Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 52

1 Awake! Awake, Tziyon!

Clothe yourself with your strength!

Dress in your splendid garments,

Yerushalayim, the holy city!

For the uncircumcised and the unclean

will enter you no more.

2 Shake off the dust! Arise!

Be enthroned, Yerushalayim!

Loosen the chains on your neck,

captive daughter of Tziyon!

3 For thus saysAdonai:

“You were sold for nothing,

and you will be redeemed without money.”

4 For thus saysAdonaiElohim:

“Long ago my people went down to Egypt

to live there as aliens,

and Ashur oppressed them for no reason.

5 So now, what should I do here,” asksAdonai,

“since my people were carried off for nothing?

Their oppressors are howling,” saysAdonai,

“and my name is always being insulted, daily.

6 Therefore my people will know my name;

therefore on that day they will know

that I, the one speaking — here I am!”

7 How beautiful on the mountains

are the feet of him who brings good news,

proclaimingshalom, bringing good news

of good things, announcing salvation

and saying to Tziyon, “Your God is King!”

8 Listen! Your watchmen are raising their voices,

shouting for joy together.

For they will see, before their own eyes,

Adonaireturning to Tziyon.

9 Break out into joy! Sing together,

you ruins of Yerushalayim!

ForAdonaihas comforted his people,

he has redeemed Yerushalayim!

10 Adonaihas bared his holy arm

in the sight of every nation,

and all the ends of the earth will see

the salvation of our God.

11 Leave! Leave! Get out of there!

Don’t touch anything unclean!

Get out from inside it, and be clean,

you who carryAdonai’s temple equipment.

12 You need not leave in haste,

you do not have to flee;

forAdonaiwill go ahead of you,

and the God of Isra’el will also be behind you.

13 “See how my servant will succeed!

He will be raised up, exalted, highly honored!

14 Just as many were appalled at him,

because he was so disfigured

that he didn’t even seem human

and simply no longer looked like a man,

15 so now he will startle many nations;

because of him, kings will be speechless.

For they will see what they had not been told,

they will ponder things they had never heard.”

Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 53

1 Who believes our report?

To whom is the arm ofAdonairevealed?

2 For before him he grew up like a young plant,

like a root out of dry ground.

He was not well-formed or especially handsome;

we saw him, but his appearance did not attract us.

3 People despised and avoided him,

a man of pains, well acquainted with illness.

Like someone from whom people turn their faces,

he was despised; we did not value him.

4 In fact, it was our diseases he bore,

our pains from which he suffered;

yet we regarded him as punished,

stricken and afflicted by God.

5 But he was wounded because of our crimes,

crushed because of our sins;

the disciplining that makes us whole fell on him,

and by his bruises* we are healed.

6 We all, like sheep, went astray;

we turned, each one, to his own way;

yetAdonailaid on him

the guilt of all of us.

7 Though mistreated, he was submissive —

he did not open his mouth.

Like a lamb led to be slaughtered,

like a sheep silent before its shearers,

he did not open his mouth.

8 After forcible arrest and sentencing,

he was taken away;

and none of his generation protested

his being cut off from the land of the living

for the crimes of my people,

who deserved the punishment themselves.

9 He was given a grave among the wicked;

in his death he was with a rich man.

Although he had done no violence

and had said nothing deceptive,

10 yet it pleasedAdonaito crush him with illness,

to see if he would present himself as a guilt offering.

If he does, he will see his offspring;

and he will prolong his days;

and at his handAdonai’s desire

will be accomplished.

11 After this ordeal, he will see satisfaction.

“By his knowing [pain and sacrifice],

my righteous servant makes many righteous;

it is for their sins that he suffers.

12 Therefore I will assign him a share with the great,

he will divide the spoil with the mighty,

for having exposed himself to death

and being counted among the sinners,

while actually bearing the sin of many

and interceding for the offenders.”

Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 54

1 “Sing, barren woman who has never had a child!

Burst into song, shout for joy,

you who have never been in labor!

For the deserted wife will have more children

than the woman who is living with her husband,” saysAdonai.

2 Enlarge the space for your tent,

extend the curtains of your dwelling;

do not hold back, lengthen your cords,

make your tent pegs firm.

3 For you will spread out to the right and the left,

your descendants will possess the nations

and inhabit the desolated cities.

4 Don’t be afraid, for you won’t be ashamed;

don’t be discouraged, for you won’t be disgraced.

You will forget the shame of your youth,

no longer remember the dishonor of being widowed.

