Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 31

1 After all this was over, all Isra’el who were there went out to the cities of Y’hudah and smashed the standing-stones, chopped down the sacred poles, and broke down the high places and altars throughout Y’hudah, Binyamin, Efrayim and M’nasheh, until they had destroyed them all. Then all the people of Isra’el returned to their own cities, each to his own possession.

2 Hizkiyahu re-established the divisions of thecohanimandL’vi’imin accordance with the way the divisions had been before, with each man assigned his task, both thecohanimand theL’vi’im, for burnt offerings and for peace offerings, to serve, to give thanks and to praise at the gates ofAdonai’s camp.

3 He determined a portion of the king’s property to be given for the burnt offerings, that is, for the morning and evening burnt offerings and for burnt offerings onShabbats,Rosh-Hodeshand the designated times, as prescribed by theTorahofAdonai.

4 He also ordered the people living in Yerushalayim to contribute the portion meant for thecohanimandL’vi’im, so that they would be submitting themselves to theTorahofAdonai.

5 As soon as the order was issued, the people of Isra’el gave in abundance from the firstfruits of the grain, wine, olive oil, honey and other agricultural produce; they brought the required tenth and more.

6 The people of Isra’el and Y’hudah living in the cities of Y’hudah also brought the required tenth of oxen and sheep and the required tenth of consecrated gifts that had been dedicated toAdonaitheir God, and piled them in heaps.

7 They began accumulating these heaps in the third month and completed them in the seventh month.

8 When Hizkiyahu and the leaders came and saw the heaps, they blessedAdonaiand his people Isra’el.

9 When Hizkiyahu asked thecohanimandL’vi’imabout the heaps,

10 ‘Azaryahu the chiefcohen, from the house of Tzadok, answered him, “Ever since the people began bringing offerings into the house ofAdonai, we have had enough to eat and plenty left over; forAdonaihas blessed his people, and what is left over is this massive supply.”

11 Then Hizkiyahu ordered storerooms prepared in the house ofAdonai. After preparing them,

12 they faithfully brought in the offerings, the required tenths and the consecrated things. Konanyahu theLeviwas put in charge of them, with Shim‘i his brother as his assistant.

13 Hizkiyahu the king and ‘Azaryahu the ruler of the house of God appointed Yechi’el, ‘Azazyahu, Nachat, ‘Asah’el, Yerimot, Yozavad, Eli’el, Yismachyah, Machat and B’nayahu as supervisors to serve under Konanyah and Shim‘i his brother.

14 Kore the son of Yimnah theLevi, gatekeeper at the East Gate, was responsible for the voluntary offerings to God; he had to distribute the offerings made toAdonaiand the especially holy gifts.

15 Under him were ‘Eden, Minyamin, Yeshua, Sh’ma‘yahu, Amaryahu and Sh’khanyahu, in the cities of thecohanim, faithfully making the distributions to their kinsmen by divisions, to great and small alike.

16 Every male three years and older entitled to enter the house ofAdonaiwas given his daily share for performing his duties according to his division, regardless of how he was recorded in the genealogies.

17 Likewise, those recorded in the genealogies of thecohanimby clans received shares, as did theL’vi’imtwenty years and older who were performing their duties in their assigned divisions.

18 When shares were assigned, all their little ones, wives, sons and daughters were also recorded in the genealogies, throughout the entire community; for in their faithfulness to this task they consecrated themselves.

19 Finally, shares were assigned to the descendants of Aharon, thecohanim, who lived in the pasture-lands surrounding their cities — in each city they were mentioned by name. Thus portions were distributed to all the males among thecohanimand to all whose genealogies showed that they belonged to theL’vi’im.

20 This is what Hizkiyahu did throughout all Y’hudah. He accomplished things that were good, right and faithful beforeAdonaihis God.

21 Every project that he undertook in order to seek his God, whether in the service of the house of God or in connection with theTorahand themitzvot, he did with all his heart; and so he succeeded.

Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 32

1 After these events and this faithfulness of [Hizkiyahu’s], Sancheriv king of Ashur came, invaded Y’hudah and besieged the fortified cities, thinking that he would break in [and capture] them.

