Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 15

1 David erected buildings for himself in the City of David, prepared a place for the ark of God, and set up a tent for it.

2 Then David said, “No one but theL’vi’imshould carry the ark of God, becauseAdonaichose them to carry the ark ofAdonaiand to serve him forever.”

3 David assembled all Isra’el in Yerushalayim to bring the ark ofAdonaiup to its place, which he had prepared for it.

4 David gathered together the descendants of Aharon and theL’vi’im:

5 from the descendants of K’hat: Uri’el the chief, and 120 of his kinsmen;

6 from the descendants of M’rari: ‘Asayah the chief, and 220 of his kinsmen;

7 from the descendants of Gershom: Yo’el the chief, and 130 of his kinsmen;

8 from the descendants of Elitzafan: Sh’ma‘yah the chief, and 200 of his kinsmen;

9 from the descendants of Hevron: Eli’el the chief, and eighty of his kinsmen;

10 and from the descendants of ‘Uzi’el: ‘Amminadav the chief, and 112 of his kinsmen.

11 David called for Tzadok and Evyatar thecohanimand for theL’vi’im —Uri’el, ‘Asayah, Yo’el, Sh’ma‘yah, Eli’el and ‘Amminadav —

12 and said to them, “You are the clan leaders of theL’vi’im. Consecrate yourselves, both you and your kinsmen, to bring the ark ofAdonaithe God of Isra’el up to the place I have prepared for it.

13 It’s because you weren’t there the first time thatAdonaiour God broke out against us. We didn’t seek him out according to the rule.”

14 So thecohanimandL’vi’imconsecrated themselves to bring up the ark ofAdonaithe God of Isra’el;

15 and theL’vi’imcarried the ark of God on their shoulders with the poles on it, as Moshe had ordered, according to whatAdonaihad said.

16 David spoke to the chief of theL’vi’imto appoint their kinsmen to be singers making use of musical instruments — lutes, lyres and cymbals — to play loudly and raise sounds of joy.

17 So theL’vi’imappointed Heman the son of Yo’el; of his kinsmen, Asaf the son of Berekhyahu; of the descendants of M’rari their kinsmen, Eitan the son of Kushayahu;

18 and with them their second-degree kinsmen Z’kharyahu, Ben, Ya‘azi’el, Sh’miramot, Yechi’el, ‘Uni, Eli’av, B’nayahu, Ma‘aseiyahu, Mattityahu, Elif’lehu, Mikneyahu, with ‘Oved-Edom and Ye‘i’el the gatekeepers.

19 The singers Heman, Asaf and Eitan were appointed to sound the bronze cymbals.

20 Z’kharyahu, ‘Azi’el, Sh’miramot, Yechi’el, ‘Uni, Eli’av, Ma‘aseiyahu and B’nayahu were to play the lutes for‘alamot[high-pitched music?].

21 Mattityahu, Elif’lehu, Mikneyahu, ’Oved-Edom, Ye‘i’el and ‘Azazyahu were to play lyres to lead thesh’minit[low-pitched music?].

22 K’nanyahu, chief of theL’vi’im, was in charge of the singing; he was put in charge of the singing because he was skillful at it.

23 Berekhyahu and Elkanah were gatekeepers for the ark.

24 Sh’vanyahu, Yoshafat, N’tan’el, ‘Amasai, Z’kharyahu, B’nayahu and Eli‘ezer thecohanimblew the trumpets in front of the ark of God. ‘Oved-Edom and Yechiyah were gatekeepers for the ark.

25 So David, the leaders of Isra’el and the commanders over thousands went to bring up the ark for the covenant ofAdonaiout from the house of ‘Oved-Edom with joy.

26 Since God was helping theL’vi’imwho were carrying the ark for the covenant ofAdonai, they sacrificed seven young bulls and seven rams.

27 David, all theL’vi’imbearing the ark, the singers and K’nanyah the music leader for the singers were all wearing linen cloaks; and David was also wearing a linen ritual vest.

28 So all Isra’el brought up the ark for the covenant ofAdonaiwith shouting; blowing onshofars and trumpets; and cymbals sounding with lutes and lyres.

