Tehillim (Psa) 129

1 A song of ascents:

Since I was young they have often attacked me —

let Isra’el repeat it —

2 since I was young they have often attacked me,

but they haven’t overcome me.

3 The plowmen plowed on my back;

wounding me with long furrows.

4 ButAdonaiis righteous;

he cuts me free from the yoke of the wicked.

5 Let all who hate Tziyon

be thrown back in confusion.

6 Let them be like grass on the roof,

which dries out before it grows up

7 and never fills the reaper’s hands

or the arms of the one who binds sheaves,

8 so that no passer-by says,

“Adonai’s blessing on you!

We bless you in the name ofAdonai!”

Tehillim (Psa) 130

1 A song of ascents. By David:

Adonai, I call to you from the depths;

2 hear my cry,Adonai!

Let your ears pay attention

to the sound of my pleading.

3 Yah, if you kept a record of sins,

who,Adonai, could stand?

4 But with you there is forgiveness,

so that you will be feared.

5 I wait longingly forAdonai;

I put my hope in his word.

6 Everything in me waits forAdonai

more than guards on watch wait for morning,

more than guards on watch wait for morning.

7 Isra’el, put your hope inAdonai!

For grace is found withAdonai,

and with him is unlimited redemption.

8 He will redeem Isra’el

from all their wrongdoings.

Tehillim (Psa) 131

1 A song of ascents. By David:

Adonai, my heart isn’t proud;

I don’t set my sight too high,

I don’t take part in great affairs

or in wonders far beyond me.

2 No, I keep myself calm and quiet,

like a little child on its mother’s lap —

I keep myself like a little child.

3 Isra’el, put your hope inAdonai

from now on and forever!

Tehillim (Psa) 132

1 A song of ascents:

Adonai, remember in David’s favor

all the hardships he endured,

2 how he swore toAdonai,

vowed to the Mighty One of Ya‘akov,

3 “I will not enter the house where I live

or get into my bed,

4 I will not allow myself to sleep

or even close my eyes,

5 until I find a place forAdonai,

a dwelling for the Mighty One of Ya‘akov.”

6 We heard about it in Efrat,

we found it in the Fields of Ya‘ar.

7 Let’s go into his dwelling

and prostrate ourselves at his footstool.

8 Go up,Adonai, to your resting-place,

you and the ark through which you give strength.

9 May yourcohanimbe clothed with righteousness;

may those loyal to you shout for joy.

10 For the sake of your servant David,

don’t turn away the face of your anointed one.

11 Adonaiswore an oath to David,

an oath he will not break:

“One of the sons from your own body

I will set on your throne.

12 If your sons keep my covenant

and my instruction, which I will teach them,

then their descendants too, forever,

will sit on your throne.”

13 ForAdonaihas chosen Tziyon,

he has wanted it as his home.

14 “This is my resting-place forever,

I will live here because I so much want to.

15 I will bless it with plenty of meat,

I will give its poor their fill of food.

16 ItscohanimI will clothe with salvation,

and its faithful will shout for joy.

17 I will make a king sprout there from David’s line

and prepare a lamp for my anointed one.

18 His enemies I will clothe with shame,

but on him there will be a shining crown.”

Tehillim (Psa) 133

1 A song of ascents. By David:

Oh, how good, how pleasant it is

for brothers to live together in harmony.

2 It is like fragrant oil on the head

that runs down over the beard,

over the beard of Aharon,

and flows down on the collar of his robes.

3 It is like the dew of Hermon

that settles on the mountains of Tziyon.

For it was there thatAdonaiordained

the blessing of everlasting life.

Tehillim (Psa) 135

1 Halleluyah!

Give praise to the name ofAdonai!

Servants ofAdonai, give praise!

2 You who stand in the house ofAdonai,

in the courtyards of the house of our God,

3 praiseYah, forAdonaiis good;

sing to his name, because it is pleasant.

4 ForYahchose Ya‘akov for himself,

Isra’el as his own unique treasure.

5 I know thatAdonaiis great,

that our Lord is above all gods.

6 Adonaidoes whatever pleases him,

in heaven, on earth, in the seas, in all the depths.

7 He raises clouds from the ends of the earth,

he makes the lightning flash in the rain

and brings the wind out from his storehouses.

8 He struck down Egypt’s firstborn,

humans and animals alike.

9 He sent signs and wonders among you, Egypt,

against Pharaoh and all his subjects.