2 When Hizkiyahu saw that Sancheriv had come and intended to attack Yerushalayim,

3 he consulted his leading men and military advisers about sealing off the water in the springs outside the city. After gaining their support,

4 a large crowd was gathered to block all the springs and the stream flowing through the countryside. They reasoned, “Why should the kings of Ashur come and find an ample supply of water?”

5 Then, taking courage, he rebuilt all the broken sections of the wall, raised towers on it, built another wall outside that, strengthened the Millo in the City of David, and made a large quantity of spears and shields.

6 He appointed military commanders over the people, then gathered them before him in the open space at the city gate and spoke these words of encouragement to them:

7 “Be strong! Take courage! Don’t be afraid or distressed on account of the king of Ashur or all the horde he brings with him. For the One with us is greater than the one with him —

8 he has human strength, but we haveAdonaiour God to help us and fight our battles!” The people took heart at the words of Hizkiyahu king of Y’hudah.

9 After this, while Sancheriv and all his army were besieging Lakhish, he sent his envoys to Yerushalayim, to Hizkiyahu king of Y’hudah and to all Y’hudah who were there in Yerushalayim, with this message:

10 “This is what Sancheriv king of Ashur says: ‘What gives you the confidence that you can endure a siege against Yerushalayim?

11 Hasn’t Hizkiyahu deluded you? Isn’t he condemning you to death by starvation and thirst when he says, “Adonaiour God will save us from the king of Ashur”?

12 Isn’t this the same Hizkiyahu who removed [your God’s] high places and altars and ordered Y’hudah and Yerushalayim to worship before one altar and offer sacrifices only on it?

13 Don’t you realize what I and my ancestors have done to all the peoples of the other countries? Were the gods of these nations able to do a thing to rescue their country from me?

14 Who of all the gods of those nations that my ancestors completely destroyed was able to rescue his people from me? How then will your God rescue you from me?

15 Don’t let Hizkiyahu mislead you or delude you this way, don’t believe him. For no god of any nation or kingdom has ever been able to rescue his people from me or my ancestors; how much less will your God rescue you from me!’”

16 His envoys kept on speaking againstAdonai, God; and against his servant Hizkiyahu.

17 He also wrote a letter insultingAdonaithe God of Isra’el and speaking against him; it said, “Just as the gods of the nations of the other countries could not rescue their people from me, likewise Hizkiyahu’s God will not rescue his people from me.”

18 They were shouting loudly in the language of the Judeans to the people of Yerushalayim who were on the wall in order to terrify them and make them fearful, so that they could capture the city.

19 They spoke about the God of Yerushalayim in the same way as about the gods of the other peoples of the earth, which are merely human artifacts.

20 Because of this, Hizkiyahu the king and Yesha‘yahu the prophet, the son of Amotz, prayed and cried out to heaven.

21 ThenAdonaisent an angel, who cut down the valiant warriors, the leaders and the officers in the king of Ashur’s camp, so that he had to return shamefaced to his own country. When he entered the house of his god, his own sons, whom he himself had fathered, put him to death with the sword there.

22 In this wayAdonairescued Hizkiyahu and those living in Yerushalayim from Sancheriv the king of Ashur and from everyone, caring for them in every respect.

23 Many people brought gifts toAdonaiin Yerushalayim and items of value to Hizkiyahu king of Y’hudah, so that from then on he was regarded highly by all the nations.

24 Around this time, Hizkiyahu became ill to the point of death. But he prayed toAdonai, who answered him, even giving him a sign.

25 However, Hizkiyahu did not respond commensurately with the benefit done for him, because he had grown proud; thus he brought anger on himself and on Y’hudah and Yerushalayim as well.

26 But Hizkiyahu then humbled himself for his pride, both he and the people living in Yerushalayim, so thatAdonai’s anger did not strike them during Hizkiyahu’s lifetime.

27 Hizkiyahu had vast riches and great honor. He provided himself with storage places for silver, gold, precious stones, spices, shields and all kinds of valuable articles;

28 also storehouses for the harvest of grain, wine and olive oil; and stalls for all kinds of livestock and pens for the flocks.

29 He provided cities for himself and purchased flocks and herds in abundance, for God had made him extremely wealthy.

30 It was this same Hizkiyahu who blocked the upper outlet of the Gichon Spring and diverted the water straight down on the west side of the City of David.

Hizkiyahu succeeded in all that he did.