29 As the ark for the covenant ofAdonaientered the City of David, Mikhal the daughter of Sha’ul, watching from the window, saw King David dancing and celebrating; and she was filled with contempt for him.

Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 16

1 They brought the ark of God in and put it in the tent that David had set up for it; and they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before God.

2 When David had finished offering the burnt offering and peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name ofAdonai.

3 Then he distributed to everyone in Isra’el, to everyone there, both men and women, a loaf of bread, a portion of meat and a raisin cake.

4 He appointed certainL’vi’imto serve in front of the ark ofAdonai, to celebrate, and to thank and praiseAdonaithe God of Isra’el:

5 Asaf, the leader; assisting him, Z’kharyah; then Ye‘i’el, Sh’miramot, Yechi’el, Mattityahu, Eli’av, B’nayahu, ‘Oved-Edom and Ye‘i’el playing lutes and lyres, while Asaf played cymbals.

6 B’nayah and Yachzi’el thecohanimblew the trumpets continually before the ark for the covenant of God.

7 It was on that same day that David first ordered that thanks be given toAdonaithrough Asaf and his kinsmen:

8 Give thanks toAdonai! Call on his name!

Make his deeds known among the peoples.

9 Sing to him, sing praises to him!

Talk about all his wonders.

10 Glory in his holy name;

let those seekingAdonaihave joyful hearts.

11 SeekAdonaiand his strength;

always seek his presence.

12 Remember the wonders he has done,

his signs and his spoken judgments.

13 You descendants of Isra’el his servant,

you offspring of Ya‘akov, his chosen ones:

14 he isAdonaiour God,

His judgments are everywhere on earth.

15 Remember his covenant forever,

the word he commanded to a thousand generations,

16 the covenant he made with Avraham;

the oath he swore to Yitz’chak

17 and established as a law for Ya‘akov,

for Isra’el as an everlasting covenant:

18 “To you I will give the land of Kena‘an

as your allotted heritage.”

19 When you were but few in number,

and not only few, but aliens there too,

20 wandering from nation to nation,

from this kingdom to that people,

21 he allowed no one to oppress them.

Yes, for their sakes he rebuked even kings:

22 “Don’t touch my anointed ones

or do my prophets harm!”

23 Sing toAdonai, all the earth!

Proclaim his victory day after day!

24 Declare his glory among the nations,

his wonders among all peoples!

25 ForAdonaiis great, and greatly to be praised;

he is to be feared more than all gods.

26 For all the gods of the peoples are nothing,

butAdonaimade the heavens.

27 In his presence are honor and majesty;

in his place, strength and joy.

28 GiveAdonaihis due, you families from the peoples,

giveAdonaihis due of glory and strength;

29 giveAdonaithe glory due to his name;

bring an offering, and come into his presence.

WorshipAdonaiin splendid, holy attire.

30 Tremble before him, all the earth!

The world is firmly established, immovable.

31 Let the heavens rejoice; let the earth be glad;

let them say among the nations, “Adonaiis king!”

32 Let the sea roar, and everything in it;

let the fields exult, and all that is in them.

33 Then the trees in the forest will sing beforeAdonai,

because he has come to judge the earth.

34 Give thanks toAdonai; for he is good,

for his grace continues forever.

35 Say: “Save us, God who can save us!

Gather and rescue us from the nations;

so that we can thank your holy name

and glory in praising you.

36 Blessed beAdonai, the God of Isra’el,

from eternity past to eternity future!”

All the people said, “Amen!” and praisedAdonai.

37 So, there before the ark for the covenant ofAdonai, David left Asaf and his kinsmen to perform the service regularly before the ark, as each day’s work required;

38 also ‘Oved-Edom with their kinsmen, sixty-eight of them — ‘Oved-Edom the son of Y’dutun and Hosah were gatekeepers.

39 He left Tzadok thecohenwith his kinsmen before the tabernacle ofAdonaiat the high place in Giv‘on

40 to offer burnt offerings toAdonaievery morning and evening on the altar for burnt offerings, according to everything written in theTorahofAdonai, which he gave to Isra’el.

