Hoshea (Hos) 6

1 Come, let us return toAdonai;

for he has torn, and he will heal us;

he has struck, and he will bind our wounds.

2 After two days, he will revive us;

on the third day, he will raise us up;

and we will live in his presence.

3 Let us know, let us strive to knowAdonai.

That he will come is as certain as morning;

he will come to us like the rain,

like the spring rains that water the earth.

4 “Efrayim, what should I do to you?

Y’hudah, what should I do to you?

For your ‘faithful love’ is like a morning cloud,

like dew that disappears quickly.

5 This is why I have cut them to pieces by the prophets,

slaughtered them with the words from my mouth —

the judgment on you shines out like light.

6 For what I desire is mercy, not sacrifices,

knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.

7 “But they, just like men, have broken the covenant,

they have been faithless in dealing with me.

8 Gil‘ad is a city of criminals,

covered with bloody footprints;

9 just as bands of robbers wait to ambush someone,

so does a gang ofcohanim.

They commit murder on the road to Sh’khem!

Their conduct is an outrage!

10 In the house of Isra’el

I have seen a horrible thing;

whoring is found there in Efrayim,

Isra’el is defiled.

11 For you, too, Y’hudah,

a harvest will come!

“When I restore the fortunes of my people,

Hoshea (Hos) 7

1 when I am ready to heal Isra’el,

the crimes of Efrayim confront me,

along with the wickedness of Shomron.

For they keep practicing deceit;

thieves break in, bands of robbers raid outside.

2 They never say to themselves

that I remember all their evil.

Now their own deeds surround them;

they are right in front of me.

3 They make the king glad with their wickedness,

and the leaders with their lies.

4 They are all adulterers,

like an oven heated by the baker,

who doesn’t stoke the fire

from kneading time till the dough has risen.

5 “On their king’s special day

the leaders inflame him with wine,

and he joins hands with scorners,

6 who ready themselves like an oven

while they wait for their chance.

Their baker sleeps through the night;

then in the morning it bursts into flame.

7 They are all as hot as an oven,

and they devour their judges.

All their kings have fallen;

not one of them calls out to me.

8 “Efrayim mixes himself with the peoples,

Efrayim has become a half-baked cake.

9 Foreigners have eaten up his strength,

but he doesn’t know it;

yes, gray hairs appear on him here and there,

but he doesn’t know it.

10 The pride of Isra’el testifies in his face,

but in spite of all this they haven’t returned

toAdonaitheir God or sought him.

11 Efrayim behaves like a silly, foolish dove —

going to Egypt, then to Ashur for help.

12 Even as they go, I will spread my net over them;

I will bring them down like birds from the sky;

I will discipline them, as their assembly was told.

13 Woe to them! for they have strayed from me.

Destruction to them! for they have wronged me.

Am I supposed to redeem them,

when they have spoken lies against me?

14 They have not cried out to me from their hearts,

even though they wail on their beds.

They assemble themselves for grain and wine,

yet turn away from me.

15 It was I who trained and strengthened their arms,

yet they plot evil against me.

16 They return, but not upward;

they are like an unreliable bow.

Their leaders will die by the sword

because of their angry talk.

They will become a laughingstock

in the land of Egypt.

Hoshea (Hos) 8

1 “Put theshofarto your lips!

Like a vulture [he swoops down] on the house ofAdonai,

because they have violated my covenant

and sinned intentionally against myTorah.

2 Will they cry out to me,

‘We are Isra’el, God, we know you’?

3 Isra’el has thrown away what is good;

the enemy will pursue him.

4 They make kings, but without my authority;

they appoint leaders, but without my knowledge.

With their silver and gold they make themselves idols,

but these can lead only to their own destruction.

5 Your calf, Shomron, has been thrown away;

my fury burns against them.

How long will it be until they are able

to make themselves clean?