31 However, in the matter of the ambassadors from the princes of Bavel, who sent to him to learn of the marvel that had taken place in the land, God left him by himself, in order to test him, so that he might know everything that was in his heart.

32 Other activities of Hizkiyahu and his good deeds are recorded in the vision of Yesha‘yahu the prophet, the son of Amotz, and in the Annals of the Kings of Y’hudah and Isra’el.

33 Then Hizkiyahu slept with his ancestors, and they buried him by the path leading up to the tombs of the descendants of David. All Y’hudah and the people living in Yerushalayim honored him when he died, after which M’nasheh his son took his place as king.

Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 33

1 M’nasheh was twelve years old when he began his reign, and he ruled for fifty-five years in Yerushalayim.

2 He did what was evil fromAdonai’s perspective, following the disgusting practices of the nations whomAdonaihad expelled ahead of the people of Isra’el.

3 For he rebuilt the high places which Hizkiyahu his father had smashed; he erected altars for theba‘alim, made sacred poles and worshipped all the army of heaven and served them.

4 He erected altars in the house ofAdonai, concerning whichAdonaihad said, “My name will be in Yerushalayim forever.”

5 He erected altars for all the army of heaven in the two courtyards of the house ofAdonai.

6 He made his children pass through the fire [as a sacrifice] in the Ben-Hinnom Valley. He practiced soothsaying, divination and sorcery; and he appointed mediums and persons who used spirit guides. He did much that was evil fromAdonai’s perspective, thus provoking him to anger.

7 He set the carved image of the idol he had made in the house of God, concerning which God had told David and Shlomo his son, “In this house and in Yerushalayim, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Isra’el, I will put my name forever.

8 Also I will not remove the feet of Isra’el from the land I assigned your ancestors, if only they will take heed to obey every order I have given them, that is, all theTorah, laws and rulings that came through Moshe.”

9 M’nasheh caused Y’hudah and the people of Yerushalayim to go astray, so that they did even worse things than the nations whomAdonaidestroyed ahead of the people of Isra’el.

10 Adonaispoke to M’nasheh and to his people, but they paid no attention.

11 ThereforeAdonaibrought against them the commanders of the king of Ashur’s army. They took M’nasheh captive with hooks, bound him in chains and carried him off to Bavel.

12 Then, when he was in distress, he began to appease the anger ofAdonai, abjectly humbling himself before the God of his ancestors.

13 He prayed to him; and God was moved by his plea, paid attention to his entreaty and brought him back to Yerushalayim, to his kingly office. Then M’nasheh understood thatAdonaireally is God.

14 After this he built an outer wall for the City of David on the west side of Gichon, in the valley, extending as far as the entrance at the Fish Gate; it encompassed the ‘Ofel, and he built it very high. He stationed army commanders in all the fortified cities of Y’hudah.

15 He removed the foreign gods and the idol from the house ofAdonaiand all the altars he had built on the hill of the house ofAdonaiand in Yerushalayim, and threw them out of the city.

16 He repaired the altar ofAdonaiand offered on it sacrifices as peace offerings and for thanksgiving; and he ordered Y’hudah to serveAdonaithe God of Isra’el.

17 However, the people continued sacrificing on the high places, although only toAdonaitheir God.

18 Other activities of M’nasheh, his prayer to his God and the words of the seers who spoke to him in the name ofAdonaithe God of Isra’el are recorded in the Annals of the Kings of Isra’el.

19 Also his prayer and how God was moved by his plea, all his sin and disloyalty, and the locations where he built high places and set up the sacred poles and carved images before he humbled himself are written in the History of the Seers.

20 Then M’nasheh slept with his ancestors and was buried at his own house, and Amon his son took his place as king.

21 Amon was twenty-two years old when he began his reign, and he ruled for two years in Yerushalayim.

22 He did what was evil fromAdonai’s perspective, as had M’nasheh his father. Amon sacrificed to all the carved images that M’nasheh his father had made, and served them.

23 He did not humble himself beforeAdonai, as M’nasheh his father had done; rather, this Amon kept adding to his guilt.

24 His servants conspired against him and put the king to death in his own palace.

25 But the people of the land put to death all those who had been part of the conspiracy against King Amon. Then the people of the land made Yoshiyahu his son king in place of him.

Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 34

1 Yoshiyahu was eight years old when he began his reign, and he ruled for thirty-one years in Yerushalayim.

2 He did what was right fromAdonai’s perspective, living entirely in the manner of David his ancestor and turning away neither to the right nor to the left.

3 For in the eighth year of his reign, when he was still young, he began seeking after the God of David his father; and in the twelfth year, he began cleansing Y’hudah and Yerushalayim from the high places, the sacred poles, and the carved and cast metal images.

4 In his presence they broke down the altars of theba‘alim, and he chopped down the pillars for sun-worship mounted above them. He smashed the sacred poles and the carved and cast metal images, grinding them to dust, which he threw on the graves of those who had sacrificed to them.

5 He burned the bones of the priests on their altars, thus cleansing Y’hudah and Yerushalayim.

6 He did likewise in the cities of M’nasheh, Efrayim, Shim‘on and even as far as Naftali, in their surrounding ruins.

7 He broke down the altars, beat the sacred poles and carved images to powder and chopped down the pillars for sun-worship throughout all the land of Isra’el. Then he returned to Yerushalayim.

8 In the eighteenth year of his reign, after he had cleansed the land and the house, he sent Shafan the son of Atzalyahu, Ma‘aseiyah the governor of the city and Yo’ach the son of Yo’achaz the recorder to repair the house ofAdonaihis God.

9 They went to Hilkiyahu thecohen hagadoland handed over to him the money that had been brought into the house of God, which theL’vi’imwho guarded the doors had collected from M’nasheh, Efrayim, the rest of Isra’el and all Y’hudah and Binyamin. Then they returned to Yerushalayim.

10 They gave it to the supervisors of the work being done in the house ofAdonai; and those doing the work in the house ofAdonaiused it to repair and restore the house —

11 that is, they gave it to the carpenters and construction-workers to purchase worked stone, timber for the crossbeams and roof beams for the houses which the kings of Y’hudah had destroyed.

12 The men did the work faithfully. Their supervisors were Yachat and ‘Ovadyahu,L’vi’imfrom the descendants of M’rari, also Z’kharyah and Meshulam from the descendants of the K’hatim to give direction; and otherL’vi’im, all of whom could accompany singing with musical instruments.

13 They supervised those carrying the loads and everyone doing any kind of work; and there were alsoL’vi’imwho were secretaries, officials and gatekeepers.

14 While bringing out the money that had been brought into the house ofAdonai, Hilkiyahu thecohenfound the scroll of theTorahofAdonaigiven by Moshe.

15 Hilkiyahu said to Shafan the secretary, “I have found the scroll of theTorahin the house ofAdonai.” Hilkiyahu gave the scroll to Shafan.

16 Shafan the secretary brought the scroll to the king.

Turning to the king, he gave him this report: “Your servants are doing everything you ordered them to do.

17 They have poured out the money found in the house ofAdonaiand handed it over to the supervisors and workers.”

18 Then Shafan the secretary told the king, “Hilkiyahu thecohen hagadolgave me a scroll.” Shafan read it aloud before the king.

19 After the king had heard what was written in theTorah, he tore his clothes.

20 Then the king issued this order to Hilkiyahu, Achikam the son of Shafan, ‘Avdon the son of Mikhah, Shafan the secretary and ‘Asayah the king’s servant:

21 “Go, and consultAdonaifor me and for the people left in Isra’el and Y’hudah in regard to what is written in this scroll which has been found. ForAdonaimust be furious at us, since our ancestors did not observe the word ofAdonaiand do everything written in this scroll.”

22 So Hilkiyahu and those the king had ordered went to Huldah the prophet, the wife of Shalum the son of Tok’hat, the son of Hasrat, keeper of the wardrobe — she lived in the Second Quarter of Yerushalayim — and spoke with her about this.

23 She told them, “Adonaithe God of Isra’el says to tell the man who sent you to me

24 thatAdonaisays this: ‘I am going to bring calamity on this place and on its inhabitants, all the curses written in the scroll they read to the king of Y’hudah;

25 because they have abandoned me and offered to other gods, in order to provoke me with everything they do. Therefore my anger is poured out on this place and will not be quenched.’

26 “But you are to tell the king of Y’hudah, who sent you to consultAdonai, thatAdonaithe God of Isra’el also says this: ‘In regard to the words you have heard,

27 because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before God when you heard his words against this place and its inhabitants — you humbled yourself before me, tore your clothes and cried before me — I have also heard you,’ saysAdonai.