41 With them were Heman and Y’dutun and the rest who were chosen and assigned by name to give thanks toAdonai, because his grace continues forever.

42 With them were Heman and Y’dutun to play trumpets and cymbals, also instruments for the songs about God; while the sons of Y’dutun were assigned to the gate.

43 Then the people all left for their homes, and David returned to bless his household.

Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 17

1 After David had been living in his palace awhile, he said to Natan the prophet, “Here, I’m living in a cedar-wood palace; but the ark for the covenant ofAdonaiis kept under a tent!”

2 Natan said to David, “Go, do everything that is in your heart, for God is with you.”

3 But that same night the word of God came to Natan:

4 “Go, and tell David my servant that this is whatAdonaisays: ‘You are not to build me a house to live in,

5 because from the day I brought up Isra’el until today, I never lived in a house; rather, I’ve gone from tent to tent and from one tabernacle to another.

6 Everywhere I traveled with all Isra’el, did I ever speak a word to any of the judges of Isra’el, whom I ordered to shepherd my people Isra’el, asking, “Why haven’t you built me a cedar-wood house?”’

7 “Therefore say to my servant David that this is whatAdonai-Tzva’otsays: ‘I took you from the sheep-yards, from following the sheep, to make you chief over my people Isra’el.

8 I have been with you wherever you went, I have destroyed all your enemies ahead of you; and I am making your reputation like the reputations of the greatest people on earth.

9 I will assign a place to my people Isra’el; I will plant them there, so that they can live in their own place without being disturbed any more. The wicked will no longer devastate them, as they did at the beginning,

10 and as they did from the time I ordered judges to be over my people Isra’el; instead, I will subdue all your enemies.

“‘Moreover, I tell you thatAdonaiwill make you a house.

11 When your days come to an end and you go to be with your ancestors, I will establish one of your descendants to succeed you, one of your own sons; and I will set up his rulership.

12 He will build me a house, and I will establish his throne forever.

13 I will be a father for him, and he will be a son for me; I will not take my grace away from him, as I took it away from your predecessor.

14 Rather, I will maintain him in my house and in my kingdom forever; and his throne will be set up forever.’”

15 Natan told David all of these words and described this entire vision.

16 Then David went in, sat beforeAdonaiand said, “Who am I,Adonai, God, and what is my family, that has caused you to bring me this far?

17 Yet in your view, God, even this was but a small thing; so you have said that your servant’s dynasty will continue on into the distant future. You have regarded me,Adonai, God, as a man of high rank.

18 What more can David say to you about the honor you are bestowing on your servant? For you know your servant intimately.

19 Adonai, it is for your servant’s sake and in accordance with your own heart that you have done all this greatness and revealed all these great things.

20 Adonai, there is no one like you, and there is no God besides you — everything we have heard confirms that.

21 Who can be compared with your people Isra’el? What other nation on earth did God set out to redeem and turn into a people for himself? You made yourself a reputation by doing great and terrifying things, as you drove out the nations from before your people, whom you redeemed from Egypt.

22 For you made your people Isra’el your people forever; and you,Adonai, became their God.

23 So now,Adonai,let the word that you spoke concerning your servant and his house be confirmed forever; do what you have promised.

24 May your name be confirmed and magnified forever; so that it will be said, ‘Adonai-Tzva’otis the God of Isra’el and the God for Isra’el, and the dynasty of David your servant will be set up in your presence.’

25 For you, my God, have disclosed to your servant that you will build him a house. This is why your servant has the courage to pray to you.

26 Now,Adonai, you are God; and you have made this wonderful promise to your servant;

27 and now it has pleased you to bless the family of your servant and thereby cause it to continue forever in your presence. For you,Adonai, have blessed, and it is blessed forever.”

Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 18

1 Some time afterwards, David attacked the P’lishtim and subdued them; David took Gat and its villages out of the hands of the P’lishtim.

