‘Ezra (Ezr) 3

1 When the seventh month arrived, after the people of Isra’el had resettled in the towns, the people gathered with one accord in Yerushalayim.

2 Then Yeshua the son of Yotzadak with his fellowcohanim, and Z’rubavel the son of Sh’alti’el with his kinsmen, organized rebuilding the altar of the God of Isra’el; so that they could offer burnt offerings on it, as is written in theTorahof Moshe the man of God.

3 They set up the altar on its former bases. Despite feeling threatened by the peoples of the [surrounding] countries; they offered on it burnt offerings toAdonai, the morning and evening burnt offerings.

4 They observed the festival ofSukkotas written, offering daily the number of burnt offerings prescribed for each day,

5 and afterwards the regular burnt offering, the offerings forRosh-Hodeshand those for all the designated times set apart forAdonai, as well as those of everyone who volunteered a voluntary offering toAdonai.

6 From the first day of the seventh month, they began offering burnt offerings toAdonai, even though the foundation ofAdonai’s temple had not yet been laid.

7 They also gave money for the stone-workers and carpenters, as well as food, drink and olive oil for the people of Tzidon and Tzor bringing cedar logs from the L’vanon to the sea and on to Yafo, in accordance with the authorization granted by Koresh king of Persia.

8 In the second year after their arrival at the house of God in Yerushalayim, in the second month, Z’rubavel the son of Sh’alti’el, Yeshua the son of Yotzadak, the rest of their kinsmen thecohanimandL’vi’im, and all who had come out of exile to Yerushalayim began the project. They appointed theL’vi’imaged twenty and up to direct work in the house ofAdonai.

9 Yeshua and his sons and brothers, Kadmi’el and his sons, and Y’hudah’s sons together directed the workers in the house of God; also the sons of Henadad, with their sons and their kinsmen theL’vi’im.

10 When the builders laid the foundation of the temple ofAdonai, thecohanimin their robes, with trumpets, and theL’vi’imthe sons of Asaf, with cymbals, took their places to praiseAdonai, as David king of Isra’el had instructed.

11 They sang antiphonally, praising and giving “thanks toAdonai, for he is good, for his grace continues forever” toward Isra’el. All the people raised a great shout of praise toAdonai, because the foundation of the house ofAdonaihad been laid.

12 But many of thecohanim,L’vi’imand heads of fathers’ clans, the old men who had seen the first house standing on its foundation, wept out loud when they saw this house; while others shouted out loud for joy —

13 so that the people couldn’t distinguish the noise of the joyful shouting from the noise of the people’s weeping; for the people were shouting so loudly that the noise could be heard at a great distance.

‘Ezra (Ezr) 4

1 When the enemies of Y’hudah and Binyamin heard that the people from the exile were building a temple toAdonaithe God of Isra’el,

2 they approached Z’rubavel and the heads of fathers’ clans and said to them, “Let us build along with you; for we seek your God, just as you do; and we have been sacrificing to him since the time of Esar-Hadon king of Ashur, who brought us here.”

3 But Z’rubavel, Yeshua and the rest of the heads of fathers’ clans in Isra’el answered them, “You and we have nothing in common that you should join us in building a house for our God. We will build by ourselves forAdonaithe God of Isra’el, as Koresh king of Persia ordered us to do.”

4 Then the people of the land began discouraging the people of Y’hudah, in order to make them afraid to build.

5 They also bribed officials to frustrate their plan throughout the lifetime of Koresh king of Persia and on into the reign of Daryavesh king of Persia.

6 During the reign of Achashverosh, at the beginning of his reign, they brought a charge in writing against the people living in Y’hudah and Yerushalayim.

7 Then, during the time of Artach’shashta, Bishlam, Mitr’dat, Tav’el and their other colleagues wrote Artach’shashta; the letter was written in Aramaic, using Aramaic script.

8 Rechum the district governor and Shimshai the secretary wrote a letter against Yerushalayim to Artach’shashta the king as follows:

9 “From Rechum the district governor, Shimshai the secretary, their other colleagues, the judges, the officials, the Dina’im, the Afarsat’khim, the Tarp’lim, the Afarsim, the Ark’vim, the Bavlim, the Shushan’kayim, the Dehayim, the ‘Elma’im,

10 the other nations whom the great and noble Asnapar deported and settled in Shomron, and the others who remain in the country beyond the [Euphrates] River.”

11 (This is the text of the letter they sent him.)

“To Artach’shashta the king from his servants the people beyond the River:

12 “Let the king know that the Judeans who left you to come to us in Yerushalayim are building this rebellious and wicked city. They have finished the walls and are now digging the foundations.

13 So let the king know that if this city is rebuilt and the walls are finished, they will refuse to pay tribute, tax or toll; and this will reduce the royal revenue.