10 He struck many nations,

and slaughtered mighty kings —

11 Sichon king of the Emori,

‘Og king of Bashan,

and all the kingdoms of Kena‘an.

12 Then he gave their land as a heritage,

to be possessed by Isra’el his people.

13 Adonai, your name continues forever,

your renown,Adonai, through all generations.

14 ForAdonaiwill vindicate his people,

he will take pity on his servants.

15 The idols of the nations are mere silver and gold,

made by human hands.

16 They have mouths, but they can’t speak;

they have eyes, but they can’t see;

17 they have ears, but they can’t listen;

and they have no breath in their mouths;

18 The people who make them will become like them,

along with everyone who trusts in them.

19 House of Isra’el, blessAdonai!

House of Aharon, blessAdonai!

20 House of Levi, blessAdonai!

You who fearAdonai, blessAdonai!

21 Blessed beAdonaiout of Tziyon,

he who dwells in Yerushalayim!


Tehillim (Psa) 136

1 Give thanks toAdonai, for he is good,

for his grace continues forever.

2 Give thanks to the God of gods,

for his grace continues forever.

3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords,

for his grace continues forever;

4 to him who alone has done great wonders,

for his grace continues forever;

5 to him who skillfully made the heavens,

for his grace continues forever;

6 to him who spread out the earth on the water,

for his grace continues forever;

7 to him who made the great lights,

for his grace continues forever;

8 the sun to rule the day,

for his grace continues forever;

9 the moon and stars to rule the night,

for his grace continues forever;

10 to him who struck down Egypt’s firstborn,

for his grace continues forever;

11 and brought Isra’el out from among them,

for his grace continues forever;

12 with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm,

for his grace continues forever;

13 to him who split apart the Sea of Suf,

for his grace continues forever;

14 and made Isra’el cross right through it,

for his grace continues forever;

15 but swept Pharaoh and his army into the Sea of Suf,

for his grace continues forever;

16 to him who led his people through the desert,

for his grace continues forever;

17 to him who struck down great kings,

for his grace continues forever;

18 yes, he slaughtered powerful kings,

for his grace continues forever;

19 Sichon king of the Emori,

for his grace continues forever;

20 and ‘Og king of Bashan,

for his grace continues forever;

21 then he gave their land as a heritage,

for his grace continues forever;

22 to be possessed by Isra’el his servant,

for his grace continues forever;

23 who remembers us whenever we are brought low,

for his grace continues forever;

24 and rescues us from our enemies,

for his grace continues forever;

25 who provides food for every living creature,

for his grace continues forever.

26 Give thanks to the God of heaven,

for his grace continues forever.

Tehillim (Psa) 137

1 By the rivers of Bavel we sat down and wept

as we remembered Tziyon.

2 We had hung up our lyres

on the willows that were there,

3 when those who had taken us captive

asked us to sing them a song;

our tormentors demanded joy from us —

“Sing us one of the songs from Tziyon!”

4 How can we sing a song aboutAdonai

here on foreign soil?

5 If I forget you, Yerushalayim,

may my right hand wither away!

6 May my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth

if I fail to remember you,

if I fail to count Yerushalayim

the greatest of all my joys.

7 Remember,Adonai, against the people of Edom

the day of Yerushalayim’s fall,

how they cried, “Tear it down! Tear it down!

Raze it to the ground!”

8 Daughter of Bavel, you will be destroyed!

A blessing on anyone who pays you back

for the way you treated us!

9 A blessing on anyone who seizes your babies

and smashes them against a rock!

Tehillim (Psa) 138

1 By David:

I give you thanks with all my heart.

Not to idols, but to you I sing praise.

2 I bow down toward your holy temple

and give thanks to your name for your grace and truth;

for you have made your word [even] greater

than the whole of your reputation.

3 When I called, you answered me,

you made me bold and strong.

4 All the kings of the earth will thank you,Adonai,

when they hear the words you have spoken.

5 They will sing aboutAdonai’s ways,

“Great is the glory ofAdonai!”

6 For thoughAdonaiis high, he cares for the lowly;

while the proud he perceives from afar.

7 You keep me alive when surrounded by danger;

you put out your hand when my enemies rage;

with your right hand you save me.

8 Adonaiwill fulfill his purpose for me.

Your grace,Adonai, continues forever.

Don’t abandon the work of your hands!