5 For your husband is your Maker,

Adonai-Tzva’otis his name.

The Holy One of Isra’el is your Redeemer.

He will be called the God of all the earth.

6 ForAdonaihas called you back

like a wife abandoned and grief-stricken;

“A wife married in her youth

cannot be rejected,” says your God.

7 “Briefly I abandoned you,

but with great compassion I am taking you back.

8 I was angry for a moment

and hid my face from you;

but with everlasting grace

I will have compassion on you,”

saysAdonaiyour Redeemer.

9 “For me this is like Noach’s flood.

Just as I swore that no flood like Noach’s

would ever again cover the earth,

so now I swear that never again

will I be angry with you or rebuke you.

10 For the mountains may leave and the hills be removed,

but my grace will never leave you,

and my covenant of peace will not be removed,”

saysAdonai, who has compassion on you.

11 “Storm-ravaged [city], unconsoled,

I will set your stones in the finest way,

lay your foundations with sapphires,

12 make your windows shine with rubies,

your gates with garnet, your walls with gemstones.

13 All your children will be taught byAdonai;

your children will have great peace.

14 In righteousness you will be established,

far from oppression, with nothing to fear;

far from ruin, for it will not come near you.

15 Any alliance that forms against you

will not be my doing;

whoever tries to form such an alliance

will fall because of you.

16 It is I who created the craftsman

who blows on the coals and forges weapons

suited to their purpose;

I also created the destroyer to work havoc.

17 No weapon made will prevail against you.

In court you will refute every accusation.

The servants ofAdonaiinherit all this;

the reward for their righteousness is from me,”


Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 55

1 “All you who are thirsty, come to the water!

You without money, come, buy, and eat!

Yes, come! Buy wine and milk

without money — it’s free!

2 Why spend money for what isn’t food,

your wages for what doesn’t satisfy?

Listen carefully to me, and you will eat well,

you will enjoy the fat of the land.

3 Open your ears, and come to me;

listen well, and you will live —

I will make an everlasting covenant with you,

the grace I assured David.

4 I have given him as a witness to the peoples,

a leader and lawgiver for the peoples.

5 You will summon a nation you do not know,

and a nation that doesn’t know you will run to you,

for the sake ofAdonaiyour God,

the Holy One of Isra’el, who will glorify you.”

6 SeekAdonaiwhile he is available,

call on him while he is still nearby.

7 Let the wicked person abandon his way

and the evil person his thoughts;

let him return toAdonai,

and he will have mercy on him;

let him return to our God,

for he will freely forgive.

8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

and your ways are not my ways,” saysAdonai.

9 “As high as the sky is above the earth

are my ways higher than your ways,

and my thoughts than your thoughts.

10 For just as rain and snow fall from the sky

and do not return there, but water the earth,

causing it to bud and produce,

giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater;

11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth —

it will not return to me unfulfilled;

but it will accomplish what I intend,

and cause to succeed what I sent it to do.”

12 Yes, you will go out with joy,

you will be led forth in peace.

As you come, the mountains and hills

will burst out into song,

and all the trees in the countryside

will clap their hands.

13 Cypresses will grow in place of thorns,

myrtles will grow instead of briars.

This will bring fame toAdonai

as an eternal, imperishable sign.

Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 56

1 Here is whatAdonaisays:

“Observe justice, do what is right,

for my salvation is close to coming,

my righteousness to being revealed.”

2 Happy is the person who does this,

anyone who grasps it firmly,

who keepsShabbatand does not profane it,

and keeps himself from doing any evil.

3 A foreigner joiningAdonaishould not say,

“Adonaiwill separate me from his people”;

likewise the eunuch should not say,

“I am only a dried-up tree.”

4 For here is whatAdonaisays:

“As for the eunuchs who keep myShabbats,

who choose what pleases me

and hold fast to my covenant:

5 in my house, within my walls,

I will give them power and a name

greater than sons and daughters;

I will give him an everlasting name

that will not be cut off.

6 “And the foreigners who join themselves toAdonai

to serve him, to love the name ofAdonai,

and to be his workers,

all who keepShabbatand do not profane it,

and hold fast to my covenant,

7 I will bring them to my holy mountain

and make them joyful in my house of prayer;

their burnt offerings and sacrifices

will be accepted on my altar;

for my house will be called

a house of prayer for all peoples.”

8 AdonaiElohimsays,

he who gathers Isra’el’s exiles:

“There are yet others I will gather,

besides those gathered already.”

