Yechezk’el (Ezk) 42

1 Then he led me into the outer courtyard — the route went north — and brought me to the [block of] rooms opposite the separated yard and opposite the building to the north.

2 The length of the front was 175 feet on the north side, where the door was; the width was eighty-seven-and-a-half feet.

3 It was located between the inner courtyard, which was thirty-five feet wide, and the flooring of the outer courtyard. It had galleries, one above the other, on three floors.

4 In front of the [block of] rooms was a walkway seventeen-and-a-half feet wide and a path twenty-one inches [wide]; their doors faced north.

5 The upper rooms were shorter, because the galleries took up some of their space, more than from the [rooms on the] lower and middle [floors] of the building.

6 For the rooms were on three floors, and they didn’t have columns like those in the courtyards; therefore space was taken away from the [rooms on the] lower and middle [floors], in comparison with the ground.

7 The length of the wall outside, next to the rooms, toward the outer courtyard in front of the rooms, was eighty-seven-and-a-half feet.

8 For the length of the rooms toward the outer courtyard was eighty-seven-and-a-half feet, whereas [the length of] the side facing the sanctuary was 175 feet.

9 Under these rooms was the entrance to the east side, leading in from the outer courtyard.

10 In the width of the courtyard wall on the east, facing the separated yard and facing the building, there were rooms,

11 with a passageway in front of them, similar to the rooms on the north. They were the same length and width and had similarly made exits and entrances.

12 By the entrances of the rooms on the south there was an entrance at the end of the passage, the passageway right in front of the wall, toward the eastern entrances.

13 Then he said to me, “The north and south [blocks of] rooms in front of the separated yard are the holy rooms where thecohanimwho approachAdonaiwill eat the especially holy things. This is where they will put the especially holy things — the grain offerings, sin offerings and guilt offerings; for the place is holy.

14 When thecohanimcome, they will not go out of the [Especially] Holy Place into the outer courtyard; rather, they will leave [in these rooms] the clothes they use when ministering, because they are holy. They will put on other clothes and only then approach the areas permitted to the people.”

15 After he had finished measuring the inner house, he brought me out by way of the gate facing east and measured the whole area.

16 He measured the east side with the measuring rod; it was 875 feet by the measuring rod.

17 He measured the north side; it was 875 feet by the measuring rod.

18 He measured the south side; it was 875 feet by the measuring rod.

19 He turned to the west side and measured 875 feet with the measuring rod.

20 He measured its four sides; it had a wall around it; and it was 875 [feet] long and 875 [feet] wide. Thus a division was made between what was holy and what was common.

Yechezk’el (Ezk) 43

1 After this, he brought me to the gate facing east.

2 There I saw the glory of the God of Isra’el approaching from the east. His voice was like the sound of rushing water, and the earth shone with his glory.

3 The vision seemed like the vision I had seen when I came to destroy the city; also the visions were like the vision I had seen by the K’var River; and I fell on my face.

4 Adonai’s glory entered the house through the gate facing east.

5 Next, a spirit took me up and brought me into the inner courtyard, and I sawAdonai’s glory fill the house.

6 I heard someone speaking to me from the house, and a man was standing by me.

7 He said, “Human being, this is the place for my throne, the place for the soles of my feet, where I will live among the people of Isra’el forever. The house of Isra’el, both they and their kings, will never again defile my holy name by their prostitution, by [burying] the corpses of their kings [on] their high places,

8 or by placing their threshold next to my threshold and their door-frames next to my door-frames, with only a common wall between me and them. Yes, they defiled my holy name by the disgusting practices they committed; which is why I destroyed them in my anger.

9 So now, they should put their prostitution at a distance and the corpses of their kings far away from me; then I will live among them forever.

10 “You, human being, describe this house to the house of Isra’el, so that they will be ashamed of their crimes. And let them measure accurately.

11 If they become ashamed of all they have done, show them the elevation and plan of the house, its exits and entrances, all its details and decorations, and all its specifications, its design and itsTorah. Sketch it for them to see, so that they can observe the entire design with its specifications, and carry them out.

12 This isTorahfor the house: the whole surrounding area on the mountaintop will be especially holy. This isTorahfor the house.”

13 These are the measurements of the altar in cubits (a cubit here is defined as a normal cubit [eighteen inches] plus a handbreadth [three inches]): the base, one cubit [twenty-one inches] deep and one cubit wide; with the molding surrounding it at its rim about a hand-span [nine inches] in width. The height of the altar is thus:

14 from the base on the ground to the lower ledge, three-and-a-half feet, with the width twenty-one inches; from the lower ledge to the upper ledge, seven feet, with the width again twenty-one inches.

