Tehillim (Psa) 19

1 For the leader. A psalm of David:

2 The heavens declare the glory of God,

the dome of the sky speaks the work of his hands.

3 Every day it utters speech,

every night it reveals knowledge.

4 Without speech, without a word,

without their voices being heard,

5 their line goes out through all the earth

and their words to the end of the world.

In them he places a tent for the sun,

6 which comes out like a bridegroom from the bridal chamber,

with delight like an athlete to run his race.

7 It rises at one side of the sky,

circles around to the other side,

and nothing escapes its heat.

8 TheTorahofAdonaiis perfect,

restoring the inner person.

The instruction ofAdonaiis sure,

making wise the thoughtless.

9 The precepts ofAdonaiare right,

rejoicing the heart.

ThemitzvahofAdonaiis pure,

enlightening the eyes.

10 The fear ofAdonaiis clean,

enduring forever.

The rulings ofAdonaiare true,

they are righteous altogether,

11 more desirable than gold,

than much fine gold,

also sweeter than honey

or drippings from the honeycomb.

12 Through them your servant is warned;

in obeying them there is great reward.

13 Who can discern unintentional sins?

Cleanse me from hidden faults.

14 Also keep your servant from presumptuous sins,

so that they won’t control me.

Then I will be blameless

and free of great offense.

15 May the words of my mouth

and the thoughts of my heart

be acceptable in your presence,

Adonai, my Rock and Redeemer.

Tehillim (Psa) 20

1 For the leader. A psalm of David:

2 MayAdonaianswer you in times of distress,

may the name of the God of Ya‘akov protect you.

3 May he send you help from the sanctuary

and give you support from Tziyon.

4 May he be reminded by all your grain offerings

and accept the fat of your burnt offerings.(Selah)

5 May he grant you your heart’s desire

and bring all your plans to success.

6 Then we will shout for joy at your victory

and fly our flags in the name of our God.

MayAdonaifulfill all your requests.

7 Now I know thatAdonai

gives victory to his anointed one —

he will answer him from his holy heaven

with mighty victories by his right hand.

8 Some trust in chariots and some in horses,

but we praise the name ofAdonaiour God.

9 They will crumple and fall,

but we will arise and stand erect.

10 Give victory,Adonai!

Let the King answer us the day we call.

Tehillim (Psa) 21

1 For the leader. A psalm of David:

2 Adonai, the king finds joy in your strength;

what great joy he displays in your victory!

3 You give him his heart’s desire;

you don’t refuse the prayer from his lips.(Selah)

4 For you come to meet him with the best blessings,

you place a crown of fine gold on his head.

5 He asks you for life; you give it to him,

years and years forever and ever.

6 Your victory brings him great glory;

you confer on him splendor and honor.

7 For you bestow on him everlasting blessings,

you make him glad with the joy of your presence.

8 For the king puts his trust inAdonai,

in the grace of‘Elyon; he will not be moved.

9 Your hand will find all your enemies;

your right hand will overtake those who hate you.

10 At your appearing,

you will make them like a fiery furnace.

Adonaiwill swallow them up in his anger;

fire will consume them.

11 You will destroy from the earth their descendants,

rid humankind of their posterity;

12 for they intended evil against you;

but despite their scheme, they won’t succeed.

13 For you will make them turn their back

by aiming your bow at their faces.

14 Arise,Adonai, in your strength;

and we will sing and praise your power.

Tehillim (Psa) 22

1 For the leader. Set to “Sunrise.” A psalm of David:

2 My God! My God!

Why have you abandoned me?

Why so far from helping me,

so far from my anguished cries?

3 My God, by day I call to you,

but you don’t answer;

likewise at night,

but I get no relief.

4 Nevertheless, you are holy,

enthroned on the praises of Isra’el.

5 In you our ancestors put their trust;

they trusted, and you rescued them.

6 They cried to you and escaped;

they trusted in you and were not disappointed.

7 But I am a worm, not a man,

scorned by everyone, despised by the people.

8 All who see me jeer at me;

they sneer and shake their heads:

9 “He committed himself toAdonai,

so let him rescue him!

Let him set him free

if he takes such delight in him!”

10 But you are the one who took me from the womb,

you made me trust when I was on my mother’s breasts.

11 Since my birth I’ve been thrown on you;

you are my God from my mother’s womb.