14 Now, because we eat the king’s salt, and it is not right for us to see the king dishonored, we therefore are sending to inform the king,

15 so that a search can be made in the archives of your ancestors; in these archives you will find and ascertain that this city is indeed a rebellious city, the bane of kings and provinces, and that sedition has been fostered there since ancient times — which is why this city was destroyed.

16 We submit to the king that if this city is rebuilt and the walls are finished, you will soon lose possession of all territories beyond the River.”

17 The king sent this answer:

“To Rechum the district governor, Shimshai the secretary, their other colleagues living in Shomron, and the rest beyond the River:


18 “The letter you sent us has now been translated for me.

19 I ordered a search made, and it was found that this city has a long history of revolt against kings, that rebellion and sedition have been fostered there;

20 also that there have been powerful kings over Yerushalayim who ruled all the territory beyond the River; and tribute, taxes and tolls were paid to them.

21 “So now, order that these men stop work and that this city not be rebuilt until I order it.

22 Take care not to neglect your duty; otherwise the harm may increase, to the damage of the king.”

23 When the text of King Artach’shashta’s letter was read before Rechum, Shimshai the secretary and their colleagues, they hurried to Yerushalayim to the Judeans and stopped their work by force of arms.

24 So the work on the house of God in Yerushalayim ceased; it remained at a standstill until the second year of the reign of Daryavesh king of Persia.

‘Ezra (Ezr) 5

1 The prophets Hagai and Z’kharyah the son of ‘Iddo prophesied to the Judeans in Yerushalayim and Y’hudah; they prophesied to them in the name of the God of Isra’el.

2 Then Z’rubavel the son of Sh’alti’el and Yeshua the son of Yotzadak began rebuilding the house of God in Yerushalayim; with them were the prophets of God, helping them.

3 No sooner had they begun, when Tatnai the governor of the territory beyond the [Euphrates] River, Sh’tar-Boznai and their colleagues came and asked them, “Who gave you permission to rebuild this house and finish this wall?

4 What are the names of the men putting up this building?”

5 But the eye of their God was on the leaders of the Judeans, so they didn’t stop them until the matter could come before Daryavesh and a reply in writing be received.

6 Here is the text of the letter which Tatnai the governor of the territory beyond the River, Sh’tar-Boznai and their fellow officials beyond the River sent to Daryavesh the king;

7 they sent him a letter in which it was written:

“To Daryavesh the king,


8 “Let the king know that we went to the province of Y’hudah, to the house of the great God. It is being rebuilt with large stones, and timber is being set in the walls. This work is being done energetically, and it is making good progress under the direction

9 of their leaders. We asked them, ‘Who gave you permission to rebuild this house and finish this wall?’

10 We also asked them their names, so that we could write you the names of the men in charge of them.

11 “They gave us this answer: ‘We are the servants of the God of heaven and earth. We are rebuilding the house that was built many years ago, built and finished by a great king of Isra’el.

12 But because our ancestors provoked the God of heaven, he handed them over to N’vukhadnetzar king of Bavel, the Kasdi; he destroyed this house and carried the people off to Bavel.

13 But in the first year of Koresh king of Bavel, Koresh the king gave authorization to rebuild this house of God.

14 Moreover, the gold and silver articles belonging to the house of God, which N’vukhadnetzar had removed from the temple in Yerushalayim and brought to the temple of Bavel, Koresh the king took out of the temple in Bavel; they were turned over to a man named Sheshbatzar, whom he had appointed governor.

15 He said to him, “Take these articles, go, put them in the temple in Yerushalayim, and let the house of God be rebuilt on its original site.”

16 So this same Sheshbatzar came and laid the foundations of the house of God in Yerushalayim; it has been under construction ever since, and it isn’t finished yet.

17 “‘Now therefore, if it seems good to the king, let a search be made in the royal treasury there in Bavel to determine whether a decree was issued by Koresh the king to rebuild this house of God in Yerushalayim; and let the king send us his decision concerning this matter.’”

‘Ezra (Ezr) 6

1 Daryavesh the king issued an order; and search was made in the archives building, where treasures were stored in Bavel;

2 and there was found at Achm’ta, in the palace which is in the province of Media, a scroll on which was written the following:


3 “In the first year of Koresh the king, Koresh the king issued this decree: ‘Concerning the house of God in Yerushalayim, let the house be rebuilt, the place where they offer sacrifices; and let its foundations be firmly laid. Its height is to be ninety feet and its breadth ninety feet,

4 with three rows of large stones and one row of new timber. The expenses are to be charged to the king’s treasury.

5 Also let the gold and silver articles belonging to the house of God, which N’vukhadnetzar removed from the temple at Yerushalayim and brought to Bavel, be restored and returned to the temple in Yerushalayim, each item to its place; and you are to put them in the house of God.’

6 “Therefore, Tatnai governor of the territory beyond the River, Sh’tar-Boznai and your colleagues the officials beyond the River, stay away from there!