2 He also defeated Mo’av, so that the people of Mo’av became subjects of David and paid tribute.

3 David, on his way to establish his dominion as far as the Euphrates River, also defeated Hadar‘ezer king of Tzovah near Hamat.

4 David captured 1,000 chariots, 7,000 horsemen and 20,000 foot soldiers. He reserved enough horses for 100 chariots and disabled the rest.

5 When the people of Aram from Dammesek came to the aid of Hadar‘ezer king of Tzovah, David killed 22,000 men of Aram.

6 Then David put [garrisons] among the people of Aram in Dammesek; Aram became subject to David and paid tribute.Adonaigave victory to David wherever he went.

7 David took the gold shields which Hadar‘ezer’s servants were wearing and brought them to Yerushalayim.

8 From Tivchat and Kun, cities of Hadar‘ezer, King David took a great quantity of bronze, which Shlomo used to make the bronze “Sea,” the columns and various bronze articles.

9 When To‘u king of Hamat heard that David had defeated the entire army of Hadar‘ezer king of Tzovah,

10 he sent Hadoram his son to King David to greet and congratulate him on fighting and defeating Hadar‘ezer — for Hadar‘ezer had been at war with To‘u — and [he sent] all kinds of articles made of silver, gold and bronze,

11 which King David dedicated toAdonai, along with the silver and gold that he had carried off from all the nations — from Edom, Mo’av, the people of ‘Amon, the P’lishtim and ‘Amalek.

12 Moreover, Avishai the son of Tz’ruyah killed 18,000 men from Edom in the Salt Valley.

13 David stationed garrisons in Edom, and all the people of Edom became subject to him.Adonaigave victory to David wherever he went.

14 David ruled over all Isra’el; he administered law and justice for all his people.

15 Yo’av the son of Tz’ruyah was commander of the army, Y’hoshafat the son of Achilud was chief adviser,

16 Tzadok the son of Achituv and Avimelekh the son of Evyatar werecohanim, Shavsha was secretary,

17 B’nayahu the son of Y’hoyada was in charge of the K’reti and P’leti [serving as the king’s bodyguards], and David’s sons were the king’s chief personal advisers.

Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 19

1 Some time later, when Nachash the king of the people of ‘Amon died, his son became king in his place.

2 David said, “I will be kind to Hanun the son of Nachash, because his father showed grace to me.” So David sent messengers to comfort him about his father.

David’s servants entered the territory of the people of ‘Amon to go to Hanun and comfort him;

3 but the leaders of the people of ‘Amon said to Hanun, “Do you really think David is honoring your father by sending people to comfort you? Haven’t his servants come to you in order to look the city over, overthrow it and reconnoiter the land?”

4 So Hanun took David’s servants, shaved them, cut off their clothes halfway up, at their hips, and then sent them away.

5 Some people reported to David how the men had been treated. He sent a delegation to meet them, because the men had been deeply humiliated. The king said, “Stay in Yericho until your beards have grown back, and then return.”

6 Aware that they had made themselves utterly abhorrent to David, Hanun and the people of ‘Amon sent thirty-three tons of silver to hire chariots and horsemen from Aram-Naharayim, Aram-Ma‘akhah and Tzovah.

7 They hired 32,000 chariots, as well as the king of Ma‘akhah with his people, who came and pitched their camp in front of Meidva. Then the people of ‘Amon assembled themselves from their cities and went out to fight.

8 When David heard of it, he sent Yo’av with his entire army of trained soldiers.

9 The army of ‘Amon came out and went into battle formation at the city gate, while the kings who had come were alone in the countryside.

10 When Yo’av saw that he would be fighting on two fronts, ahead and behind, he chose the best troops of Isra’el to deploy against Aram;

11 while the rest of the army he put under the command of Avishai his brother to deploy against the army of ‘Amon.

12 He said, “If Aram is too strong for me, you help me; but if the army of ‘Amon is too strong for you, then I will help you.

13 Take courage, and let’s be strong for the sake of our people and the cities of our God. MayAdonaido what seems good to him.”

14 So Yo’av and the people with him went to engage Aram in battle, and they fled before him.

15 When the people of ‘Amon saw that Aram had fled, they likewise fled before Avishai his brother and retreated into the city. Then Yo’av went to Yerushalayim.