6 Here is what Isra’el produces:

a craftsman makes something — it’s a non-god;

the calf of Shomron will be broken to pieces.

7 For they sow the wind,

so they will reap the whirlwind.

The standing grain has no ears,

so it will yield no flour;

and if it does yield any,

foreigners will swallow it up.

8 Isra’el is swallowed up;

now they are among theGoyim

like a vessel nobody wants.

9 For they have gone up to Ashur;

like a wild donkey, alone by itself,

Efrayim has bargained for lovers.

10 But even if they bargain among theGoyim,

now I will round them up.

Soon they will start to feel the burden

of these kings and leaders.

11 For Efrayim keeps building altars for sin;

yes, altars are sinful for him.

12 I write him so many things from myTorah,

yet he considers them foreign.

13 They offer me sacrifices of flesh and eat them,

butAdonaidoes not accept them.

Now he will recall their crimes and punish their sins —

they will return to Egypt.

14 For Isra’el forgot his maker and built palaces;

and Y’hudah made more fortified cities;

but I will send fire on his cities,

and it will consume their strongholds.”

Hoshea (Hos) 9

1 Don’t rejoice, Isra’el!

Don’t enjoy yourselves as other peoples do;

for you have gone whoring away from your God,

you love being hired as a whore on every grain-floor.

2 Threshing-floor and winepress won’t feed them,

and new wine will disappoint her.

3 They won’t remain in the land ofAdonai;

instead, Efrayim will return to Egypt,

and they will eat unclean food in Ashur.

4 They will not pour out wine offerings toAdonai;

they will not be pleasing to him.

Their sacrifices will be for them like mourners’ food —

everyone eating it will be polluted.

For their food will be merely to satisfy their appetite;

it will not come into the house ofAdonai.

5 What will you do at a designated time,

on a day which is a festival forAdonai?

6 For suppose they escape the destruction —

Egypt will round them up,

Memphis will bury them.

And their precious treasures of silver?

Nettles will possess them,

thorns will be in their tents.

7 The days of punishment have come,

the days of retribution are here,

and Isra’el knows it.

[Yet they cry,] “The prophet is a fool,

the man of the spirit has gone crazy!”

Because your iniquity is so great,

the hostility [against you] is great.

8 The watchman of Efrayim is with my God,

but a prophet has a fowler’s snare set on all his paths

and hostility even in the house of his God.

9 They have deeply corrupted themselves,

as in the days of Giv‘ah.

He will remember their guilt,

and he will punish their sins.

10 “When I found Isra’el, it was like finding

grapes in the desert;

when I saw your ancestors, it was like seeing

a fig tree’s first figs in its first season.

But as soon as they came to Ba‘al-P‘or,

they dedicated themselves to something shameful;

they became as loathsome

as the thing they loved.

11 The glory of Efrayim will fly away like a bird —

no birth, no pregnancy, no conception.

12 Even if they raise their children,

I will destroy them till none is left —

and woe to them when I leave them, too!”

13 Efrayim, as I see it, is like Tzor,

planted in a pleasant place;

but Efrayim will bring out his children

to the slaughterer.

14 Adonai, give them — what will you give?

Give them wombs that miscarry and dried-up breasts!

15 “All their wickedness was already there in Gilgal;

that’s where I came to hate them.

Because of the wickedness of their deeds

I will expel them from my house,

I will love them no more;

all their leaders are rebels.

16 Efrayim has been struck down,

their root has been dried up,

they will bear no fruit.

Even if they do give birth,

I will kill their cherished offspring.”

17 My God will cast them aside,

because they wouldn’t listen to him,

and they will become wanderers

among theGoyim.

Hoshea (Hos) 10

1 Isra’el was a luxuriant vine,

freely putting forth fruit.

As his fruit increased,

he increased his altars;

as his land got better,

he improved his standing-stones.

2 Their heart is divided;

now they will bear their guilt.

He will break down their altars

and destroy their standing-stones.