9 All you wild animals, come and devour,

yes, all you animals in the forest!

10 [Isra’el’s] watchmen are, all of them, blind;

they don’t know anything.

They are all dumb dogs, unable to bark,

lying there dreaming, loving to sleep.

11 Greedy dogs, never satisfied —

such are the shepherds, unable to understand;

they all turn to their own way,

each one intent on his own gain:

12 “Come, I’ll get some wine,

we’ll fill up on good, strong liquor!

Tomorrow will be like today;

in fact, it will be even better!”

Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 57

1 The righteous person perishes,

and nobody gives it a thought.

Godly men are taken away,

and no one understands

that the righteous person is taken away

from the evil yet to come.

2 Yes, those who live uprightly

will have peace as they rest on their couches.

3 “But you, you witches’ children, come here,

you spawn of adulterers and whores!

4 Whom are you making fun of?

At whom are you laughing and sticking out your tongue?

Aren’t you rebellious children,

just a brood of liars?

5 You go into heat among the oak trees,

under every spreading tree.

You kill the children in the valleys

under the cracks in the rocks.

6 Your place is among the smooth stones in thevadi;

these, these are what you deserve;

you pour out drink offerings to them,

you offer grain offerings to them.

Should I calmly ignore these things?

7 You set up your bed on a high, lofty mountain;

you also went up there to offer sacrifices.

8 Behind door and doorpost

you set up your [lewd] memorial;

then, far from me, you uncovered your bed,

climbed up on it and opened it wide,

made an agreement with some of them,

whose bed you loved when you saw their hand beckoning.

9 You went to the king with scented oil;

you added to your perfumes;

you sent your envoys far away,

even down to Sh’ol.

10 Though worn out by so much travel,

you did not say, ‘All hope is gone’;

rather, finding your strength renewed,

you did not grow weak.

11 Of whom have you been so afraid,

so fearful that you lied?

But me you don’t remember,

you don’t give me a thought!

I have held my peace so long

that you no longer fear me.

12 I will expose your [so-called] ‘righteousness’;

and what you have done won’t help you.

13 When you cry, will those [idols] you gathered rescue you?

The wind will carry them all away,

a puff of air will take them off.

But whoever takes refuge in me will possess

the land and inherit my holy mountain.”

14 Then he will say,

“Keep building! Keep building! Clear the way!

Remove everything blocking my people’s path!”

15 For thus says the High, Exalted One

who lives forever, whose name is Holy:

“I live in the high and holy place

but also with the broken and humble,

in order to revive the spirit of the humble

and revive the hearts of the broken ones.

16 For I will not fight them forever

or always nurse my anger;

otherwise their spirits would faint before me,

the creatures I myself have made.

17 It was because of their flagrant greed

that I was angry and struck them;

I hid myself and was angry,

but they continued on their own rebellious way.

18 I have seen their ways, and I will heal them;

I will lead them and give comfort

to them and to those who mourn for them —

19 I will create the right words:

‘Shalom shalomto those far off

and to those nearby!’ saysAdonai;

‘I will heal them!’”

20 But the wicked are like the restless sea —

unable to be still,

its waters toss up mud and dirt.

21 There is noshalom, says my God,

for the wicked.

Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 58

1 Shout out loud! Don’t hold back!

Raise your voice like ashofar!

Proclaim to my people what rebels they are,

to the house of Ya‘akov their sins.

2 “Oh yes, they seek me day after day

and [claim to] delight in knowing my ways.

As if they were an upright nation

that had not abandoned the rulings of their God,

they ask me for just rulings

and [claim] to take pleasure in closeness to God,

3 [asking,] ‘Why should we fast, if you don’t see?

Why mortify ourselves, if you don’t notice?’

“Here is my answer: when you fast,

you go about doing whatever you like,

while keeping your laborers hard at work.

4 Your fasts lead to quarreling and fighting,

to lashing out with violent blows.

On a day like today, fasting like yours

will not make your voice heard on high.

5 “Is this the sort of fast I want,

a day when a person mortifies himself?

Is the object to hang your head like a reed

and spread sackcloth and ashes under yourself?

Is this what you call a fast,

a day that pleasesAdonai?

6 “Here is the sort of fast I want —

releasing those unjustly bound,

untying the thongs of the yoke,

letting the oppressed go free,

breaking every yoke,

7 sharing your food with the hungry,

taking the homeless poor into your house,

clothing the naked when you see them,

fulfilling your duty to your kinsmen!”