7 Let the work of this house of God alone. Let the governor of the Judeans and the leaders of the Judeans rebuild this house of God on its site.

8 “Moreover, I herewith issue this order concerning how you are to assist these leaders of the Judeans in rebuilding this house of God: the expenses of these men are to be defrayed promptly from the royal funds, from the taxes collected beyond the River, so that the work can continue.

9 Whatever they need — young bulls, rams and lambs — for burnt offerings to the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine and olive oil, according to what thecohanimin Yerushalayim say, is to be given them daily without fail;

10 so that they can offer sacrifices with a fragrant aroma to the God of heaven and pray for the life of the king and his sons.

11 “I also order that if anyone defies this order, a beam is to be pulled from his house; and he is to be lifted up and impaled on it. His house is to be reduced to rubble.

12 May the God who has caused his name to be there overthrow any king or people that tries to defy it and destroy this house of God in Yerushalayim.

“I, Daryavesh, have issued this order. Let it be carried out to the letter.”

13 Then Tatnai the governor of the territory beyond the [Euphrates] River, Sh’tar-Boznai and their colleagues obeyed strictly; because Daryavesh the king had given the order to do so.

14 The leaders of the Judeans made good progress with the rebuilding, thanks to the prophesying of Hagai the prophet and Z’kharyah the son of ‘Iddo. They kept building until they were finished, in keeping with the command of the God of Isra’el and in accordance with the order of Koresh, Daryavesh and Artach’shashta king of Persia.

15 This house was finished on the third day of the month Adar, in the sixth year of the reign of Daryavesh the king.

16 The people of Isra’el, thecohanim, theL’vi’imand the other people from the exile joyfully dedicated this house of God.

17 At the dedication of this house of God they offered 100 young bulls, 200 rams, 400 lambs, and, as a sin offering for all Isra’el, twelve male goats, corresponding to the number of the tribes of Isra’el.

18 Then they installed thecohanimin their divisions and theL’vi’imin their orders for the service of God in Yerushalayim, as written in the book of Moshe.

19 The people from the exile keptPesachon the fourteenth day of the first month.

20 For thecohanimandL’vi’imhad purified themselves together; all of them were pure. So they slaughtered thePesachlambs for all the people from the exile and for their kinsmen thecohanimand for themselves.

21 The people of Isra’el who had returned from the exile and all those who had renounced the filthy practices of the nations living in the land in order to seekAdonaithe God of Isra’el, ate [thePesachlamb]

22 and joyfully kept the feast ofmatzahfor seven days; forAdonaihad filled them with joy by turning the heart of the king of Ashur toward them, so that he assisted them in the work of the house of God, the God of Isra’el.

‘Ezra (Ezr) 7

1 After these events, during the reign of Artach’shashta king of Persia, ‘Ezra the son of S’rayah, the son of ‘Azaryah, the son of Hilkiyah,

2 the son of Shalum, the son of Tzadok, the son of Achituv,

3 the son of Amaryah, the son of ‘Azaryah, the son of M’rayot,

4 the son of Z’rachyah, the son of ‘Uzi, the son of Buki,

5 the son of Avishua, the son of Pinchas, the son of Eli‘ezer, the son of Aharon thecohen hagadol—

6 this ‘Ezra went up from Bavel. He was a scribe, expert in theTorahof Moshe, whichAdonaithe God of Isra’el had given; and the king granted him everything he asked for, since the hand ofAdonaihis God was on him.

7 In the seventh year of Artach’shashta the king, some of the people of Isra’el, and some of thecohanim,L’vi’im, singers, gatekeepers and temple servants went up to Yerushalayim.

8 [‘Ezra] arrived at Yerushalayim in the fifth month of the seventh year of the king.

9 He began going up to Yerushalayim from Bavel on the first day of the first month and arrived on the first day of the fifth month, since the good hand of his God was on him.

10 For ‘Ezra had set his heart on studying and practicing theTorahofAdonaiand teaching Isra’el the laws and rulings.

11 Here is the letter that King Artach’shashta gave ‘Ezra thecohenandTorah-teacher, the student of matters relating toAdonai’smitzvotand his laws for Isra’el:

12 “From: Artach’shashta, king of kings

“To: ‘Ezra thecohen, scribe of the law of the God of heaven, etc.:


13 I decree that everyone in my realm who belongs to the people of Isra’el, including theircohanimandL’vi’im, who, of his own free will, chooses to go with you to Yerushalayim, should go.

14 You are being sent by the king and his seven counselors to inquire how the law of your God, of which you have expert knowledge, is being applied in Y’hudah and Yerushalayim.

15 You are also to bring with you the silver and gold which the king and his counselors have voluntarily offered to the God of Isra’el, whose dwelling is in Yerushalayim;

16 together with all the silver and gold you receive throughout the province of Bavel and the voluntary offerings of the people and thecohanimthat have been offered willingly for the house of their God in Yerushalayim.