16 When Aram saw that Isra’el had gotten the better of them, they sent messengers and brought out the people of Aram who lived beyond the [Euphrates] River, with Shofakh the commander of Hadar‘ezer’s army at their head.

17 It was reported to David; so he gathered all Isra’el together and crossed the Yarden to engage them. David deployed his forces for battle against Aram; and after he had done so, fought them.

18 But Aram fled before Isra’el; David killed 7,000 chariot-drivers and 40,000 foot soldiers from Aram; and he killed Shofakh the commander of the army.

19 When all Hadar‘ezer’s servants saw that they had been defeated by Isra’el, they made peace with David and became his subjects; and Aram would no longer help the people of ‘Amon.

Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 20

1 In the spring, at the time when kings go out to war, Yo’av led the army out in force and laid waste to the country of the people of ‘Amon; then he came and laid siege to Rabbah. But David stayed in Yerushalayim, while Yo’av attacked Rabbah and destroyed it.

2 David took the crown off Malkam’s head and found it to weigh sixty-six pounds, with its gold and precious stones; and it was placed on David’s head. He carried off great quantities of spoil from the city.

3 In addition, he brought out the people who were in it and set them to work with saws, iron harrows and axes. This is what he did to all the cities of the people of ‘Amon. Then David and all the people returned to Yerushalayim.

4 A while after this there was war at Gezer with the P’lishtim. Sibkhai the Hushati killed Sipai, one of the giants, and they were defeated.

5 There was more war with the P’lishtim; and Elchanan the son of Ya’ir killed Lachmi the brother of Golyat the Gitti, who had a spear with a shaft like a weaver’s beam.

6 There was again war at Gat, where there was a very tall man whose fingers and toes numbered twenty-four, six [fingers on each hand] and six [toes on each foot]; and he too was a son of the giant.

7 When he mocked Isra’el, Y’honatan the son of Shim‘a David’s brother killed him.

8 These were sons of the giant in Gat; they fell at the hands of David and his servants.

Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 21

1 The Adversary now rose up against Isra’el and incited David to take a census of Isra’el.

2 David said to Yo’av and the leaders of the people, “Go, take a census of Isra’el from Be’er-Sheva to Dan; then report to me, so that I can know how many of them there are.”

3 Yo’av said, “MayAdonaimake his people a hundred times as many as they are now! But, my lord the king, aren’t they all my lord’s servants in any case? Why does my lord the king require this? Why should he bring guilt upon Isra’el?”

4 Nevertheless, the king’s word prevailed against Yo’av. So Yo’av left and went through all Isra’el, after which he came to Yerushalayim.

5 Yo’av reported the results of the census to David: in Isra’el were 1,100,000 men who could handle a sword, while Y’hudah had 470,000 men who could handle a sword.

6 But he didn’t count Levi and Binyamin among them, because the king’s order was hateful to Yo’av.

7 God was displeased with this and therefore punished Isra’el.

8 David said to God, “I have greatly sinned by doing this. But now, please! Put aside your servant’s sin, for I have done a very foolish thing.”

9 Adonaispoke to Gad, David’s seer:

10 “Go and tell David thatAdonaisays, ‘I am offering you a choice of three punishments: choose one of them, and I will execute it against you.’”

11 Gad came to David and said to him, “Take your choice:

12 three years of famine; or three months of being swept away by your enemies, while your enemies’ sword overwhelms you; or three days ofAdonai’s sword — plague in the land, with the angel ofAdonaidestroying everywhere in Isra’el’s territory. Now think about what answer I should give to the one who sent me.”

13 David said to Gad, “This is very hard for me. Let me fall into the hand ofAdonai, because his mercies are very great, rather than have me fall into the hand of man.”

14 SoAdonaisent a plague on Isra’el; 70,000 of the people of Isra’el died.

15 God also sent an angel to destroy Yerushalayim, but when he was about to carry out the destruction,Adonaisaw it and changed his mind about causing such distress; so he said to the destroying angel, “Enough! Now withdraw your hand.” The angel ofAdonaiwas standing at the threshing-floor of Ornan the Y’vusi.