8 Then your light will burst forth like the morning,

your new skin will quickly grow over your wound;

your righteousness will precede you,

andAdonai’s glory will follow you.

9 Then you will call, andAdonaiwill answer;

you will cry, and he will say, “Here I am.”

If you will remove the yoke from among you,

stop false accusation and slander,

10 generously offer food to the hungry

and meet the needs of the person in trouble;

then your light will rise in the darkness,

and your gloom become like noon.

11 Adonaiwill always guide you;

he will satisfy your needs in the desert,

he will renew the strength in your limbs;

so that you will be like a watered garden,

like a spring whose water never fails.

12 You will rebuild the ancient ruins,

raise foundations from ages past,

and be called “Repairer of broken walls,

Restorer of streets to live in.”

13 “If you hold back your foot onShabbat

from pursuing your own interests on my holy day;

if you callShabbata delight,

Adonai’s holy day, worth honoring;

then honor it by not doing your usual things

or pursuing your interests or speaking about them.

14 If you do, you will find delight inAdonai—

I will make you ride on the heights of the land

and feed you with the heritage of your ancestor Ya‘akov,

for the mouth ofAdonaihas spoken.”

Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 59

1 Adonai’s arm is not too short to save,

nor is his ear too dull to hear.

2 Rather, it is your own crimes

that separate you from your God;

your sins have hidden his face from you,

so that he doesn’t hear.

3 For your hands are stained with blood

and your fingers with crime;

your lips speak lies,

your tongues utter wicked things.

4 No one sues with just cause,

no one pleads honestly in court,

they trust in empty words

and say worthless things;

they conceive trouble

and give birth to evil.

5 They hatch viper eggs

and spin spiderwebs;

whoever eats their eggs dies,

and the crushed egg hatches a snake.

6 Their webs are useless as clothing,

their deeds are useless for wearing;

their deeds are deeds of wickedness,

their hands produce violence.

7 Their feet run to evil,

they rush to shed innocent blood,

their thoughts are thoughts of wickedness,

their paths lead to havoc and ruin.

8 The way ofshalomthey do not know,

their goings-about obey no law,

they make devious paths for themselves;

no one treading them will ever knowshalom.

9 This is why justice is far from us,

and righteousness doesn’t catch up with us;

we look for light, but see only darkness,

for brightness, but we walk in gloom.

10 We grope for the wall like the blind;

like people without eyes we feel our way;

we stumble at noonday as if it were dusk,

we are in dark places like the dead.

11 We growl, all of us, like bears

and moan pitifully like doves;

we look for justice, but there is none;

for salvation, but it is far from us.

12 For our crimes multiply before you,

our sins testify against us;

for our crimes are present with us;

and our sins, we know them well:

13 rebelling and denyingAdonai,

turning away from following our God,

talking about oppression and revolt,

uttering lies which our hearts have conceived.

14 Thus justice is repelled,

righteousness stands apart, at a distance;

for truth stumbles in the public court,

and uprightness cannot enter.

15 Honesty is lacking,

he who leaves evil becomes a target.

Adonaisaw it, and it displeased him

that there was no justice.

16 He saw that there was no one,

was amazed that no one interceded.

Therefore his own arm brought him salvation,

and his own righteousness sustained him.

17 He put on righteousness as his breastplate,

salvation as a helmet on his head;

he clothed himself with garments of vengeance

and wrapped himself in a mantle of zeal.

18 He repays according to their deeds —

fury to his foes, reprisal to his enemies;

to the coastlands he will repay their due;

19 in the west they will fear the name ofAdonai,

and likewise, in the east, his glory.

For he will come like a pent-up stream,

impelled by the Spirit ofAdonai.

20 “Then a Redeemer will come to Tziyon,

to those in Ya‘akov who turn from rebellion.”

So saysAdonai.

21 “And as for me,” saysAdonai,

“this is my covenant with them:

my Spirit, who rests on you,

and my words which I put in your mouth

will not depart from your mouth

or from the mouth of your children,

or from the mouth of your children’s children,

now or ever,” saysAdonai.

Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 60

1 “Arise, shine [Yerushalayim],

for your light has come,

the glory ofAdonai

has risen over you.

2 For although darkness covers the earth

and thick darkness the peoples;

on youAdonaiwill rise;

over you will be seen his glory.

3 Nations will go toward your light

and kings toward your shining splendor.