15 The hearth measures seven feet [high], with four horns on top of the hearth.

16 The hearth is a square twenty-one feet on each of its four sides.

17 The ledge measures a square twenty-four-and-a-half feet on each of its four sides; the molding around it ten-and-a-half inches [across]; and its base twenty-one inches [larger than the rest, all the way] around. Its steps face east.

18 He said to me, “Human being,AdonaiElohimsays, ‘These are the regulations for the altar when the time comes to construct it, offer burnt offerings on it and splash the blood against it:

19 you are to give to thecohanim, who areL’vi’imdescended from Tzadok and who approach to serve me,’ saysAdonaiElohim, ‘a young bull as a sin offering.

20 You are to take its blood and put it on the four horns of the altar, on the four corners of the ledge and on the molding all the way around; this is how you will purify it and make atonement for it.

21 You are also to take the bull which is the sin offering and have it burned up at the designated place [on the grounds] of the house, outside the sanctuary.

22 On the second day you are to offer a male goat without defect as a sin offering, and they are to purify the altar as they purified it with the bull.

23 When you have finished purifying it, you are to offer a young bull without defect and a ram from the flock without defect.

24 You are to present them beforeAdonai, and thecohanimwill throw salt on them and offer them as a burnt offering toAdonai.

25 Every day, for seven days, you are to prepare a goat as a sin offering; they are also to prepare a young bull and a ram from the flock without defect.

26 For seven days, they are to make atonement for the altar and cleanse it; in this way they are to consecrate it.

27 When these days are over, then, on the eighth day and afterwards, thecohanimwill present your burnt offerings on the altar and your peace offerings; and I will accept you,’ saysAdonaiElohim.”

Yechezk’el (Ezk) 44

1 Then he brought me back by way of the outer gate of the sanctuary, the one facing east; and it was shut.

2 Adonaisaid to me, “This gate will remain shut; it will not be opened, and no one will go through it; becauseAdonai, the God of Isra’el, has gone through it. Therefore, it is to be kept shut.

3 Only the prince, since he is a prince, is to sit there to eat his meal beforeAdonai; he is to enter through the vestibule of the gate and leave the same way.”

4 Then he brought me through the north gate to the front of the house. I looked, sawAdonai’s glory filling the house ofAdonai, and fell on my face.

5 Adonaisaid to me, “Human being, pay attention; see with your eyes and hear with your ears everything I tell you about all the regulations ofAdonai’s house and about all itsTorah; pay attention to who can enter the house and who must be excluded from the sanctuary.

6 You are to tell the rebels, the house of Isra’el, that this is whatAdonaiElohimsays: ‘House of Isra’el, enough of all your disgusting practices!

7 You brought in foreigners, uncircumcised in both heart and flesh, to be in my sanctuary and profane it — yes, my house — when you offered my food, the fat and the blood; thus in addition to all your disgusting practices, they broke my covenant.

8 Instead of taking care of my holy things yourselves, you have put these people in charge of my sanctuary.’

9 Here is whatAdonaiElohimsays: ‘No foreigner, uncircumcised in both heart and flesh, is to enter my sanctuary — no foreigner living among the people of Isra’el.

10 “‘Rather, theL’vi’im, who went far away from me when Isra’el went astray, going astray after their idols — they will bear the consequences of their guilt,

11 but they are to serve in my sanctuary. They will have charge of the gates of the house and of serving in the house; they will slaughter the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people; and they will attend and serve them.

12 Because they served them in the presence of their idols and became an occasion of sin for the house of Isra’el, I am raising my hand against them,’ saysAdonaiElohim, ‘and they will bear the consequences of their guilt.

13 They will not approach me to serve me in the office ofcohenor approach any of the holy things or the especially holy things; but they will bear their shame for the disgusting practices they committed.

14 Yet I will put them in charge of the house and all its maintenance and everything to be done in it.

15 “‘However, thecohanim, who areL’vi’imand descendants of Tzadok, who took care of my sanctuary when the people of Isra’el went astray from me — they are the ones who will approach me and serve me; it is they who will attend me and offer me the fat and the blood,’ saysAdonaiElohim.

16 ‘They will enter my sanctuary, approach my table to minister to me and perform my service.

17 “‘Once they enter the gates of the inner courtyard, they are to wear linen clothing; they are not to wear any wool while serving at the gates of the inner courtyard or inside it.

18 They are to wear linen turbans on their heads and linen underclothes on their bodies, and they are not to wear anything that makes them sweat.

19 Before going out to the people in the outer courtyard, they are to remove the clothes in which they minister, lay them in the holy rooms, and put on other clothes; so that they won’t transmit holiness to the people by means of their clothing.

20 They are not to shave their heads or let their hair grow long, but must keep their hair carefully trimmed.

21 Nocohenis to drink wine when he enters the inner courtyard.

22 They may not marry a widow or a divorcee but must marry virgins descended from the house of Isra’el or a widow whose deceased husband was acohen.