3 For now they will say,

“We have no king,

because we didn’t fearAdonai—

and what could a king do for us, anyway?”

4 They mouth words,

swearing falsely, making treaties.

Thus judgment spreads like poisonous weeds

in the furrows of a field.

5 The inhabitants of Shomron are frightened

of the calf-gods of Beit-Aven.

Its people mourn over it;

its priests tremble over it,

over its glory, which has left it.

6 It will be carried to Ashur

as a present for a warring king.

Efrayim will be put to shame,

and Isra’el be ashamed of his own advice.

7 Shomron’s king will perish

like foam on the surface of the water.

8 Destruction will come to the high places of Aven,

that is, to the sin of Isra’el.

Thorns and thistles will grow over their altars;

and they will say to the mountains, “Cover us!”

and to the hills, “Fall on us!”

9 “Since the days of Giv‘ah you have sinned, Isra’el.

There they took their stand.

For these arrogant people at Giv‘ah,

war was insufficient punishment.

10 When I wish to, I will discipline them;

and the peoples will be gathered against them

to discipline them for their two crimes.”

11 Efrayim is a well-taught cow —

it loves to tread the grain,

and I have spared her fair neck.

But I will put Efrayim in harness,

Y’hudah will have to plow,

Ya‘akov will harrow his own land.

12 If you sow righteousness for yourselves,

you will reap according to grace.

Break up unused ground for yourselves,

because it is time to seekAdonai,

till he comes and rains down

righteousness upon you.

13 You have plowed wickedness, reaped iniquity

and eaten the fruit of lies.

Because you trusted in your own way,

in your large numbers of warriors,

14 turmoil will erupt among your peoples,

and all your fortresses will be destroyed;

just as Shalman destroyed Beit-Arbel

on the day of battle,

when mothers were dashed to pieces

right along with their children.

15 Thus will be done to you, Beit-El,

because of your great wickedness;

at dawn the king of Isra’el

will be completely cut off.

Hoshea (Hos) 11

1 “When Isra’el was a child, I loved him;

and out of Egypt I called my son.

2 But the more [the prophets] called them,

the farther they went from them.

They sacrificed to theba‘alim

and offered incense to idols.

3 “Yet it was I who taught Efrayim to walk;

I took them by their arms.

But they did not know that it was I

who was healing them,

4 who was guiding them on through human means

with reins made of love.

With them I was like someone removing

the yoke from their jaws,

and I bent down to feed them.

5 He will not return to the land of Egypt,

but Ashur will be his king,

because they refused to repent.

6 The sword will fall on his cities,

destroying the bars of his gates,

because they follow their own advice.

7 My people are hanging in suspense

about returning to me;

and though they call them upwards,

nobody makes a move.

8 Efrayim, how can I give you up,

or surrender you, Isra’el?

How could I treat you like Admah

or make you like Tzvoyim?

My heart recoils at the idea,

as compassion warms within me.

9 I will not give vent to the fierceness of my rage,

I will not return to destroy Efrayim;

for I am God, not a human being,

the Holy One among you;

so I will not come in fury.

10 They will go afterAdonai,

who will roar like a lion;

for he will roar, and the children will come

trembling from the west.

11 They will tremble like a bird as they come from Egypt,

like a dove as they come from the land of Ashur;

and I will resettle them in their own houses,


Hoshea (Hos) 12

1 “Efrayim surrounds me with lies

and the house of Isra’el with deceit.

Y’hudah still rules with God

and is faithful with holy ones.

2 Efrayim is chasing the wind,

pursuing the wind from the east.

All day he piles up lies and desolation —

they make a covenant with Ashur,

while sending olive oil to Egypt.

3 Adonaialso has a grievance against Y’hudah;

he will punish Ya‘akov according to his ways

and pay him back for his misdeeds.

4 In the womb he took his brother by the heel;

in the strength of his manhood he fought with God.