4 Raise your eyes and look around:

they are all assembling and coming to you;

your sons are coming from far off,

your daughters being carried on their nurses’ hips.

5 Then you will see and be radiant,

your heart will throb and swell with delight;

for the riches of the seas will be brought to you,

the wealth of nations will come to you.

6 Caravans of camels will cover your land,

young camels from Midyan and ‘Eifah,

all of them coming from Sh’va,

bringing gold and frankincense,

and proclaiming the praises ofAdonai.

7 All the flocks of Kedar will be gathered for you,

the rams of N’vayot will be at your service;

they will come up and be received on my altar,

as I glorify my glorious house.

8 “Who are these, flying along like clouds,

like doves to their dovecotes?

9 The coastlands are putting their hope in me,

with the ‘Tarshish’ ships in the lead,

to bring your children from far away,

and with them their silver and gold,

for the sake ofAdonaiyour God,

the Holy One of Isra’el, who glorifies you.

10 Foreigners will rebuild your walls,

their kings will be at your service;

for in my anger I struck you,

but in my mercy I pity you.

11 Your gates will always be open,

they will not be shut by day or by night,

so that people can bring you the wealth of nations,

with their kings led in procession.

12 For the nation or kingdom that won’t serve you will perish;

yes, those nations will be utterly destroyed.

13 “The glory of the L’vanon will come to you,

cypresses together with elm trees and larches,

to beautify the site of my sanctuary —

I will glorify the place where I stand.

14 The children of your oppressors will come

and bow low before you,

all who despised you will fall at your feet,

calling you the city ofAdonai,

Tziyon of the Holy One of Isra’el.

15 “In the past you were abandoned and hated,

so that no one would even pass through you;

but now I will make you the pride of the ages,

a joy for many generations.

16 You will drink the milk of nations,

you will nurse at royal breasts

and know that I,Adonai, am your Savior,

your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Ya‘akov.

17 “For bronze I will bring you gold,

for iron I will bring you silver,

bronze in place of wood,

and iron in place of stones.

I will makeshalomyour governor

and righteousness your taskmaster.

18 Violence will no longer be heard in your land,

desolation or destruction within your borders;

instead, you will call your walls Salvation

and your gates Praise.

19 “No more will the sun be your light by day,

nor will moonlight shine on you;

insteadAdonaiwill be your light forever

and your God your glory.

20 No longer will your sun go down;

your moon will no longer wane;

forAdonaiwill be your light forever;

your days of mourning will end.

21 All your people will betzaddikim;

they will inherit the land forever;

they will be the branch I planted,

my handiwork, in which I take pride.

22 The smallest will grow to a thousand,

the weakest will become a mighty nation.

I,Adonai, when the right time comes,

will quickly bring it about.”

Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 61

1 The Spirit ofAdonaiElohimis upon me,

becauseAdonaihas anointed me

to announce good news to the poor.

He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted;

to proclaim freedom to the captives,

to let out into light those bound in the dark;

2 to proclaim the year of the favor ofAdonai

and the day of vengeance of our God;

to comfort all who mourn,

3 yes, provide for those in Tziyon who mourn,

giving them garlands instead of ashes,

the oil of gladness instead of mourning,

a cloak of praise instead of a heavy spirit,

so that they will be called oaks of righteousness

planted byAdonai, in which he takes pride.

4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins,

restore sites long destroyed;

they will renew the ruined cities,

destroyed many generations ago.

5 Strangers will stand and feed your flocks,

foreigners plow your land and tend your vines;

6 but you will be calledcohanimofAdonai,

spoken of as ministers to our God.

You will feed on the wealth of nations,

and revel in their riches.

7 Because of your shame, which was doubled,

and because they cried, “They deserve disgrace,”

therefore in their land what they own will be doubled,

and joy forever will be theirs.

8 “For I,Adonai, love justice;

I hate robbery for burnt offerings.

So I will be faithful to reward them

and make an eternal covenant with them.”

9 Their descendants will be known among the nations,

their offspring among the peoples;

all who see them will acknowledge

that they are the seedAdonaihas blessed.

10 I am so joyful inAdonai!

My soul rejoices in my God,

for he has clothed me in salvation,

dressed me with a robe of triumph,

like a bridegroom wearing a festive turban,

like a bride adorned with her jewels.

11 For just as the earth brings forth its plants,

or a garden makes its plants spring up,

soAdonai, God, will cause victory and glory

to spring up before all nations.