23 “‘They are to teach my people the difference between holy and common and enable them to distinguish between clean and unclean.

24 They are to be judges in controversies, and they are to render decisions in keeping with my rulings. At all my designated festivals they are to keep my laws and regulations, and they are to keep myshabbats holy.

25 They are not to come to any dead person, because this would make them unclean; however, for father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister who has had no husband they may make themselves unclean.

26 After acohenhas been purified, he is to wait seven days.

27 Then, on the day he enters the sanctuary, when he goes into the inner courtyard to minister in the sanctuary, he is to offer his sin offering,’ saysAdonaiElohim.

28 “‘Their inheritance is to be this: I myself am their inheritance. You are not to grant them any possession in Isra’el — I myself am their possession.

29 They are to eat the grain offerings, sin offerings and guilt offerings; and everything in Isra’el devoted [to God] will be theirs.

30 The first of all the firstfruits of everything, and every voluntary contribution of everything, from all your offerings, will be for thecohanim. You are also to give thecohenthe first of your dough, so that a blessing will rest on your house.

31 Thecohanimare not to eat anything, bird or animal, that dies naturally or is torn to death.

Yechezk’el (Ezk) 45

1 “‘When you divide the land by lot for inheritance, you are to set aside an offering forAdonai, a holy portion of the land. Its length is to be 25,000 [cubits, that is, eight miles] and its width 10,000 [three miles]; this entire region is to be holy.

2 Of this there is to be reserved for the holy place an area 875 [feet] square, with eighty-seven-and-a-half feet for open land around it.

3 Alongside this region you are to measure a length of eight [miles] and a width of three [miles]; in it is to be the sanctuary, which will be especially holy.

4 It is a holy portion of the land; it is for thecohanimwho serve in the sanctuary, who approach to minister toAdonai; there will be a place for their houses and a place set aside for the sanctuary.

5 A portion eight by three [miles] will be owned by theL’vi’imwho serve in the house; it will also have twenty [gatekeepers’] rooms.

6 You are to give the city possession of an area, alongside the offering of the holy portion, one-and-a-half by eight [miles]; it will be for the whole house of Isra’el.

7 “‘The prince is to have the territory on both sides of the holy offering and the city’s holding; it will extend westward to the western border of the land and eastward to its eastern border; and the length [from the far side of one] of its two parts [to the far side of the other] will be the same as the length of one of the [tribal] portions.

8 His possession in Isra’el will be limited to this, and henceforth my princes will not wrong my people but will give the land to the house of Isra’el according to their tribes.’

9 AdonaiElohimsays this: ‘Princes of Isra’el, that should be enough for you! Get rid of violence and looting, do what is right and just, and stop evicting my people from their land!’ saysAdonaiElohim.

10 “‘You are to have honest balance-scales, an honesteifah[a one-bushel dry-measure] and an honestbat[a five-gallon liquid-measure].

11 Theeifahand thebatare to contain the same volume — thebatis to contain one-tenth of ahomer, and theeifahis to contain one-tenth of ahomer; thehomeris to set the standard for measurement.

12 Also theshekelis to be twentygerahs; yourmanehwill be the sum of a twenty-shekelpiece, a twenty-five-shekelpiece and a fifteen-shekelpiece.

13 “‘This is the offering you are to make: one-sixth of a bushel from every ten bushels of wheat, and you are to give one-sixth of a bushel from every ten bushels of barley.

14 The law for olive oil is to be half a gallon from every fifty gallons, which is the same as tenbats or onehomer, since tenbats equal ahomer.

15 From the flock, take one sheep from every two hundred being pastured in Isra’el; [all these are to be used] for grain offerings, burnt offerings and peace offerings, to make atonement for them,’ saysAdonaiElohim.

16 ‘All the people in the land are to present this offering to the prince in Isra’el.

17 The prince’s obligation will be to present the burnt offerings, grain offerings and drink offerings at the feasts, onRosh-Hodesh, and onShabbat— at all the designated times of the house of Isra’el. He is to prepare the sin offerings, grain offerings, burnt offerings and peace offerings to make atonement for the house of Isra’el.’

18 “AdonaiElohimsays this: ‘On the first day of the first month you are to take a young bull without defect and purify the sanctuary.

19 Thecohenwill take some of the blood from the sin offering and put it on the door-frames of the house, on the four corners of the altar’s ledge and on the supports of the gate of the inner courtyard.

20 You are also to do this on the seventh day of the month for everyone who has sinned inadvertently or through ignorance. Thus you will make atonement for the house.

21 “‘On the fourteenth day of the first month you are to have thePesach, a feast seven days long;matzahwill be eaten.