17 “You are to spend this money carefully on young bulls, rams, and lambs, with their grain offerings and drink offerings; and offer them on the altar of the house of your God in Yerushalayim.

18 Whatever seems good to you and your kinsmen to do with the rest of the silver and gold, do it according to the will of your God.

19 “The articles given to you for the service of the house of your God, deliver to the God of Yerushalayim.

20 “Whatever else may be needed for the house of your God that you have to supply, you may supply from the royal treasury.

21 “I, Artach’shashta the king, herewith order all the treasurers in the territory beyond the [Euphrates] River to do carefully anything ‘Ezra thecohen, scribe of the law of the God of heaven, requires of you,

22 up to three-and-a-third tons of silver, 500 bushels of wheat, 500 gallons of wine, 500 gallons of olive oil and unlimited amounts of salt.

23 Whatever is ordered by the God of heaven is to be performed exactly for the house of the God of heaven; for why should wrath come against the realm of the king and his sons?

24 Moreover, we herewith proclaim to you that it will be illegal to impose tribute, taxes or tolls on any of thecohanim,L’vi’im, singers, gatekeepers, servants or laborers in this house of God.

25 “And you, ‘Ezra, making use of the wisdom you have from your God, are to appoint magistrates and judges to judge all the people in the territory beyond the River, that is, all who know the laws of your God; and you are to teach those who don’t know them.

26 Whoever refuses to obey the law of your God and the law of the king, let judgment be executed on him swiftly, whether it be death, banishment, confiscation of goods or imprisonment.”

27 Blessed beAdonai, the God of our ancestors, who has put such a thing as this in the heart of the king, to restore the beauty of the house ofAdonaiin Yerushalayim,

28 and has extended mercy to me before the king and his counselors, and before all the king’s most powerful officials.

So I took courage, since the hand ofAdonaimy God was on me, and I gathered together out of Isra’el key men to go up with me.

‘Ezra (Ezr) 8

1 These are the heads of their fathers’ clans, and this is the genealogy of those who went up with me from Bavel during the reign of Artach’shashta the king:

2 of the descendants of Pinchas: Gershom;

of the descendants of Itamar: Dani’el;

of the descendants of David: Hatush;

3 of the descendants of Sh’khanyah:

of the descendants of Par‘osh: Z’kharyah,

and with him 150 males officially registered;

4 of the descendants of Pachat-Mo’av: Ely’ho‘einai the son of Z’rachyah,

and with him 200 males;

5 of the descendants of Sh’khanyah: the son of Yachazi’el,

and with him 300 males;

6 of the descendants of ‘Adin: ‘Eved the son of Yonatan,

and with him 50 males;

7 of the descendants of ‘Eilam: Yesha‘yah the son of ‘Atalyah,

and with him 70 males;

8 of the descendants of Sh’fatyah: Z’vadyah the son of Mikha’el,

and with him 80 males;

9 of the descendants of Yo’av: ‘Ovadyah the son of Yechi’el,

and with him 218 males;

10 of the descendants of Shlomit: the son of Yosifyah,

and with him 160 males;

11 of the descendants of Bevai: Z’kharyah the son of Bevai,

and with him 28 males;

12 of the descendants of ‘Azgad: Yochanan the son of HaKatan,

and with him 110 males;

13 of the descendants of Adonikam: the younger ones, whose names were Elifelet,

Ye‘i’el and Sh’ma‘yah,

and with them 60 males; and

14 of the descendants of Bigvai: ‘Utai and Zakur,

and with them 70 males.

15 I assembled them by the river that runs to Ahava, and we camped there three days. I reviewed the people and thecohanimbut found noL’vi’imthere.

16 So I sent for Eli‘ezer, Ari’el, Sh’ma‘yah, Elnatan, Yariv, Elnatan, Natan, Z’kharyah and Meshulam, who were leaders, and also for Yoyariv and Elnatan, who were men of discernment.

17 I gave them instructions for Iddo, the leading man in a place called Kasifya, and told them what to say to Iddo and his brother, who were in charge of Kasifya, so that they would bring us men to minister in the house of our God.

18 Since the good hand of our God was on us, they brought us Ish-Sekhel from the descendants of Machli the son of Levi, the son of Isra’el; Sherevyah with eighteen of his sons and kinsmen;

19 Hashavyah, with Yesha‘yah, from the descendants of M’rari, and twenty of his kinsmen and their sons;

20 and from the temple servants, whom David and the princes had assigned to serve theL’vi’im, two hundred temple servants, all recorded by name.

21 Then, there at the Ahava River, I proclaimed a fast; so that we could humble ourselves before our God and ask a safe journey of him for ourselves, our little ones and all our possessions.