16 David raised his eyes and saw the angel ofAdonaistanding between the earth and the sky, and in his hand was a drawn sword stretched out over Yerushalayim. Then David and the leaders, wearing sackcloth, fell on their faces.

17 David said to God, “Wasn’t it I who ordered the census of the people? Yes, I am the one who has sinned and done something very wicked. But these sheep, what have they done? Please! Let your hand be against me and my father’s family, but not against your people, striking them with this plague!”

18 Then the angel ofAdonaiordered Gad to tell David to go and set up an altar toAdonaion the threshing-floor of Ornan the Y’vusi.

19 David went up at Gad’s word, spoken inAdonai’s name.

20 Ornan turned back and saw the angel, and his four sons who were with him hid themselves. As Ornan was threshing wheat,

21 David approached Ornan. When Ornan looked and saw David, he went out from the threshing-floor and prostrated himself before David with his face to the ground.

22 Then David said to Ornan, “Let me have the parcel with this threshing-floor, so that I can build on it an altar toAdonai— I will pay you its full value — so that the plague will be lifted from the people.”

23 Ornan said to David, “Take it for yourself, and let my lord the king do what seems good to him. I’m giving you the oxen for the burnt offerings, the threshing-sledges for firewood and the wheat for the grain offering — I’m giving it all.”

24 But King David said to Ornan, “No; I insist on buying it from you at the full price. I refuse to take what is yours forAdonaior offer a burnt offering that costs me nothing.”

25 So David bought the place from Ornan for 600shekels of gold by weight [fifteen pounds].

26 Then David built an altar toAdonaithere and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. He called onAdonai, who answered him from heaven by fire on the altar for burnt offerings.

27 Adonaigave an order to the angel, and he put his sword back in its sheath.

28 When David saw thatAdonaihad answered him at the threshing-floor of Ornan the Y’vusi, he sacrificed there.

29 For at that time the tabernacle ofAdonai, which Moshe had made in the desert, together with the altar for burnt offerings, were in the high place at Giv‘on.

30 But David could not go into its presence to consult God, because the sword of the angel ofAdonaihad struck him with terror.

Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 22

1 Then David said, “This is the house ofAdonai, God; and this is the altar Isra’el is to use for burnt offerings.”

2 David ordered that the foreigners in the land of Isra’el should be assembled, and he appointed stone-workers to shape stones for building the house of God.

3 David prepared a large store of iron from which to make nails and clamps for the gateway doors and, a quantity of bronze too great to weigh,

4 and cedar logs beyond numbering — because the Tzidonim and the people from Tzor brought cedar logs in abundance to David.

5 David said, “Shlomo my son is young and inexperienced, while the house to be built forAdonaimust be so magnificent and splendid that its fame and glory will be known in every country; so I will make preparations for him.” Therefore David made extensive preparations before his death.

6 Then he summoned Shlomo his son and charged him to build a house forAdonai, the God of Isra’el.

7 “My son,” said David to Shlomo, “my heart was set on building a house for the name ofAdonaimy God.

8 But a message fromAdonaicame to me, ‘You have shed much blood and fought great wars. You are not to build a house for my name, because you have shed so much blood on the earth in my sight.

9 But you will have a son who will be a man of rest. I will give him rest from all his enemies that surround him; for his name is to be Shlomo, and during his reign I will give peace and quiet to Isra’el.

10 It is he who will build a house for my name. He will be my son and I will be his father, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Isra’el forever.’

11 “Now, my son, mayAdonaibe with you and give you success as you build the house ofAdonaiyour God, in keeping with what he said about you.

12 MayAdonaigive you common sense and understanding, and may he give you his orders concerning Isra’el, so that you will observe theTorahofAdonaiyour God.

13 Then you will succeed, if you take care to obey the laws and rulings thatAdonaiordered Moshe concerning Isra’el. Be strong, be bold; don’t be afraid or become discouraged!