22 On that day the prince will provide, for himself and for all the people of the land, a young bull as a sin offering.

23 On the seven days of the feast he is to provide a burnt offering forAdonai, seven young bulls and seven rams without defect daily for the seven days, and a male goat daily as a sin offering.

24 He is to provide as a grain offering a bushel [of grain] for a young bull and a bushel for a ram, and for each bushel [of grain] a gallon of olive oil.

25 “‘On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, during the feast [of Sukkot] he is to do the same thing for those seven days in regard to the sin offerings, burnt offerings, grain offerings and olive oil.’

Yechezk’el (Ezk) 46

1 “This is whatAdonaiElohimsays: ‘The east gate of the inner courtyard is to be shut on the six working days, but onShabbatit is to be opened, and onRosh-Hodeshit is to be opened.

2 The prince is to enter by way of the outer vestibule of the gate and stand by the support of the gate. Thecohanimare to prepare his burnt offering and peace offerings. Then he is to prostrate himself in worship at the threshold of the gate, after which he is to leave; but the gate is not to be shut until evening.

3 The people of the land are also to prostrate themselves in worship beforeAdonaiat the entrance to that gate onShabbatand onRosh-Hodesh.

4 “‘The burnt offering the prince is to offerAdonaionShabbatis to consist of six lambs without defect and a ram without defect.

5 The grain offering is to be a bushel for the ram, while for the lambs it can be as much as he wants to give; with a gallon of olive oil pereifah.

6 OnRosh-Hodeshit is to be a young bull, six lambs and a ram, all without defect.

7 He is to prepare a grain offering consisting of a bushel for the bull, a bushel for the ram, and for the lambs as his means allow; with a gallon of olive oil per bushel.

8 “‘When the prince enters, he is to go in by way of the vestibule of the gate, and he is to leave the same way.

9 But when the people of the land come beforeAdonaiat the designated times, whoever comes in to worship by way of the north gate is to leave by way of the south gate, and whoever comes in by way of the south gate is to leave by way of the north gate; he is not to go back out through the gate by which he entered but is to exit straight ahead of him.

10 [On these occasions,] the prince is to be among them when they enter; and when they leave, they are to leave together.

11 “‘At the festivals and at designated times, the grain offering is to be a bushel for a young bull and a bushel for a ram, while for the lambs it can be as much as he wants to give, with a gallon of olive oil per bushel.

12 “‘When the prince provides a voluntary offering, whether it is a burnt offering or peace offerings that he offers voluntarily toAdonai, someone is to open the east gate for him; and he is to provide his burnt offering and peace offerings as he does onShabbat. Then he will leave; and after he leaves, the gate is to be shut.

13 “‘You are to provide a lamb in its first year that has no defect for a daily burnt offering toAdonai; do this each morning.

14 Also each morning, provide with it a grain offering, one-sixth of a bushel, and one-third of a gallon of olive oil to moisten the fine flour; this is the ongoing grain offering forAdonai, by a permanent regulation.

15 Thus they will offer a lamb, a grain offering and oil each morning as the ongoing burnt offering.’

16 “AdonaiElohimsays this: ‘If the prince turns over part of his hereditary property to one of his sons, it is his inheritance; it will belong to his sons; it is their possession by inheritance.

17 But if he gives part of his hereditary property to one of his slaves, it will be his until the year of freedom, at which time it will revert to the prince, so that the prince’s heritage will go to his sons.

18 The prince is not to take over any of the people’s inheritance, thereby evicting them wrongfully from their property; he is to give his sons an inheritance out of his own property, so that none of my people will be driven off their property.’”

19 Next, he brought me through the entry at the side of the gate into the holy rooms facing north that were for thecohanim. At their far west end I saw a place

20 about which he said to me, “This is the place where thecohanimwill boil the guilt offerings and sin offerings and bake the grain offerings. In this way they won’t have to bring them into the outer courtyard and risk transmitting holiness to the people.”

21 He took me into the outer courtyard and had me pass by the four corners of the courtyard, and there in each corner of the courtyard was another courtyard —

22 in the four corners of the courtyard were enclosed courtyards seventy feet long and fifty-two-and-a-half feet; the four courtyards in the corners were the same size.

23 There was a wall around each of the four, with open stoves all around the bases of the walls.

24 He said to me, “These are the stoves where those serving in the house will boil the people’s sacrifices.”

Yechezk’el (Ezk) 47

1 Then he brought me back to the entrance of the house, and I saw water flowing eastward from under the threshold of the house, for the house faced east. The water flowed down from under the right side of the house, south of the altar.

2 Next he led me out through the north gate and took me around outside to the outer gate, by way of the east gate, where I saw water trickling from the south side.

3 With a line in his hand the man went out toward the east and measured a thousand cubits [one-third of a mile] and had me wade across the stream; the water came up to my ankles.