28 ‘Here, I will gather you to your ancestors; you will go to your grave in peace; and your eyes will not see all the calamity I am going to bring on this place and its inhabitants.’” So they brought back word to the king.

29 Then the king summoned and assembled all the leaders of Y’hudah and Yerushalayim.

30 The king went up to the house ofAdonaiwith all the men of Y’hudah, those living in Yerushalayim, thecohanim, theL’vi’imand all the people, both great and small; and he read in their hearing everything written in the scroll of the covenant that had been found in the house ofAdonai.

31 The king stood in his place and made a covenant in the presence ofAdonaito live followingAdonai, observing hismitzvot, instructions and laws wholeheartedly and with all his being, so as to perform the words of the covenant written in this scroll.

32 Then, after he had all the people in Yerushalayim and Binyamin stand in affirmation of it, the inhabitants of Yerushalayim acted in accordance with the covenant of God, the God of their ancestors.

33 Yoshiyahu removed all the abominable idols from all the territories belonging to the people of Isra’el, and he made everyone in Isra’el serveAdonaitheir God. Throughout his lifetime, they did not stop followingAdonai, the God of their ancestors.

Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 35

1 Yoshiyahu keptPesachtoAdonaiin Yerushalayim. They slaughtered thePesachlamb on the fourteenth day of the first month.

2 He assigned thecohanimto their posts and encouraged them to perform the service of the house ofAdonai.

3 To theL’vi’imwho were teaching all Isra’el and were holy forAdonaihe said, “Put the holy ark in the house which Shlomo the son of David, king of Isra’el, built; after this, you will not have to carry it again. Now serveAdonaiyour God and his people Isra’el.

4 Organize yourselves by clans and duty divisions according to the arrangement written down by David king of Isra’el and Shlomo his son.

5 Stand in the Holy Place according to the divisions of the clans of your kinsmen the ordinary people, with part of a clan ofL’vi’imserving each clan [of Isra’el].

6 Then slaughter thePesachlamb, consecrate yourselves, prepare what your kinsmen need, and act according to the word ofAdonaigiven through Moshe.”

7 Yoshiyahu gave the ordinary people, to all who were present, 30,000 lambs and kids from the flock, all of them forPesachofferings, and 3,000 bulls. These were from the king’s personal property.

8 Also his leading men voluntarily gave to the people and to thecohanimandL’vi’im. Hilkiyah, Z’kharyahu and Yechi’el, the rulers of the house of God, gave thecohanim2,600 [lambs and kids] and 300 oxen forPesachofferings.

9 Konanyah, his brothers Sh’ma‘yah and N’tan’el, and Hashavyah, Ye‘i’el and Yozavad, the headL’vi’im, gave theL’vi’im5,000 [lambs and kids] and 500 oxen forPesachofferings.

10 So the service was prepared; thecohanimstood at their posts; and theL’vi’imworked in their divisions, in keeping with the king’s order.

11 They slaughtered thePesachlamb; thecohanimsplashed [the blood, which they received from theL’vi’im], and theL’vi’imskinned and butchered them.

12 They removed the portions to be burned, in order to give them to the divisions of the clans of the ordinary people to present toAdonai, as written in the scroll of Moshe. They did the same with the oxen.

13 They roasted thePesachlamb over fire, according to the rule; while they boiled the holy offerings in pots, kettles and pans and carried them quickly to all the ordinary people.

14 Afterwards, they prepared food for themselves and for thecohanim; because thecohanim, the descendants of Aharon, were busy till nightfall offering the fat and the portions to be burned up; this is why theL’vi’imprepared food both for themselves and for thecohanimthe descendants of Aharon.

15 The singers the sons of Asaf were at their posts, as ordered by David — Asaf, Heman and Y’dutun the king’s seer. The gatekeepers were at every gate, and they did not need to leave their posts, because their brothers theL’vi’imprepared [food] for them.

16 Thus all the service ofAdonaiwas prepared the same day for observingPesachand offering burnt offerings on the altar ofAdonai, in accordance with the order of King Yoshiyahu.