14 “Now look: despite my difficulties, I have prepared for the house ofAdonai3,300 tons of gold, 33,000 tons of silver, and so much bronze and iron that it can’t be weighed. I’ve also prepared timber and stone, and you can add to it.

15 Moreover, you have plenty of workers — quarrymen, stone-workers, lumbermen, and all kinds of skilled craftsmen to do whatever has to be done with

16 the gold, silver, bronze and iron — they’re beyond number. So get up, and get to work! And mayAdonaibe with you.”

17 David also ordered all the leaders of Isra’el to help Shlomo his son:

18 “Isn’tAdonaiyour God with you? Hasn’t he given you rest on every side? For he has put the inhabitants of the land under my power — the land has been subdued beforeAdonaiand his people.

19 Now set your heart and being on seekingAdonaiyour God. Get up, and build the sanctuary forAdonai, God. Then you can bring the ark for the covenant ofAdonaiand the holy articles of God into the house that will be built for the name ofAdonai.”

Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 23

1 David had now grown old; he had lived many years; so he made Shlomo his son king over Isra’el.

2 Then he assembled all the leaders of Isra’el, with thecohanimandL’vi’im.

3 A census ofL’vi’imthirty years old and over was taken, and their number came to 38,000.

4 Of these, 24,000 were to oversee the work on the house ofAdonai, while 6,000 were officials and judges,

5 4,000 were gatekeepers, and 4,000 sang praise toAdonai“with the instruments I made for the purpose of singing praise.”

6 David organized them into divisions named after the sons of Levi — Gershon, K’hat and M’rari.

7 For the Gershuni: La‘dan and Shim‘i.

8 The sons of La‘dan: Yechi’el the chief, Zetam and Yo’el — three.

9 The sons of Shim‘i: Shlomit, Hazi’el and Haran — three. These were the heads of the clans of La‘dan.

10 The sons of Shim‘i: Yachat, Zina Ye‘ush and B’ri‘ah. These four were the sons of Shim‘i.

11 Yachat was the chief and Zizah the second, then Ye‘ush and B’ri‘ah, who did not have many descendants and were therefore counted as one clan.

12 The sons of K’hat: ‘Amram, Yitz’har, Hevron and ‘Uzi’el — four.

13 The sons of ‘Amram: Aharon and Moshe. Aharon was set apart to be consecrated as especially holy, he and his sons forever; so that they might bring offerings beforeAdonai, perform the service for him and bless in his name forever.

14 But as for Moshe the man of God, his sons are included with the tribe of Levi.

15 The sons of Moshe: Gershom and Eli‘ezer.

16 The sons of Gershom: Sh’vu’el the chief.

17 The sons of Eli‘ezer were: Rechavyah the chief. Eli‘ezer had no other sons, but the sons of Rechavyah were very numerous.

18 The sons of Yitz’har: Shlomit the chief.

19 The sons of Hevron: Yeriyahu the chief, Amaryah the second, Yachzi’el the third and Y’kam‘am the fourth.

20 The sons of ‘Uzi’el: Mikhah the chief and Yishiyah the second.

21 The sons of M’rari: Machli and Mushi. The sons of Machli: El‘azar and Kish.

22 El‘azar died without having sons, but daughters only; their cousins, the sons of Kish, married them.

23 Mushi had three sons — Machli, ‘Eder and Yeremot.

24 These were the descendants of Levi, according to their clans, the heads of clans according to their listing in the register, who did the work for the service of the house ofAdonai, those twenty years old and over.

25 For David said, “Adonaithe God of Isra’el has given rest to his people, and he lives in Yerushalayim forever.

26 TheL’vi’imwill no longer have to carry the tabernacle and all the equipment that goes with it for its service.”

27 For, according to David’s last instructions, the descendants of Levi twenty years old and over were to be counted.

28 Their role was to assist the descendants of Aharon with the service of the house ofAdonaiin the courtyards and rooms, and with purification of all the holy articles — in other words, with the work needed to minister in the house of God.

29 They were to assist with the showbread and the finely ground flour needed for grain offerings, no matter whether ofmatzah, pan-baked bread or mixed with oil, and no matter what shape or size.