4 He measured another thousand and had me wade through the water, which reached my knees. He measured another thousand and had me wade through water up to my waist.

5 Finally he measured a thousand, and it was a river I couldn’t cross on foot, because the water was so deep one would have to swim across; it was a river that could not be waded through.

6 He asked me, “Human being, have you seen this?” Then, guiding me, he got me back to the riverbank.

7 After being returned, I saw on the bank of the river a great number of trees on the one side and on the other.

8 He said to me, “This water flows toward the eastern region and continues down to the ‘Aravah. When it enters the sea, the sea of stagnant water, [the Dead Sea,] its water will become fresh.

9 When this happens, swarms of all kinds of living creatures will be able to live in it wherever the streams flow; so that there will be a vast number of fish; for this water is flowing there, so that, wherever the river goes, everything will be restored and able to live.

10 Then fishermen will stand on its shores spreading their nets all the way from ‘Ein-Gedi to ‘Ein-‘Eglayim. There will be as many kinds of fish there as in the Great Sea, [the Mediterranean,] a great variety.

11 However, its mud flats and marshes will not become fresh but will remain salty.

12 On both riverbanks will grow all kinds of trees for food; their leaves will not dry up, nor will their fruit fail. There will be a different kind of fruit each month, because the water flows from the sanctuary, so that this fruit will be edible, and the leaves will have healing properties.”

13 “AdonaiElohimsays this: ‘These are the borders of the land you are to distribute for inheritance by the twelve tribes of Isra’el, with Yosef receiving two portions.

14 For inheritance you will each have equal shares. I swore to your ancestors that I would give them this land, and now it falls to you to inherit it.

15 “‘The borders of the land will be as follows: on the north, from the Great Sea through Hetlon to the entrance of Tz’dad,

16 Hamat, Berotah, Sibrayim (which is between the border of Dammesek and the border of Hamat), Hatzer-Hatikhon (which is toward the border of Havran).

17 The border from the sea will be Hatzar-‘Einon (at the border of Dammesek); while on the north, northward, is the border of Hamat. This is the north side.

18 “‘On the east side, measure between Havran and Dammesek, Gil‘ad and the land of Isra’el by the Yarden, from the border to the eastern sea. This is the east side.

19 “‘On the side of the Negev toward the south it will be from Tamar as far as the waters of M’rivot-Kadesh, then to theVadi[of Egypt] and on to the Great Sea. This is the south side toward the Negev.

20 “‘The west side will be the Great Sea, as far as across from the entrance to Hamat. This is the west side.

21 “‘This is the territory you are to divide among the tribes of Isra’el.

22 You are to divide it by lot as an inheritance both to you and to the foreigners living among you who give birth to children living among you; for you they are to be no different from the native-born among the people of Isra’el — they are to have an inheritance with you among the tribes of Isra’el.

23 You are to give the foreigner an inheritance in the territory of the tribe with whom he is living,’ saysAdonaiElohim.

Yechezk’el (Ezk) 48

1 “‘Following is the list of tribes:

“‘This is Dan’s territory: from the north end, through Hetlon to the entrance of Hamat, Hatzar-‘Einan (at the border of Dammesek), northward, next to Hamat; and they will have their sides east and west.

2 “‘Asher’s territory will run alongside the territory of Dan from east to west.

3 “‘Naftali’s territory will run alongside the territory of Asher from east to west.

4 “‘M’nasheh’s territory will run alongside the territory of Naftali from east to west.

5 “‘Efrayim’s territory will run alongside the territory of M’nasheh from east to west.

6 “‘Re’uven’s territory will run alongside the territory of Efrayim from east to west.

7 “‘Y’hudah’s territory will run alongside the territory of Re’uven from east to west.

8 “‘Alongside the territory of Y’hudah, from east to west, will be the offering you are to set aside, 25,000 [cubits] wide [eight miles], and in length equal to distance between the east and west boundaries of one of the portions, with the sanctuary inside it.

9 The offering you are to set aside forAdonaiis to be eight [miles] long and three wide.

10 This holy offering will be for thecohanim; it will be eight [miles] in length along its north and south sides and three in width along its west and east sides;Adonai’s sanctuary will be inside it.

11 The portion set aside as holy will be for thecohanimwho are descendants of Tzadok that remained faithful to my commission and did not go astray when the people of Isra’el and theL’vi’imwent astray.

12 It is to be an especially holy portion set apart for them and taken from the offering of the land, next to the border of theL’vi’im.

13 “ ‘Alongside the territory for thecohanim, theL’vi’imare to have a portion eight [miles] long and three wide — its total length will be eight and its width three.

