with David in Hevron, because he had sent him off under safe conduct.

23 When Yo’av and all his army had arrived, Yo’av was told, “Avner the son of Ner came to the king, but he sent him off, and he has left under safe conduct.”

24 Yo’av went to the king and said, “What have you done? Here, Avner came to you, and you sent him away, and now he’s gone! Why?

25 You know Avner the son of Ner — he came only to deceive you, to learn what campaigns you’re planning and to find out everything you’re doing!”

26 After leaving David, Yo’av sent messengers after Avner, and they brought him back from the water cistern at Sirah without David’s knowledge.

27 Upon Avner’s return to Hevron, Yo’av took him aside into the space between the outer and inner city gates as if to speak with him privately; and there he struck him in the groin, so that he died — thus avenging the death of ‘Asah’el his brother.

28 Afterwards, when David heard of it, he said, “I and my kingdom are forever innocent of the death of Avner the son of Ner.

29 Let it fall on the head of Yo’av and all his father’s family. May Yo’av’s family always have someone with a hemorrhage ortzara‘at, or who has to walk with a cane, or who dies by the sword or who lacks food.”

30 Thus Yo’av and Avishai his brother killed Avner, because he had killed their brother ‘Asah’el during the battle in Giv‘on.

31 But David said to Yo’av and all those with him, “Tear your clothes, put on sackcloth, and mourn over Avner.” King David himself walked behind the body as it was carried.

32 They buried Avner at Hevron; the king wept aloud at Avner’s grave, and all the people wept.

33 The king sang this lament over Avner:

“Should Avner have died like a thug?

34 Your hands weren’t tied, your feet weren’t fettered;

you fell like one who falls at the hands

of criminals.”

Then all the people wept over him more than ever.

35 All the people came to David and tried to make him eat some bread while it was still daytime; but David swore, “May God bring terrible curses on me and worse ones yet if I taste bread or anything else until the sun goes down.”

36 All the people took note of this, and it pleased them; whatever the king did pleased all the people.

37 So that day, all the people and all Isra’el understood that the king had had no part in the killing of Avner the son of Ner.

38 The king said to his servants, “You realize that a leader, a great man, has fallen today in Isra’el.

39 Even though I have just been anointed king, I feel weak today; and these men, the sons of Tz’ruyah, are too brutal for me. MayAdonairepay the criminal as his crime deserves!”

Sh’mu’el Bet (2 Sa) 4

1 When Ish-Boshet the son of Sha’ul heard that Avner had died in Hevron, his courage failed; and all Isra’el became alarmed.

2 Sha’ul’s son had two men who were captains of raiding parties, one called Ba‘anah and the other Rekhav, sons of Rimmon the Be’eroti, of the people of Binyamin (for Be’erot is counted as part of Binyamin,

3 even though the Be’erotim fled to Gittayim and have lived as foreigners there to this day).

4 Now Y’honatan the son of Sha’ul’s had a son, and he was lame in both legs. He had been five years old when the news about Sha’ul and Y’honatan came from Yizre‘el. His nurse had gathered him up and fled; but as she was hurrying to get away, he fell and became lame. His name was M’fivoshet.

5 The sons of Rimmon the Be’eroti, Rekhav and Ba‘anah went and arrived during the heat of the day at the home of Ish-Boshet as he was taking his afternoon rest.

6 They went right into the house, as if they were coming to get wheat, and stabbed him in the groin; then Rekhav and Ba‘anah his brother escaped.

7 They entered the house as he lay on his bed in his bedroom, stabbed him and killed him; then they beheaded him, took his head and fled all night along the road through the ‘Aravah.

8 They brought the head of Ish-Boshet to David in Hevron and said to the king, “Here is the head of Ish-Boshet the son of Sha’ul your enemy, who wanted to take your life. TodayAdonaihas taken revenge on Sha’ul and his son for the sake of my lord the king.”

9 But David answered Rekhav and Ba‘anah his brother, the sons of Rimmon the Be’eroti, “AsAdonailives, who has rescued me from every kind of difficulty,

10 when someone told me, ‘Here, Sha’ul is dead,’ thinking to himself that he was bringing good news, I didn’t reward him for his news but seized him and killed him in Ziklag.

11 How much more, when criminals have killed an innocent man in his own house on his own bed, shouldn’t I hold you responsible for his death and rid the earth of you?”