17 The people of Isra’el who were present observed thePesachat that time and the festival ofMatzotfor seven days.

18 NoPesachlike that had been kept in Isra’el since the days of Sh’mu’el the prophet, and none of the kings of Isra’el observe aPesachsuch as Yoshiyahu observed, with thecohanim,L’vi’im, all Y’hudah, those of Isra’el who were present, and the inhabitants of Yerushalayim.

19 ThisPesachwas observed in the eighteenth year of Yoshiyahu.

20 After all this, and after Yoshiyahu had restored the house, N’kho king of Egypt went up to attack Kark’mish by the Euphrates River. King Yoshiyahu went out to oppose him;

21 but N’kho sent envoys to him with this message: “Do I have a conflict with you, king of Y’hudah? No, I am not coming today to attack you, but to attack the dynasty with whom I am at war. God has ordered to speed me along; so don’t meddle with God, who is with me; so that he won’t destroy you.”

22 Nevertheless, Yoshiyahu was determined to go after him. He disguised himself in order to fight against him and wouldn’t listen to what N’kho said, which was from the mouth of God. Then he went to fight in the Megiddo Valley.

23 There archers shot King Yoshiyahu. The king said to his servants, “Take me away, because I’m badly wounded.”

24 So his servants took him out of the chariot, transferred him to his second chariot and brought him to Yerushalayim. But he died, and he was buried in the tombs of his ancestors. All Y’hudah and Yerushalayim mourned Yoshiyahu.

25 Yirmeyahu composed a lament for Yoshiyahu; and all the men and women singers have sung of Yoshiyahu in their laments till this day. They made singing them a law in Isra’el, and they are recorded in the Laments.

26 Other activities of Yoshiyahu and all his good deeds in keeping with what is written in theTorahofAdonai,

27 also his accomplishments from beginning to end, are recorded in the Annals of the Kings of Isra’el and Y’hudah.

Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 36

1 Then the people of the land took Y’ho’achaz the son of Yoshiyahu and made him king in his father’s place, in Yerushalayim.

2 Y’ho’achaz was twenty-three years old when he began his reign, and he ruled for three months in Yerushalayim.

3 But the king of Egypt deposed him in Yerushalayim and imposed a penalty on the land of three-and-a-third tons of silver and sixty-six pounds of gold.

4 Then the king of Egypt made Elyakim his brother king over Y’hudah and Yerushalayim, changing his name to Y’hoyakim; N’kho took Yo’achaz his brother and carried him off to Egypt.

5 Y’hoyakim was twenty-five years old when he began his reign, and he ruled for eleven years in Yerushalayim. He did what was evil from the perspective ofAdonaihis God.

6 N’vukhadnetzar king of Bavel attacked him and bound him in chains to carry him off to Bavel.

7 N’vukhadnetzar also carried the articles in the house ofAdonaiaway to Bavel and put them in his temple in Bavel.

8 Other activities of Y’hoyakim, including all the abominations he did publicly and those discovered later, are recorded in the Annals of the Kings of Isra’el and Y’hudah. Then Y’hoyakhin his son took his place as king.

9 Y’hoyakhin was eight years old when he began his reign, and he ruled in Yerushalayim for three months and ten days. He did what was evil fromAdonai’s perspective.

10 In the spring, King N’vukhadnetzar sent and had him brought to Bavel together with the valuable articles from the house ofAdonai, and made Tzedekyah his brother king over Y’hudah and Yerushalayim.

11 Tzedekyah was twenty-one years old when he began his reign, and he ruled for eleven years in Yerushalayim.

12 He did what was evil from the perspective ofAdonaihis God. He did not humble himself before Yirmeyahu the prophet speaking on behalf ofAdonai.

13 He also rebelled against King N’vukhadnetzar, who had made him swear loyalty to him by God; instead, he became stiffnecked and hardhearted, refusing to turn toAdonaithe God of Isra’el.

14 In addition, the chiefcohanimand the people grew increasingly unfaithful, following all the abominable practices of the other nations; and they polluted the house ofAdonai, which he had consecrated in Yerushalayim.

15 Time after time, and frequently,Adonai, the God of their ancestors, sent word to them through his messengers; because he had compassion on his people and on the place where he lived.

16 But they ridiculed God’s messengers, treating his words with contempt and scoffing at his prophets, until the anger ofAdonairose up against his people to the extent that there was no longer any remedy.

17 Therefore he brought upon them the king of the Kasdim, who put their young men to the sword in the house of their sanctuary. They had no compassion on either young men or young women, old men or gray-haired; God handed all of them over to him.