14 They may not sell, exchange or alienate any of this choice land; because it is holy, forAdonai.

15 “‘The 5,000 [cubits, that is, the one-and-a-half miles] that are left of the width is to be for the common use of the city, for housing and for open fields. The city will be inside it.

16 and will measure 4,500 cubits [just under one-and-a-half miles] along each of its sides — north, south, east and west.

17 The city is to have outside it a border of land 440 feet wide on each side — north, south, east and west.

18 A strip next to the holy offering extending three [miles] to the east and three to the west is to be left. This area by the holy offering is to be used to grow food for those serving the city.

19 The people from all the tribes of Isra’el who serve in the city will farm it.

20 The entire offering will be eight [miles] square, including the section for the city.

21 “‘What remains will be for the prince — the land on the two sides of the holy offering and section for the city, that is, the portion eastward from the eight [miles] of the offering’s eastern border to the land’s eastern border and the portion westward from the eight [miles] of the offering’s western border to the land’s western border — this land adjacent to the [tribal] portions will be for the prince, with the holy offering and the sanctuary of the house inside it.

22 Thus the land belonging to theL’vi’imand the section for the city will be inside that which belongs to the prince.

“‘The territory belonging to the prince will be between the territory of Y’hudah and the territory of Binyamin —

23 which brings us to the rest of the tribes:

“‘Binyamin’s territory will run from east to west.

24 “‘Shim‘on’s territory will run alongside the territory of Binyamin from east to west.

25 “‘Yissakhar’s territory will run alongside the territory of Shim‘on from east to west.

26 “‘Z’vulun’s territory will run alongside the territory of Yissakhar from east to west.

27 “‘Gad’s territory will run alongside the territory of Z’vulun from east to west.

28 “‘Alongside the territory of Gad, from the Negev southward, the border will run from Tamar to the water at M’rivat-Kadesh, then to theVadi[of Egypt], and on to the Great Sea.

29 This is the land you are to distribute by lot to the tribes of Isra’el for inheritance, and these are their portions,’ saysAdonaiElohim.

30-34 “‘These are the city exits; they are to be named after the tribes of Isra’el, three gates on each of the four sides; the four sides each measure just under one-and-a-half [miles]: on the north, gates named after Re’uven, Y’hudah and Levi; on the east, gates named after Yosef, Binyamin and Dan; on the south, gates named after Shim‘on, Yissakhar and Z’vulun; and on the west, gates named after Gad, Asher and Naftali.

35 “‘The perimeter of [the city] will be just under six [miles] long. And from that day on the name of the city will beAdonaiShamah [Adonaiis there].’”

Yirmeyahu (Jer) 1

1 These are the words of Yirmeyahu the son of Hilkiyahu, one of thecohanimliving in ‘Anatot, in the territory of Binyamin.

2 The word ofAdonaicame to him during the days of Yoshiyahu the son of Amon, king of Y’hudah, in the thirteenth year of his reign.

3 It also came during the days of Y’hoyakim the son of Yoshiyahu, king of Y’hudah, continuing until the eleventh year of Tzidkiyahu the son of Yoshiyahu, king of Y’hudah, right up until the time Yerushalayim was carried away captive, in the fifth month.

4 Here is the word ofAdonaithat came to me:

5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you;

before you were born, I separated you for myself.

I have appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.”

6 I said, “Oh,AdonaiElohim, I don’t even know how to speak! I’m just a child!”

7 ButAdonaisaid to me, “Don’t say, ‘I’m just a child.’

“For you will go to whomever I send you,

and you will speak whatever I order you.

8 Do not be afraid of them,

for I am with you, saysAdonai,

to rescue you.”

9 ThenAdonaiput out his hand and touched my mouth, andAdonaisaid to me,

“There! I have put my words in your mouth.

10 Today I have placed you over nations and kingdoms

to uproot and to tear down,

to destroy and to demolish,

to build and to plant.”

11 The word ofAdonaicame to me, asking, “Yirmeyahu, what do you see?” I answered, “I see a branch from an almond tree .

12 ThenAdonaisaid to me, “You have seen well, because I am watching to fulfill my word.”

13 A second time the word ofAdonaicame to me, asking, “What do you see?” I answered, “I see a caldron tilted away from the north, over a fire fanned by the wind.”

14 ThenAdonaisaid to me, “From the north calamity will boil over onto everyone living in the land,

15 because I will summon all the families in the kingdoms of the north,” saysAdonai,

“and they will come and sit, each one, on his throne

at the entrance to the gates of Yerushalayim,

opposite its walls, all the way around,

and opposite all the cities of Y’hudah.

16 I will pronounce my judgments against them

for all their wickedness in abandoning me,

offering incense to other gods

and worshipping what their own hands made.

17 “But you, dress for action; stand up and tell them

everything I order you to say.