5 Yes, he fought with an angel and won;

he wept and pleaded with him.

Then at Beit-El he found him,

and there he would [later] speak with us —

6 AdonaiElohei-Tzva’ot;

Adonaiis his name!

7 So you, return to your God;

hold fast to grace and justice;

and always put your hope in your God.

8 “A huckster keeps false scales,

and he loves to cheat.

9 Efrayim says, ‘I have gotten so rich!

I have made me a fortune!

And in all my profits no one will find

anything wrong or sinful.’

10 “But I amAdonaiyour God,

from the land of Egypt.

Again I will make you live in tents,

as in the days of the established festival.

11 I have spoken to the prophets;

it was I who gave vision after vision;

through the prophets I gave examples

to show what it would all be like.

12 Is Gil‘ad given to iniquity?

Yes, they have become worthless.

In Gilgal they sacrifice to bulls;

therefore their altars are like piles of stones

in a plowed field.”

13 Ya‘akov fled to the land of Aram.

There Isra’el slaved to win a wife;

for a wife he tended sheep.

14 By a prophetAdonaibrought Isra’el up from Egypt,

and by a prophet he was protected.

15 Efrayim has given bitter provocation,

so the penalty for his bloodshed will be thrown down on him,

and his Lord will repay him for his insult.

Hoshea (Hos) 13

1 “When Efrayim spoke, there was trembling;

he was a power in Isra’el.

But when he incurred guilt through Ba‘al,

he died.

2 So now they keep adding sin to sin,

casting images from their silver;

idols they invent for themselves,

all of them the work of craftsmen.

‘Sacrifice to them,’ they say.

Men give kisses to calves!

3 Therefore they will be like a morning cloud,

like the dew that disappears early,

like chaff blown by wind from the threshing-floor,

or like smoke that goes out the window.

4 Still, I amAdonaiyour God,

from the land of Egypt;

and you don’t know any God but me

or, other than me, any Savior.

5 I knew you in the desert,

in a land of terrible drought.

6 When they were fed, they were satisfied;

when satisfied, they became proud.

Therefore they forgot me.

7 So now I have become like a lion to them;

like a leopard I will lurk by the road;

8 I will meet them like a bear

whose cubs have been taken away.

I will tear their hearts from their bodies.

I will devour them there like a lion,

like a wild animal ripping them up.

9 It is your destruction, Isra’el,

although your help is in me.

10 So now, where is your king,

to save you in all your cities?

Where are your judges, of whom you said,

‘Give me a king and leaders’?

11 I gave you a king in my anger;

and in my fury I took him away.

12 “Efrayim’s guilt has been wrapped up,

his sin is stored away.

13 The pain of being born will come to him;

but he is an unwise son.

The time has come; and he shouldn’t delay,

there at the mouth of the womb.

14 Should I ransom them from the power of Sh’ol?

Should I redeem them from death?

Where are your plagues, death;

where is your destruction, Sh’ol?

My eyes are closed to compassion.

15 For though he flourishes among the reeds,

an east wind will come, a wind fromAdonai,

blowing up from the desert.

Then his water source will dry up,

then his spring will fail —

it will plunder his treasury,

removing every precious thing.”

Hoshea (Hos) 14

1 Shomron will bear her guilt,

for she has rebelled against her God.

They will fall by the sword,

their little ones will be dashed to pieces

and their pregnant women ripped open.

2 Return, Isra’el, toAdonaiyour God,

for your guilt has made you stumble.

3 Take words with you, and return toAdonai;

say to him, “Forgive all guilt,

and accept what is good;

we will pay instead of bulls

[the offerings of] our lips.

4 Ashur will not save us,

we will not ride on horses,

and we will no longer call

what we made with our hands our gods.

For it is only in you

that the fatherless can find mercy.”

5 “I will heal their disloyalty,

I will love them freely;

for my anger has turned from him.