22 For I would have been ashamed to ask the king for a detachment of soldiers and horsemen to protect us from enemies along the road, since we had said to the king, “The hand of our God is on all who seek him, for good; but his power and fury is against all who abandon him.”

23 So we fasted and asked our God for this, and he answered our prayer.

24 Then I separated twelve of the chiefcohanim, along with Sherevyah, Hashavyah and ten of their kinsmen.

25 I weighed out to them the silver, the gold and the utensils for the house of our God contributed by the king, his counselors, his princes and all Isra’el present there.

26 I weighed out and handed over to them twenty-one-and-a-half tons of silver, three-and-a-third tons of silver articles, three-and-a-third tons of gold,

27 twenty gold bowls weighing twenty-one pounds, and two vessels of fine burnished bronze as precious as gold.

28 Then I told them, “You are consecrated toAdonai,the articles are holy, and the silver and gold are a voluntary offering forAdonaithe God of your ancestors.

29 Guard them carefully, until you weigh them before the chiefcohanimandL’vi’imand the leaders of the fathers’ clans in Yerushalayim, in the rooms of the house ofAdonai.”

30 So thecohanimandL’vi’imreceived the consignment of silver and gold and the articles to bring to Yerushalayim, to the house of our God.

31 On the twelfth day of the first month, we left the Ahava River to go to Yerushalayim. The hand of our God was on us, and he protected us from enemies and surprise attacks along the road.

32 In time, we arrived at Yerushalayim, where we rested for three days.

33 On the fourth day, the silver, gold and articles were weighed in the house of our God and handed over to M’remot the son of Uriyah thecohen; with him was El‘azar the son of Pinchas; and with them were Yozavad the son of Yeshua and No‘adyah the son of Binui, who wereL’vi’im.

34 The entire consignment was numbered and weighed, and at the same time the total weight was recorded.

35 The exiles who had returned from captivity offered burnt offerings to the God of Isra’el — twelve young bulls for all Isra’el, ninety-six rams, seventy-seven lambs, and twelve male goats as a sin offering; all this was a burnt offering forAdonai.

36 They also delivered the king’s orders to the king’s viceroys and governors beyond the [Euphrates] River; and these gave their support to the people and to the house of God.

‘Ezra (Ezr) 9

1 After these things had been done, the leaders approached me and said, “The people of Isra’el, thecohanimand theL’vi’imhave not separated themselves from the peoples of the lands and their disgusting practices — the Kena‘ani, Hitti, P’rizi, Y’vusi, ‘Amoni, Mo’avi, Egyptians and Emori.

2 They have taken some of the women from these nations as wives for themselves and their sons, so that the holy seed has assimilated to the peoples of the lands; moreover, the officials and leaders have been the main offenders in this treachery.”

3 When I heard this, I tore my robe and tunic, pulled hair from my head and beard, and sat down in shock.

4 All who trembled at the words of the God of Isra’el assembled around me when confronted with the treachery of these exiles; and I sat there in shock until the evening offering.

5 At the evening offering, with my cloak and tunic torn, I got up from afflicting myself, fell on my knees, spread out my hands toAdonaimy God,

6 and said, “My God, I am ashamed. I blush to lift my face to you, my God! For our sins tower over our heads; our guilt reaches up to heaven.

7 Since the times of our ancestors, we have been deeply guilty; and because of our sins, we, our kings and ourcohanimhave been handed over to the kings of the lands, to the sword, to exile, to pillage and to disgrace, as is the case today.

8 Now, for a brief moment,Adonaiour God has shown us the favor of allowing a remnant to escape and giving us a secure foothold in his holy place, in order for God to make things look brighter to us and revive us a little in our slavery.

9 For we are slaves. Yet our God has not abandoned us in our slavery, but has caused the kings of Persia to extend grace to us, reviving us, so that we can rebuild the house of our God, repair its ruins, and have a wall of defense in Y’hudah and Yerushalayim.

10 “But now, our God, what are we to say after this? For we have abandoned yourmitzvot,

11 which you gave us through your servants the prophets when they said, ‘The land which you are going to in order to take possession of it is a land defiled by the uncleanness of the peoples of the lands, because of their disgusting practices, which have filled it with their filth from one end to the other.

12 Therefore, you are not to give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons; and you are not to promote their peace or prosperity ever. Only in this way will you grow strong, enjoy the good things of the land and leave it as a lasting inheritance to your children.’

13 Now, after all that has come upon us because of our evil deeds and our deep guilt — and even so, you, our God, have punished us less than our sins deserve and have given us a surviving remnant —

14 are we to break yourmitzvotagain by making marriages with the peoples who have these disgusting practices? Won’t you become so angry with us that you would destroy us completely, so that there would be no surviving remnant and no one who escapes?

15 Adonai, God of Isra’el! You are just; yet we have been left a surviving remnant that has escaped, as is the case today. Look, we are before you in our guilt; because of it, no one can stand in your presence.”