When you confront them, don’t break down;

or I will break you down in front of them!

18 For today, you see, I have made you into

a fortified city, a pillar of iron,

a wall of bronze against the whole land —

against the kings of Y’hudah, against its princes,

against itscohanimand the people of the land.

19 They will fight against you,

but they will not overcome you,

for I am with you,” saysAdonai,

“to rescue you.”

Yirmeyahu (Jer) 2

1 The word ofAdonaicame to me:

2 “Go and shout in the ears of Yerushalayim that this is whatAdonaisays:

‘I remember your devotion when you were young;

how, as a bride, you loved me;

how you followed me through the desert,

through a land not sown.

3 “‘Isra’el is set aside forAdonai,

the firstfruits of his harvest;

all who devour him will incur guilt;

evil will befall them,” saysAdonai.

4 Hear the word ofAdonai, house of Ya‘akov

and all families in the house of Isra’el;

5 here is whatAdonaisays:

“What did your ancestors find wrong with me

to make them go so far away from me,

to make them go after nothings

and become themselves nothings?

6 They didn’t ask, ‘Where isAdonai,

who brought us out of the land of Egypt,

who led us through the desert,

through a land of wastes and ravines,

through a land of drought and death-dark shadows,

through a land where no one travels

and where no one ever lived?’

7 I brought you into a fertile land

to enjoy its fruit and all its good things;

but when you entered, you defiled my land

and made my heritage loathsome.

8 Thecohanimdidn’t ask, ‘Where isAdonai?’

Those who deal with theTorahdid not know me,

the people’s shepherds rebelled against me;

the prophets prophesied by Ba‘al

and went after things of no value.

9 “So again I state my case against you,” saysAdonai,

“and state it against your grandchildren too.

10 Cross to the coasts of the Kitti’im and look;

send to Kedar and observe closely;

see if anything like this has happened before:

11 has a nation ever exchanged its gods

(and theirs are not gods at all!)?

Yet my people have exchanged their Glory

for something without value.

12 Be aghast at this, you heavens!

Shudder in absolute horror!” saysAdonai.

13 “For my people have committed two evils:

they have abandoned me,

the fountain of living water,

and dug themselves cisterns, broken cisterns,

that can hold no water!

14 “Is Isra’el a slave, born into serfdom?

If not, why has he become plunder?

15 The young lions are roaring at him —

how loudly they are roaring!

They desolate his country,

demolishing and depopulating his cities.

16 The people of Nof and Tachpanches

feed on the crown of your head.

17 “Haven’t you brought this on yourself

by abandoningAdonaiyour God

when he led you along the way?

18 If you go to Egypt, what’s in it for you?

Drinking water from the Nile?

If you go to Ashur, what’s in it for you?

Drinking water from the [Euphrates] River?

19 Your own wickedness will correct you,

your own backslidings will convict you;

you will know and see how bad and bitter

it was to abandonAdonaiyour God,

and how fear of me is not in you,”


20 “For long ago I broke your yoke;

when I snapped your chains, you said, ‘I won’t sin.’

Yet on every high hill, under every green tree,

you sprawled and prostituted yourself.

21 But I planted you as a choice vine

of seed fully tested and true.

How did you degenerate

into a wild vine for me?

22 Even if you scrub yourself

with soda and plenty of soap,

the stain of your guilt is still there before me,”


23 “How can you say, ‘I am not defiled,

I have not pursued theba‘alim’?

Look at your conduct in the valley,

understand what you have done.

You are a restive young female camel,

running here and there,

24 wild, accustomed to the desert,

sniffing the wind in her lust —

who can control her when she’s in heat?

Males seeking her need not weary themselves,

for at mating season they will find her.

25 “Stop before your shoes wear out,

and your throat is dry from thirst!

But you say, ‘No, it’s hopeless!

I love these strangers, and I’m going after them.’

26 Just as a thief is ashamed when caught,

so is the house of Isra’el ashamed —

they, their kings, their leaders,

theircohanimand their prophets,

27 who say to a log, ‘You are my father,’

and to a stone, ‘You gave us birth.’

For they have turned their backs to me

instead of their faces.

But when trouble comes, they will plead,

‘Rouse yourself and save us!’

28 Where are your gods that you made for yourselves?

Let them rouse themselves,

if they can save you when trouble comes.

Y’hudah, you have as many gods

as you have cities!

29 Why argue with me? You have all

rebelled against me!” saysAdonai.

30 “In vain have I struck down your people.

They would not receive correction.

Your own sword has devoured your prophets

like a marauding lion.

31 You of this generation,

look at the word ofAdonai:

Have I been a desert to Isra’el?

or a land of oppressive darkness?

Why do my people say, ‘We’re free to roam,

we will no longer come to you’?