12 Don’t stay far from me, for trouble is near;

and there is no one to help.

13 Many bulls surround me,

wild bulls of Bashan close in on me.

14 They open their mouths wide against me,

like ravening, roaring lions.

15 I am poured out like water;

all my bones are out of joint;

my heart has become like wax —

it melts inside me;

16 my mouth is as dry as a fragment of a pot,

my tongue sticks to my palate;

you lay me down in the dust of death.

17 Dogs are all around me,

a pack of villains closes in on me

like a lion [at] my hands and feet.

18 I can count every one of my bones,

while they gaze at me and gloat.

19 They divide my garments among themselves;

for my clothing they throw dice.

20 But you,Adonai, don’t stay far away!

My strength, come quickly to help me!

21 Rescue me from the sword,

my life from the power of the dogs.

22 Save me from the lion’s mouth!

You have answered me from the wild bulls’ horns.

23 I will proclaim your name to my kinsmen;

right there in the assembly I will praise you:

24 “You who fearAdonai, praise him!

All descendants of Ya‘akov, glorify him!

All descendants of Isra’el, stand in awe of him!

25 For he has not despised or abhorred

the poverty of the poor;

he did not hide his face from him

but listened to his cry.”

26 Because of you

I give praise in the great assembly;

I will fulfill my vows

in the sight of those who fear him.

27 The poor will eat and be satisfied;

those who seekAdonaiwill praise him;

Your hearts will enjoy life forever.

28 All the ends of the earth

will remember and turn toAdonai;

all the clans of the nations

will worship in your presence.

29 For the kingdom belongs toAdonai,

and he rules the nations.

30 All who prosper on the earth

will eat and worship;

all who go down to the dust

will kneel before him,

including him who can’t keep himself alive,

31 A descendant will serve him;

the next generation will be told ofAdonai.

32 They will come and proclaim

his righteousness

to a people yet unborn,

that he is the one who did it.

Tehillim (Psa) 23

1 A psalm of David:

Adonaiis my shepherd; I lack nothing.

2 He has me lie down in grassy pastures,

he leads me by quiet water,

3 he restores my inner person.

He guides me in right paths

for the sake of his own name.

4 Even if I pass through death-dark ravines,

I will fear no disaster; for you are with me;

your rod and staff reassure me.

5 You prepare a table for me,

even as my enemies watch;

you anoint my head with oil

from an overflowing cup.

6 Goodness and grace will pursue me

every day of my life;

and I will live in the house ofAdonai

for years and years to come.

Tehillim (Psa) 24

1 By David. A psalm:

The earth isAdonai’s, with all that is in it,

the world and those who live there;

2 for he set its foundations on the seas

and established it on the rivers.

3 Who may go up to the mountain ofAdonai?

Who can stand in his holy place?

4 Those with clean hands and pure hearts,

who don’t make vanities the purpose of their lives

or swear oaths just to deceive.

5 They will receive a blessing fromAdonai

and justice from God, who saves them.

6 Such is the character of those who seek him,

of Ya‘akov, who seeks your face.(Selah)

7 Lift up your heads, you gates!

Lift them up, everlasting doors,

so that the glorious king can enter!

8 Who is he, this glorious king?

Adonai, strong and mighty,

Adonai, mighty in battle.

9 Lift up your heads, you gates!

Lift them up, everlasting doors,

so that the glorious king can enter!

10 Who is he, this glorious king?

Adonai-Tzva’ot —

he is the glorious king.(Selah)

Tehillim (Psa) 25

1 By David:

I lift my inner being to you,Adonai;

2 I trust you, my God.

Don’t let me be disgraced,

don’t let my enemies gloat over me.

3 No one waiting for you will be disgraced;

disgrace awaits those who break faith for no reason.

4 Make me know your ways,Adonai,

teach me your paths.

5 Guide me in your truth, and teach me;

for you are the God who saves me,

my hope is in you all day long.

6 Remember your compassion and grace,Adonai;

for these are ages old.

7 Don’t remember my youthful sins or transgressions;

but remember me according to your grace

for the sake of your goodness,Adonai.

8 Adonaiis good, and he is fair;

this is why he teaches sinners the way [to live],

9 leads the humble to do what is right

and teaches the humble [to live] his way.

10 AllAdonai’s paths are grace and truth

to those who keep his covenant and instructions.

11 For the sake of your name,Adonai,

forgive my wickedness, great though it is.