30 They were to stand every morning to sing thanks and praises toAdonai, and likewise every evening.

31 They were to be present regularly beforeAdonaiwhenever burnt offerings were offered toAdonaionShabbat, atRosh-Hodesh, and at the other designated times, in the numbers required by the rules for sacrifices.

32 Finally, for the service in the house ofAdonaithey were to perform their duties in relation to the tent of meeting, the Holy Place and their kinsmen the descendants of Aharon.

Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 24

1 The divisions of the descendants of Aharon were as follows:

The sons of Aharon: Nadav, Avihu, El‘azar and Itamar.

2 But Nadav and Avihu died before their father and had no children; therefore El‘azar and Itamar functioned as thecohanim.

3 David, together with Tzadok from the descendants of El‘azar, and Achimelekh from the descendants of Itamar, arranged them in divisions for service.

4 There were more men who were chiefs found among the descendants of El‘azar than among the descendants of Itamar; therefore there were sixteen divisions of the descendants of El‘azar, headed by clan leaders, and eight divisions of the descendants of Itamar, according to their clans.

5 They were assigned [periods of service] by lot, the one group equally with the other, since both the descendants of El‘azar and the descendants of Itamar had officers of the sanctuary and officers of God.

6 Sh’ma‘yah the son of N’tan’el the secretary, one of theL’vi’im, recorded them in the presence of the king, the officers, Tzadok thecohen, Achimelekh the son of Evyatar, and the clan leaders of thecohanimand of theL’vi’im —with two clan divisions taken from El‘azar for each one from Itamar.

7 The first lot drawn was for Y’hoyariv,

the second for Y’da‘yah,

8 the third for Harim,

the fourth for S‘orim,

9 the fifth for Malkiyah,

the sixth for Miyamin,

10 the seventh for Hakotz,

the eighth for Aviyah,

11 the ninth for Yeshua,

the tenth for Sh’khanyahu,

12 the eleventh for Elyashiv,

the twelfth for Yakim,

13 the thirteenth for Hupah,

the fourteenth for Yeshev’av,

14 the fifteenth for Bilgah,

the sixteenth for Immer,

15 the seventeenth for Hezir,

the eighteenth for HaPitzetz

16 the nineteenth for P’tachyah,

the twentieth for Yechezk’el,

17 the twenty-first for Yakhin,

the twenty-second for Gamul,

18 the twenty-third for D’layahu, and

the twenty-fourth for Ma‘azyahu.

19 These are the divisions and the sequence in which they served in the house ofAdonai, in accordance with the rule they were given through Aharon their ancestor, asAdonaithe God of Isra’el had ordered him.

20 The rest of the descendants of Levi: of the descendants of ‘Amram, Shuva’el; of the descendants of Shuva’el, Yechd’yah.

21 Of Rechavyahu: of the descendants of Rechavyahu, Yishiyah the chief.

22 Of the Yitz’hari, Shlomot; of the descendants of Shlomot, Yachat.

23 Of the sons [of Hevron]: Yeriyahu, Amaryahu second, Yachzi’el third and Y’kam‘am fourth.

24 The descendants of ‘Uzi’el: Mikhah; of the descendants of Mikhah, Shamir.

25 The brother of Mikhah: Yishiyah; of the descendants of Yishiyah, Z’kharyahu.

26 The sons of M’rari: Machli and Mushi. The descendants of his son Ya‘aziyahu,

27 that is, the descendants of M’rari through his descendant Ya‘aziyahu: Shoham, Zakur and ‘Ivri.

28 Of Machli: El‘azar, who had no sons.

29 Of Kish: the descendants of Kish, Yerachme’el.

30 And the sons of Mushi: Machli, ‘Eder and Yerimot.

These were the descendants of theL’vi’imaccording to their clans.

31 These likewise cast lots, as had their kinsmen the descendants of Aharon, in the presence of David the king, Tzadok, Achimelekh, and the clan leaders of thecohanimand of theL’vi’im; with the senior and junior clans casting lots equally.