32 Does a girl forget her jewellery,

or a bride her wedding sash?

Yet my people have forgotten me,

days beyond numbering.

33 You are so clever in your search for love

that the worst of women can learn from you!

34 Right there on your clothing

is the blood of the innocent poor,

although you never caught them breaking and entering.

Yet concerning all these things,

35 you say, ‘I am innocent;

surely he’s no longer angry at me.’

Here, I am passing sentence on you,

because you say, ‘I have done nothing wrong.’

36 You cheapen yourself

when you change course so often —

you will be disappointed by Egypt too,

just as you were disappointed by Ashur.

37 Yes, you will leave him too,

with your hands on your heads [in shame].

ForAdonairejects those in whom you trust;

from them you will gain nothing.”

Yirmeyahu (Jer) 3

1 [Adonai] says:

“If a man divorces his wife,

and she leaves him and marries another man,

then if the first one marries her again,

that land will be completely defiled.

But you prostituted yourself to many lovers,

yet you want to return to me?” saysAdonai.

2 “Raise your eyes to the bare hills, take a look:

where have you not had sex?

You sat by the roadsides waiting for them

like a nomad in the desert.

You have defiled the land

with your prostitution and wickedness.

3 For this reason the showers have been withheld,

there has been no rain in the spring;

still you maintain a whore’s brazen look

and refuse to be ashamed.

4 Didn’t you just now cry to me,

‘My father, you are my friend from my youth’? —

5 [thinking,] ‘He won’t bear a grudge forever, will he?

He wouldn’t maintain it right to the end.’

You say this, but you keep doing evil things,

you just do whatever you want.”

6 In the days of Yoshiyahu the king,Adonaiasked me, “Have you seen the things that backsliding Isra’el has been doing? She goes up on every bare hill and under every green tree and prostitutes herself there.

7 I said that after she had done all these things, she would return to me; but she hasn’t returned. Meanwhile, her unfaithful sister Y’hudah has been watching.

8 I saw that even though backsliding Isra’el had committed adultery, so that I had sent her away and given her a divorce document, unfaithful Y’hudah her sister was not moved to fear — instead she too went and prostituted herself.

9 The ease with which Isra’el prostituted herself defiled the land, as she committed adultery with stones and with logs.

10 Yet in spite of all this, her unfaithful sister Y’hudah has not returned to me wholeheartedly; she only makes a pretense of it,” saidAdonai.

11 ThenAdonaisaid to me, “Backsliding Isra’el has proved herself more righteous than unfaithful Y’hudah.

12 Go and proclaim these words toward the north:

‘“Return, backsliding Isra’el,” saysAdonai.

“I will not frown on you, for I am merciful,” saysAdonai.

“I will not bear a grudge forever.

13 Only acknowledge your guilt,

that you have committed crimes

againstAdonaiyour God,

that you were promiscuous with strangers

under every green tree,

and that you have not paid attention

to my voice,” saysAdonai.

14 “Return, backsliding children,” saysAdonai;

“for I am your master.

I will take you, one from a city,

two from a family, and bring you to Tziyon.

15 I will give you shepherds

after my own heart,

and they will feed you

with knowledge and understanding.

16 “‘“And,” saysAdonai, “in those days, when your numbers have increased in the land, people will no longer talk about the ark for the covenant ofAdonai— they won’t think about it, they won’t miss it, and they won’t make another one.

17 When that time comes, they will call Yerushalayim the throne ofAdonai. All the nations will be gathered there to the name ofAdonai, to Yerushalayim. No longer will they live according to their stubbornly evil hearts.

18 In those days, the house of Y’hudah will live together with the house of Isra’el; they will come together from the lands in the north to the land I gave your ancestors as their heritage.

19 “‘“I thought that I would like to put you among the sons [with inheritance rights] and give you a pleasant land, the best heritage of all the nations. I thought that you would call me ‘My father’ and never stop following me.

20 But like a faithless woman who betrays her husband, you, house of Isra’el, have betrayed me,” saysAdonai.’”

21 A sound is heard on the heights,

the house of Isra’el crying, pleading for mercy,

because they have perverted their way

and forgottenAdonaitheir God.

22 “Return, backsliding children,

and I will heal your backsliding.”

“Here we are, we are coming to you,

for you areAdonaiour God.

23 Indeed the hills have proved a delusion,

likewise the orgies on the mountains.

Truly the salvation of Isra’el

is inAdonaiour God.

24 But from our youth the shameful thing [idolatry]

has devoured the fruit of our ancestors’ work,

their flocks and herds, their sons and daughters.

25 Let us lie down in our shame,

let our disgrace cover us,

for we have sinned againstAdonaiour God,

both we and our ancestors,

from our youth until today;

we have not paid attention

to the voice ofAdonaiour God.”