12 David then gave the order to his men, and they put them to death, cutting off their hands and feet and hanging them up next to the pool at Hevron. But they took the head of Ish-Boshet and buried it in Avner’s grave at Hevron.

Sh’mu’el Bet (2 Sa) 5

1 Then all the tribes of Isra’el came to David in Hevron and said, “Here, we are your own flesh and bone.

2 In the past, when Sha’ul was king over us, it was you who led Isra’el’s military campaigns; andAdonaisaid to you, ‘You will shepherd my people Isra’el, and you will be chief over Isra’el.’”

3 So all the leaders of Isra’el came to the king in Hevron, and King David made a covenant with them in Hevron in the presence ofAdonai. Then they anointed David king over Isra’el.

4 David was thirty years old when he began his rule, and he ruled forty years.

5 In Hevron he ruled over Y’hudah seven years and six months; then in Yerushalayim he ruled thirty-three years over all Isra’el and Y’hudah.

6 The king and his men went to Yerushalayim to attack the Y’vusi, the inhabitants of that region. They taunted David, “You won’t get in here! Even the blind and the lame could fend you off!” — in other words, they were thinking, “David will never get in here.”

7 Nevertheless, David captured the stronghold of Tziyon, also known [now] as the City of David.

8 What David said on that day was, “In order to attack the Y’vusi, you have to climb up [from the spring outside the city] through the water tunnel. Then you can do away with those [so-called] ‘lame and blind’” (whom David despises — hence the expression, “The ‘blind and lame’ keep him from entering the house”).

9 David lived in the stronghold and called it the City of David. Then David built up the city around it, starting at the Millo [earth rampart] and working inward.

10 David grew greater and greater, becauseAdonaithe God of Armies was with him.

11 Hiram king of Tzor sent envoys to David with cedar logs, and with them were carpenters and stonemasons; and they built David a palace.

12 David then knew thatAdonaihad set him up as king over Isra’el and increased his royal power for the sake of his people.

13 David took for himself more concubines and wives in Yerushalayim after coming from Hevron, so that still more sons and daughters were born to David.

14 Here are the names of those born to him in Yerushalayim: Shamua, Shovav, Natan, Shlomo,

15 Yivchar, Elishua, Nefeg, Yafia,

16 Elishama, Elyada and Elifelet.

17 When the P’lishtim heard that David had been anointed king over Isra’el, all the P’lishtim went up in search of David. On learning of it, David went down to the stronghold.

18 The P’lishtim came and deployed in the Refa’im Valley.

19 David consultedAdonai, asking, “Should I attack the P’lishtim? Will you hand them over to me?”Adonaianswered David, “Attack; I will certainly hand the P’lishtim over to you.”

20 So David went to Ba‘al-P’ratzim and defeated them there. He said, “Adonaihas broken through my enemies for me like a river breaking through its banks.” This is why he called the place Ba‘al-P’ratzim [Lord of breaking through].

21 The P’lishtim had left their idols there, so David and his men took them away.

22 The P’lishtim came up again and deployed in the Refa’im Valley.

23 When David consultedAdonai, he said, “Don’t attack! Circle behind them, and engage them opposite the balsam trees.

24 When you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, advance; because thenAdonaihas gone out ahead of you to defeat the army of the P’lishtim.”

25 David did exactly asAdonaihad ordered him to do and pursued his attack on the P’lishtim from Geva all the way to Gezer.

Sh’mu’el Bet (2 Sa) 6

1 Again David summoned all the picked troops of Isra’el, 30,000 men.

2 Then David, taking along the entire force he had with him then, set out for Ba‘alei-Y’hudah to bring up from there the ark of God, which bears the Name, the name ofAdonai-Tzva’otenthroned above thek’ruvim.

3 They set the ark of God on a new cart and brought it out of the house of Avinadav on the hill, with ‘Uzah and Achyo, the sons of Avinadav, driving the new cart.

4 They led it from the house of Avinadav on the hill, with the ark of God; Achyo walked in front of the ark.

5 David and the whole house of Isra’el celebrated in the presence ofAdonaiwith all kinds of musical instruments made of cypress-wood, including lyres, lutes, tambourines, rattles and cymbals.