‘Ezra (Ezr) 10

1 While ‘Ezra was praying and making confession, weeping and prostrated before the house of God, a huge crowd of Isra’el’s men, women and children gathered around him; and the people were weeping bitterly.

2 Sh’khanyah the son of Yechi’el, one of the descendants of ‘Eilam, spoke up and said to ‘Ezra, “We have acted treacherously toward our God by marrying foreign women from the peoples of the land. But in spite of this, there is still hope for Isra’el.

3 We should make a covenant with our God to send away all these wives, along with their children, in obedience to the advice ofAdonaiand of those who tremble at themitzvahof our God; let us act in accordance with theTorah.

4 Stand up, and do your duty, for we are with you; take courage, and do it!”

5 ‘Ezra stood up, and he made the chiefcohanim, theL’vi’imand all Isra’el swear that they would act according to what had been said; and they took the oath.

6 ‘Ezra then left his place in front of the house of God and went to the room of Y’hochanan the son of Elyashiv. After going there, he neither ate food nor drank water; because he was mourning over the treachery of the exiles.

7 A proclamation was issued throughout Y’hudah and Yerushalayim that all the exiles were to assemble in Yerushalayim;

8 and that whoever didn’t come within three days, in answer to the summons from the officials and leaders, would forfeit all he owned and himself be banished from the community of the exiles.

9 All the men of Y’hudah and Binyamin assembled in Yerushalayim within the three days. It was the twentieth day of the ninth month. All the people sat in the open place in front of the house of God, trembling because of this matter and because of the heavy rain.

10 ‘Ezra thecohenstood up and addressed them: “You have acted treacherously by marrying foreign women and have thus increased Isra’el’s guilt.

11 Now, therefore, make confession toAdonai, the God of your ancestors; and do what will please him by separating yourselves from the peoples of the land and from the foreign women.”

12 In response, the whole assembly cried aloud, “Yes, our duty is to do as you have said.

13 But there are many people, and it’s the rainy season — we can’t stay out here in the open. Also, it isn’t the work of a day or two; for there are many of us who have committed this crime.

14 Let our leaders represent the whole community; and let all those in our cities who have married foreign women appear at prearranged times, accompanied by the elders and judges of each city; until our God’s fierce anger over this has been turned away from us.”

15 Only Yonatan the son of ‘Asah’el and Yachz’yah the son of Tikvah, supported by Meshulam and Shabtai theLevi, opposed this.

16 The exiles did as agreed. ‘Ezra thecohenchose heads of fathers’ clans by name, and they began their sessions to look into the matter on the first day of the tenth month.

17 They finished dealing with all the men who had married foreign women by the first day of the first month.

18 Among thecohanimwere found these who had married foreign women: of the sons of Yeshua the son of Yotzadak and his brothers: Ma‘aseiyah, Eli‘ezer, Yariv and G’dalyah.

19 They promised that they would send their wives away; and since they were guilty, they offered a ram from the flock for their guilt.

20 Of the sons of Immer: Hanani and Z’vadyah;

21 of the sons of Harim: Ma‘aseiyah, Eliyah, Sh’ma‘yah, Yechi’el and ‘Uziyah;

22 of the sons of Pash’chur: Elyo‘einai, Ma‘aseiyah, Yishma‘el, N’tan’el, Yozavad and El‘asah.

23 Of theL’vi’im: Yozavad, Shim‘i, K’layah (also known as K’lita), P’tachyah, Y’hudah and Eli‘ezer.

24 Of the singers: Elyashiv.

Of the gatekeepers: Shalum, Telem and Uri.

25 Of Isra’el: of the descendants of Par‘osh: Ramyah, Yizziyah, Malkiyah, Miyamin, El‘azar, Malkiyah and B’nayah;

26 of the descendants of ‘Eilam: Mattanyah, Z’kharyah, Yechi’el, ‘Avdi, Yeremot and Eliyah;

27 of the descendants of Zatu: Elyo‘einai, Elyashiv, Mattanyah, Yeremot, Zavad and ‘Aziza;

28 of the descendants of B’vai: Y’hochanan, Hananyah, Zabai and ‘Atlai;

29 of the descendants of Bani: Meshulam, Malukh, ‘Adayah, Yashuv, Sh’al and Ramot;

30 of the descendants of Pachat-Mo’av: ‘Adna, K’lal, B’nayah, Ma‘aseiyah, Mattanyah, B’tzal’el, Binui and M’nasheh;

31 of the descendants of Harim: Eli‘ezer, Yishiyah, Malkiyah, Sh’ma‘yah, Shim‘on,

32 Binyamin, Malukh, and Sh’maryah;

33 of the descendants of Hashum: Matnai, Matatah, Zavad, Elifelet, Yeremai, M’nasheh and Shim‘i;

34 of the descendants of Bani: Ma‘adai, ‘Amram, U’el,

35 B’nayah, Bedyah, K’luhu,

36 Vanyah, M’remot, Elyashiv,

37 Mattanyah, Matnai, Ya‘asai,

38 Bani, Binui, Shim‘i,

39 Shelemyah, Natan, ‘Adayah,

40 Makhnavdai, Shashai, Sharai,

41 ‘Azar’el, Shelemyah, Sh’maryah,

42 Shalum, Amaryah and Yosef; and

43 of the descendants of N’vo: Ye‘i’el, Mattityah, Zavad, Z’vina, Yadai, Yo’el and B’nayah.