6 I will be like dew to Isra’el;

he will blossom like a lily

and strike roots like the L’vanon.

7 His branches will spread out,

his beauty be like an olive tree

and his fragrance like the L’vanon.

8 Again they will live in his shade and raise grain;

they will blossom like a vine,

and its aroma will be

like the wine of the L’vanon.

9 Efrayim [will say], ‘What have I

to do any more with idols?’

And I, I answer and affirm him;

I am like a fresh, green cypress tree;

your fruitfulness comes from me.”

10 Let the wise understand these things,

and let the discerning know them.

For the ways ofAdonaiare straight,

And the righteous walk in them,

but in them sinners stumble.

Yechezk’el (Ezk) 1

1 In the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the fourth month, while I was among the exiles by the K’var River, the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.

2 On the fifth day of the month, which was during the fifth year of King Y’hoyakhin’s exile,

3 the word ofAdonaicame to thecohenYechezk’el son of Buzi, in the land of the Kasdim by the K’var River; there the hand ofAdonaiwas on him.

4 I looked and saw a windy storm approaching from the north and a huge cloud with flashing fire, glowing brightly all around with the color of gleaming amber from within the fire.

5 Inside, there appeared to be four living creatures that looked like human beings;

6 but each one had four faces and four wings.

7 Their legs were straight, with feet like calves’ hoofs. They glittered like burnished bronze.

8 Beneath their wings they had human hands on their four sides. The four of them had faces and wings as follows:

9 they touched one another with their wings; they did not turn when they moved, but each one moved straight forward;

10 as for the appearance of their faces, they had human faces [in front], each of the four had a lion’s face on the right, each of the four had a bull’s face on the left, and each of the four had an eagle’s face [toward the rear] —

11 thus their faces. As for their wings, each had two that stretched upward and joined those of others, and two more that covered their bodies.

12 Each [living creature] moved in the direction of any of its faces; in whichever direction the spirit wanted to go, they went, without turning as they moved —

13 thus the appearance of the living creatures.

With them was something that looked like fiery coals burning the way torches do, with the fire flashing here and there between the living creatures; the fire had a brilliance, and out of the fire went lightning.

14 The living creatures kept speeding here and there like flashes of lightning.

15 As I gazed at the living creatures, I saw wheels on the ground, one next to each of the four-faced living creatures.

16 All four wheels looked the same: their inner parts gleamed like beryl, and their structure seemed to be that of a wheel inside a wheel.

17 When they moved, they could go in any of the four directions without turning as they moved.

18 Their rims were tall and fearsome, because the rims of all four were full of eyes all around.

19 When the living creatures moved, the wheels moved along with them; and when the creatures were lifted off the ground, the wheels went with them.

20 Wherever the spirit was to go, they went, in the direction the spirit wanted to go. The wheels were lifted up next to them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.

21 When [the living creatures] moved, [the wheels] moved; when the former stood still, the latter stood still; and when the former were lifted off the ground, the wheels were lifted up next to them; because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.

22 Over the heads of the living creatures was what appeared to be a dome glittering like ice; it was awesome, spread out over their heads, above them.

23 Under the dome each had a pair of wings spread out straight toward those of others, and each had a pair which covered his body.

24 I heard the sound of their wings when they moved; it was like the sound of rushing water, like the voice ofShaddai, like the noise of a tumultuous crowd or army. When they stopped, they lowered their wings.

25 Whenever there was a sound from above the dome over their heads, they stopped and lowered their wings.

26 Above the dome that was over their heads was something like a throne that looked like a sapphire. On it, above it, was what appeared to be a person.

27 I saw what looked like gleaming, amber-colored fire radiating from what appeared to be his waist upward. Downward from what appeared to be his waist, I saw what looked like fire, giving a brilliant light all around him.

28 This brilliance around him looked like a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day. This was how the appearance of the glory ofAdonailooked. When I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard the voice of someone speaking.