6 When they arrived at Nakhon’s threshing-floor, the oxen stumbled; and ‘Uzah put out his hand to steady the ark of God.

7 ButAdonai’s anger blazed up against ‘Uzah, and God struck him down on the spot for his offense, so that he died there by the ark of God.

8 It upset David thatAdonaihad broken out against ‘Uzah; that place has been called Peretz-‘Uzah [breaking-out of ‘Uzah] ever since.

9 David was frightened ofAdonaithat day; he asked, “How can the ark ofAdonaicome to me?”

10 So David would not bring the ark ofAdonaiinto the City of David; rather, David took it over to the house of ‘Oved-Edom the Gitti.

11 The ark ofAdonaistayed in the house of ‘Oved-Edom the Gitti for three months; andAdonaiblessed ‘Oved-Edom and all his household.

12 King David was told, “Adonaihas blessed the house of ‘Oved-Edom and everyone who belongs to him, thanks to the ark of God.” So David went and joyously brought the ark of God up from the house of ‘Oved-Edom into the City of David.

13 When those bearing the ark ofAdonaihad gone only six paces, he sacrificed an ox and a fattened sheep.

14 Then David danced and spun around with abandon beforeAdonai, wearing a linen ritual vest.

15 So David and all the house of Isra’el brought up the ark ofAdonaiwith shouting and the sound of theshofar.

16 As the ark ofAdonaientered the City of David, Mikhal the daughter of Sha’ul, watching from the window, saw King David leaping and spinning beforeAdonai; and she was filled with contempt for him.

17 They brought the ark ofAdonaiin and put it in its place inside the tent that David had set up for it. David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings beforeAdonai.

18 When David had finished offering the burnt offering and peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name ofAdonai-Tzva’ot.

19 Then he distributed to all the people of Isra’el, to everyone there, both men and women, a loaf of bread, a portion of meat and a raisin cake, after which the people all left for their homes.

20 When David returned to bless his household, Mikhal the daughter of Sha’ul came out to meet him and said, “Such honor the king of Isra’el earned for himself today — exposing himself before his servants’ slave-girls like some vulgar exhibitionist!”

21 David answered Mikhal, “In the presence ofAdonai—who chose me over your father and over everyone in his family to make me chief overAdonai’s people, over Isra’el — I will celebrate in the presence ofAdonai!

22 I will make myself still more contemptible than that, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes, but those slave-girls you mentioned will honor me!”

23 Mikhal the daughter of Sha’ul remained childless until the day she died.

Sh’mu’el Bet (2 Sa) 7

1 After the king had been living in his palace awhile andAdonaihad given him rest from all his surrounding enemies,

2 the king said to Natan the prophet, “Here, I’m living in a cedar-wood palace; but the ark of God is kept in a tent!”

3 Natan said to the king, “Go, do everything that is in your heart, forAdonaiis with you.”

4 But that same night the word ofAdonaicame to Natan:

5 “Go and tell my servant David that this is whatAdonaisays: ‘You are going to build me a house to live in?

6 Since the day I brought the people of Isra’el out of Egypt until today, I never lived in a house; rather, I traveled in a tent and a tabernacle.

7 Everywhere I traveled with all the people of Isra’el, did I ever speak a word to any of the tribes of Isra’el, whom I ordered to shepherd my people Isra’el, asking, “Why haven’t you built me a cedar-wood house?”’

8 “Therefore say this to my servant David that this is whatAdonai-Tzva’otsays: ‘I took you from the sheep-yards, from following the sheep, to make you chief over my people, over Isra’el.

9 I have been with you wherever you went; I have destroyed all your enemies ahead of you; and I am making your reputation great, like the reputations of the greatest people on earth.

10 I will assign a place to my people Isra’el; I will plant them there, so that they can live in their own place without being disturbed any more. The wicked will no longer oppress them, as they did at the beginning,

11 and as they did from the time I ordered judges to be over my people Isra’el; instead, I will give you rest from all your enemies.

“‘Moreover,Adonaitells you thatAdonaiwill make you a house.

12 When your days come to an end and you sleep with your ancestors, I will establish one of your descendants to succeed you, one of your own flesh and blood; and I will set up his rulership.

13 He will build a house for my name, and I will establish his royal throne forever.

14 I will be a father for him, and he will be a son for me. If he does something wrong, I will punish him with a rod and blows, just as everyone gets punished;

15 nevertheless, my grace will not leave him, as I took it away from Sha’ul, whom I removed from before you.