44 All these had taken foreign wives, and some of them had wives by whom they had had children.

Dani’el (Dan) 1

1 In the third year of the reign of Y’hoyakim king of Y’hudah, N’vukhadnetzar king of Bavel came to Yerushalayim and laid siege to it;

2 andAdonaihanded Y’hoyakim king of Y’hudah over to him, along with some of the articles from the house of God. He took them to the land of Shin‘ar, to the house of his god and placed the articles in the storehouse of his god.

3 The king ordered Ashp’naz, the eunuch serving as his chief officer, to bring into the palace from the people of Isra’el some of royal or noble descent.

4 They were to be boys without physical defect, handsome in appearance, versed in all kinds of wisdom, quick to learn, discerning, and having the capacity to serve in the king’s palace; and he was to teach them the language and literature of the Kasdim.

5 The king assigned them a daily portion of his own food and the wine he drank, and they were to be cared for in this way for three years. At the end of this time they were to become the king’s attendants.

6 Among these, from the people of Y’hudah, were Dani’el, Hananyah, Misha’el and ‘Azaryah.

7 The chief officer gave them other names — to Dani’el he gave the name Belt’shatzar; to Hananyah, Shadrakh; to Misha’el, Meishakh; and to ‘Azaryah, ‘Aved-N’go.

8 But Dani’el resolved that he would not defile himself with the king’s food or the wine he drank, so he asked the chief officer to be excused from defiling himself.

9 God caused the chief officer to be kind and sympathetic toward Dani’el;

10 however, the chief officer said to Dani’el, “I’m afraid of my lord the king. After all, he has given you an allowance of food and drink; so if he were to see you boys looking worse than the others your age, you would be putting my own head in danger from the king.”

11 Then Dani’el said to the guard whom the chief officer had put in charge of Dani’el, Hananyah, Misha’el and ‘Azaryah,

12 “Please! Try an experiment on your servants — for ten days have them give us only vegetables to eat and water to drink.

13 Then see how we look, and compare us with how the boys who eat the king’s food look; and deal with your servants according to what you see.”

14 He agreed to do what they had asked and gave them a ten-day test.

15 At the end of ten days they looked better and more robust than all the boys who were eating the king’s food.

16 So the guard took away their food and the wine they were supposed to drink, and gave them vegetables.

17 To these four boys God had given knowledge and skill in every aspect of learning and wisdom; moreover, Dani’el could understand all kinds of visions and dreams.

18 When the time the king had set for them to be presented came, the chief officer presented them to N’vukhadnetzar;

19 and when the king spoke with them, none was found among all of them to compare with Dani’el, Hananyah, Misha’el and ‘Azaryah. So they entered the king’s service;

20 and in all matters requiring wisdom and understanding, whenever the king consulted them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and exorcists in his entire kingdom.

21 So Dani’el remained there until the first year of King Koresh.

Dani’el (Dan) 2

1 In the second year of the reign of N’vukhadnetzar, N’vukhadnetzar became so troubled by a series of dreams he had that he couldn’t sleep.

2 So the king ordered the magicians, exorcists, sorcerers and astrologers summoned to interpret the king’s dreams to him. They came and stood in his presence.

3 The king said to them, “I had a dream which will keep troubling my spirit until I know what it means.”

4 The astrologers spoke to the king in Aramaic: “May the king live forever! Tell your servants the dream, and we will interpret it.”

5 The king answered the astrologers, “Here is what I have decided: if you don’t tell me both the dream and its interpretation, you will be torn limb from limb and your houses reduced to rubble.

6 But if you do state the dream and its interpretation, I will give you presents, rewards and great honor. Just tell me the dream and its interpretation.”

7 A second time they said, “Let his majesty tell his servants the dream, and we will interpret it.”

8 The king replied, “I see you’re only trying to gain time, because you see that I’ve decided

9 that if you don’t tell me the dream, there is only one sentence passed on all of you. So you’ve conspired to mislead me with lies in the hope that time will change things. Now, just tell me the dream! That will convince me that you will also be able to give me its correct interpretation.”

10 The astrologers answered the king, “Your majesty, nobody in the world can do this! Never has a king, no matter how great and powerful, asked such a thing of any magician or exorcist or astrologer.