12 Who is the person who fearsAdonai?

He will teach him the way to choose.

13 He will remain prosperous,

and his descendants will inherit the land.

14 Adonairelates intimately with those who fear him;

he makes them know his covenant.

15 My eyes are always directed towardAdonai,

for he will free my feet from the net.

16 Turn to me, and show me your favor;

for I am alone and oppressed.

17 The troubles of my heart are growing and growing;

bring me out of my distress.

18 See my affliction and suffering,

and take all my sins away.

19 Consider my enemies, how many there are

and how cruelly they hate me.

20 Protect me and rescue me;

don’t let me be disgraced,

for I take refuge in you.

21 Let integrity and uprightness preserve me,

because my hope is in you.

22 God! Redeem Isra’el

from all their troubles!

Tehillim (Psa) 26

1 By David:

Vindicate me,Adonai,

for I have lived a blameless life;

unwaveringly I trust inAdonai.

2 Examine me,Adonai, test me,

search my mind and heart.

3 For your grace is there before my eyes,

and I live my life by your truth.

4 I have not sat with worthless folks,

I won’t consort with hypocrites,

5 I hate the company of evildoers,

I will not sit with the wicked.

6 I will wash my hands in innocence

and walk around your altar,Adonai,

7 lifting my voice in thanks

and proclaiming all your wonders.

8 Adonai, I love the house where you live,

the place where your glory abides.

9 Don’t include me with sinners

or my life with the bloodthirsty.

10 In their hands are evil schemes;

their right hands are full of bribes.

11 As for me, I will live a blameless life.

Redeem me and show me favor.

12 My feet are planted on level ground;

in the assemblies I will blessAdonai.

Tehillim (Psa) 27

1 By David:

Adonaiis my light and salvation;

whom do I need to fear?

Adonaiis the stronghold of my life;

of whom should I be afraid?

2 When evildoers assailed me

to devour my flesh,

my adversaries and foes,

they stumbled and fell.

3 If an army encamps against me,

my heart will not fear;

if war breaks out against me,

even then I will keep trusting.

4 Just one thing have I asked ofAdonai;

only this will I seek:

to live in the house ofAdonai

all the days of my life,

to see the beauty ofAdonai

and visit in his temple.

5 For he will conceal me in his shelter

on the day of trouble,

he will hide me in the folds of his tent,

he will set me high on a rock.

6 Then my head will be lifted up

above my surrounding foes,

and I will offer in his tent

sacrifices with shouts of joy;

I will sing, sing praises toAdonai.

7 Listen,Adonai, to my voice when I cry;

show favor to me; and answer me.

8 “My heart said of you, ‘Seek my face.’”

Your face,Adonai, I will seek.

9 Do not hide your face from me,

don’t turn your servant away in anger.

You are my help; don’t abandon me;

don’t leave me, God my savior.

10 Even though my father and mother have left me,

Adonaiwill care for me.

11 Teach me your way,Adonai;

lead me on a level path

because of my enemies —

12 don’t give me up to the whims of my foes;

for false witnesses have risen against me,

also those who are breathing violence.

13 If I hadn’t believed that I would see

Adonai’s goodness in the land of the living, . . .

14 Put your hope inAdonai, be strong,

and let your heart take courage!

Yes, put your hope inAdonai!

Tehillim (Psa) 28

1 By David:

Adonai, I am calling to you;

my Rock, don’t be deaf to my cry.

For if you answer me with silence,

I will be like those who fall in a pit.

2 Hear the sound of my prayers

when I cry to you,

when I lift my hands

toward your holy sanctuary.

3 Don’t drag me off with the wicked,

with those whose deeds are evil;

they speak words of peace to their fellowmen,

but evil is in their hearts.

4 Pay them back for their deeds,

as befits their evil acts;

repay them for what they have done,

give them what they deserve.

5 For they don’t understand the deeds ofAdonai

or what he has done.

He will break them down;

he will not build them up.

6 Blessed beAdonai,

for he heard my voice as I prayed for mercy.

7 Adonaiis my strength and shield;

in him my heart trusted, and I have been helped.

Therefore my heart is filled with joy,

and I will sing praises to him.

8 Adonaiis strength for [his people],

a stronghold of salvation to his anointed.

9 Save your people! Bless your heritage!

Shepherd them, and carry them forever!