16 Thus your house and your kingdom will be made secure forever before you; your throne will be set up forever.’”

17 Natan told David all of these words and described this entire vision.

18 Then David went in, sat beforeAdonaiand said, “Who am I,AdonaiElohim; and what is my family, that has caused you to bring me this far?

19 Yet in your view,AdonaiElohim, even this was too small a thing; so you have even said that your servant’s dynasty will continue on into the distant future. This is [indeed] a teaching for a man,AdonaiElohim—

20 what more can David say to you? For you know your servant intimately,AdonaiElohim.

21 It is for the sake of your word and in accordance with your own heart that you have done all this greatness and revealed it to your servant.

22 Therefore, you are great,Adonai, God; for there is no one like you, and there is no God besides you — everything we have heard confirms that.

23 Who can be compared with your people, with Isra’el? What other nation on earth did God set out to redeem and make into a people for himself? You made yourself a reputation by doing for your land things that even for you are great and terrifying, for the sake of your people whom you redeemed for yourself from Egypt and from other nations and from their gods.

24 You set up your people for yourself as your people forever; and you,Adonai, became their God.

25 So now,Adonai, God, establish forever the word you have spoken to your servant and his house; do what you have promised.

26 May your name be magnified forever, so that it will be said, ‘Adonai-Tzva’otis God over Isra’el, and the dynasty of your servant David will be set up in your presence.’

27 You,Adonai-Tzva’ot, God of Isra’el, have disclosed to your servant, ‘I will build you a house.’ This is why your servant has the courage to pray this prayer to you.

28 Now,AdonaiElohim, you alone are God; your words are truth; and you have made this wonderful promise to your servant.

29 So may it please you to bless the family of your servant and thereby cause it to continue forever in your presence. For you,AdonaiElohim, have said it. May your servant’s family be blessed forever by your blessing.”

Sh’mu’el Bet (2 Sa) 8

1 Some time afterwards, David attacked the P’lishtim and subdued them; David took Meteg-Amah out of the hands of the P’lishtim.

2 He also defeated Mo’av; making them lie down on the ground, he measured them with a length of cord; for every two lengths to be put to death he designated one length to be kept alive. The people of Mo’av became subjects of David and paid tribute.

3 David, on his way to establish his dominion as far as the Euphrates River, also defeated Hadad‘ezer the son of Rechov king of Tzovah.

4 David captured 1,700 horsemen and 20,000 foot soldiers. He reserved enough horses for 100 chariots and disabled the rest.

5 When people of Aram from Dammesek came to the aid of Hadad‘ezer king of Tzovah, David killed 22,000 men of Aram.

6 Then David put garrisons among the people of Aram in Dammesek; Aram became subject to David and paid tribute.Adonaigave victory to David wherever he went.

7 David took the gold shields which Hadad‘ezer’s servants were wearing and brought them to Yerushalayim.

8 From Betach and Berotai, cities of Hadad‘ezer, King David took a great quantity of bronze.

9 When To‘i king of Hamat heard that David had defeated Hadad‘ezer’s entire army,

10 To‘i sent Yoram his son to King David to greet and congratulate him on fighting and defeating Hadad‘ezer, for Hadad‘ezer had been at war with To‘i. Yoram brought with him articles of silver, articles of gold and articles of bronze,

11 which King David dedicated toAdonai, along with the silver and gold that he dedicated from all the nations he conquered —

12 Aram, Mo’av, the people of ‘Amon, the P’lishtim, ‘Amalek, and the spoil taken from Hadad‘ezer son of Rechov, king of Tzovah.

13 David gained more fame on returning from killing 18,000 men from Aram in the Salt Valley.

14 David stationed garrisons in Edom; he put garrisons throughout all of Edom, and all the people of Edom became subject to him.Adonaigave victory to David wherever he went.

15 David ruled over all Isra’el; David administered law and justice for all his people.

16 Yo’av the son of Tz’ruyah was commander of the army, Y’hoshafat the son of Achilud was chief adviser,

17 Tzadok the son of Achituv and Achimelekh the son of Evyatar werecohanim, S’rayah was secretary,

18 B’nayahu the son of Y’hoyada was in charge of the K’reti and P’leti [serving as the king’s bodyguards], and David’s sons werecohanim.