11 The king is asking a difficult thing; nobody but the gods could tell this to your majesty, and they don’t live with mere mortals.”

12 At this the king flew into a rage and ordered all the sages of Bavel put to death.

13 When the decree was published that the sages were to be slain, they sought Dani’el and his companions in order to have them put to death.

14 Then, choosing his words carefully, Dani’el consulted Aryokh, captain of the royal guard, who had already gone out to kill the sages of Bavel.

15 He said to Aryokh, “Since you are the king’s official, let me ask: why has the king issued such a harsh decree?” Aryokh explained the matter to Dani’el.

16 Then Dani’el went in and asked the king to give him time to tell the king the interpretation.

17 Dani’el went home and made the matter known to Hananyah, Misha’el and ‘Azaryah, his companions;

18 so that they could ask the God of heaven for mercy concerning this secret, and thus save Dani’el and his companions from dying along with the other sages of Bavel.

19 Then the secret was revealed to Dani’el in a vision at night, and Dani’el blessed the God of heaven

20 in these words:

“Blessed be the name of God

from eternity past to eternity future!

For wisdom and power are his alone;

21 he brings the changes of seasons and times;

he installs and deposes kings;

he gives wisdom to the wise

and knowledge to those with discernment.

22 He reveals deep and secret things;

he knows what lies in the darkness;

and light dwells with him.

23 I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors,

for giving me wisdom and power,

and revealing to me what we wanted from you,

for giving us the answer for the king.”

24 So Dani’el went to see Aryokh, whom the king had charged with destroying the sages of Bavel, and said to him, “Don’t destroy the sages of Bavel! Bring me before the king, and I will give the king the interpretation.”

25 Quickly Aryokh brought Dani’el before the king and told him, “I have found one of the exiles of Y’hudah who will reveal the interpretation to his majesty.”

26 The king said to Dani’el (who had been renamed Belt’shatzar), “Can you tell me what I dreamt and what it means?”

27 Dani’el answered the king, “No sage, exorcist, magician or astrologer can tell his majesty the secret he has asked about.

28 But there is a God in heaven who unlocks mysteries, and he has revealed to King N’vukhadnetzar what will happen in theacharit-hayamim. Here are your dream and the visions you had in your head when you were in bed.

29 “Your majesty, when you were in bed, you began thinking about what would take place in the future; and he who reveals secrets has revealed to you what will happen.

30 Yet this secret has not been revealed to me because I am wiser than anyone living, but so that the meaning can be made known to your majesty, and then you can understand the thoughts of your own mind.

31 “Your majesty had a vision of a statue, very large and extremely bright; it stood in front of you and its appearance was terrifying.

32 The head of the statue was of fine gold, its chest and arms of silver, its trunk and thighs of bronze,

33 its legs of iron, and its feet partly of iron and partly of clay.

34 As you watched, a stone separated itself without any human hand, struck the statue on its feet made of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces.

35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were all broken into pieces which became like the chaff on a threshing-floor in summer; the wind blew them away without leaving a trace. But the stone which had struck the statue grew into a huge mountain that filled the whole earth.

36 “That is what you dreamt, and now we will give the king its interpretation.

37 Your majesty, king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the power, the strength and the glory;

38 so that wherever people, wild animals or birds in the air live, he has handed them over to you and enabled you to rule them all — you are the head of gold.

39 But after you another kingdom will rise, inferior to you; then a third kingdom, of bronze, which will rule the whole world.

40 The fourth kingdom will be as strong as iron. Iron can break anything into pieces, pulverize it and crush it. So just as iron can crush anything, this kingdom will break the other kingdoms into pieces and crush them.

41 Finally, you saw the feet and toes made partly of pottery clay and partly of iron; this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the firmness of iron, since you saw the iron mixed with clay from the ground.

42 Just as the toes of the feet were part iron and part clay, this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.

43 You saw the iron mixed with clay; that means that they will cement their alliances by intermarriages; but they won’t stick together any more than iron blends with clay.

44 “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will establish a kingdom that will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not pass into the hands of another people. It will break to pieces and consume all those kingdoms; but it, itself, will stand forever —

45 like the stone you saw, which, without human hands, separated itself from the mountain and broke to pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold. The great God has revealed to the king what will come about in the future. The dream is true, and its interpretation is reliable.”

46 Then King N’vukhadnetzar fell on his face and worshipped Dani’el; he ordered that a grain offering and incense be offered to him.

47 To Dani’el the king said, “Your God is indeed the God of gods, the Lord of kings and a revealer of secrets, since you have been able to reveal this secret.”

48 The king promoted Dani’el to a high rank, gave him many rich gifts and made him governor of the entire province of Bavel and head of all the sages of Bavel.

49 At Dani’el’s request, the king put Shadrakh, Meishakh and ‘Aved-N’go in charge of the affairs of the province of Bavel, while Dani’el remained in attendance on the king.