18 All the articles in the house of God, great and small; the supplies in the house ofAdonai; and the supplies of the king and his leading men — all these he brought to Bavel.

19 Then they burned down the house of God, broke down the wall of Yerushalayim, put to flames all its palaces and destroyed everything in it of worth.

20 Those who had escaped the sword he carried off to Bavel, and they became slaves to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia.

21 Thus was fulfilled the word ofAdonaispoken by Yirmeyahu, “until the land has been paid herShabbats” — for as long as it lay desolate, it keptShabbat, until seventy years had passed.

22 Now in the first year of Koresh king of Persia, so that the word ofAdonaispoken by Yirmeyahu might be fulfilled,Adonaiactivated the spirit of Koresh king of Persia to proclaim throughout his entire kingdom, and put in writing as well:

23 “Here is what Koresh king of Persia says:Adonai, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms on earth, and he has charged me to build him a house in Yerushalayim, in Y’hudah. Whoever there is among you of all his people, mayAdonaihis God be with him! He may go up . . . .”

Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 1

1 Adam, Shet, Enosh,

2 Keinan, Mahalal’el, Yered,

3 Hanokh, Metushelach, Lemekh,

4 Noach; Shem, Ham and Yefet.

5 The sons of Yefet: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Yavan, Tuval, Meshekh and Tiras.

6 The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Difat and Togarmah.

7 The sons of Yavan: Elishah, Tarshishah, Kittim and Rodanim.

8 The sons of Ham: Kush, Mitzrayim, Put and Kena‘an.

9 The sons of Kush: S’va, Havilah, Savta, Ra‘ma and Savt’kha. The sons of Ra‘ma: Sh’va and D’dan.

10 Kush fathered Nimrod, who was the first powerful ruler on earth.

11 Mitzrayim fathered Ludim, ‘Anamim, L’havim, Naftuchim,

12 Patrusim, Kasluchim (from whom came the P’lishtim) and Kaftorim.

13 Kena‘an was the father of Tzidon his firstborn, and also of Het,

14 the Y’vusi, the Emori, the Girgashi,

15 the Hivi, the ‘Arki, the Sini,

16 the Arvadi, the Tz’mari and the Hamati.

17 The sons of Shem: ‘Elam, Ashur, Arpakhshad, Lud, Aram, ‘Utz, Hul, Geter and Meshekh.

18 Arpakhshad fathered Shelach, Shelach fathered ‘Ever,

19 and to ‘Ever were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg [division], because it was during his lifetime that the earth was divided; and his brother’s name was Yoktan.

20 Yoktan fathered Almodad, Shelef, Hatzar-Mavet, Yerach,

21 Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah,

22 ‘Eival, Avima’el, Sh’va,

23 Ofir, Havilah and Yovav; these were all sons of Yoktan.

24 Shem, Arpakhshad, Shelach,

25 ‘Ever, Peleg, Re‘u,

26 S’rug, Nachor, Terach,

27 Avram (also called Avraham).

28 The sons of Avraham: Yitz’chak and Yishma‘el.

29 Here are their descendants: Yishma‘el’s firstborn N’vayot; then Kedar, Adbe’el, Mivsam,

30 Mishma, Dumah, Masa, Hadad, Teima,

31 Y’tur, Nafish and Kedem. These are the sons of Yishma‘el.

32 The sons of K’turah Avraham’s concubine: she bore Zimran, Yokshan, Medan, Midyan, Yishbak and Shuach. The sons of Yokshan: Sh’va and D’dan.

33 The sons of Midyan: ‘Eifah, ‘Efer, Hanokh, Avida and Elda‘ah. These were all descendants of K’turah.

34 Avraham fathered Yitz’chak. The sons of Yitz’chak: ‘Esav and Isra’el.

35 The sons of ‘Esav: Elifaz, Re‘u’el, Ye‘ush, Ya‘lam and Korach.

36 The sons of Elifaz: Teman, Omar, Tzefi, Ga‘tam, K’naz, Timna and ‘Amalek.

37 The sons of Re‘u’el: Nachat, Zerach, Shamah and Mizah.

38 The sons of Se‘ir: Lotan, Shoval, Tziv‘on, ‘Anah, Dishon, Etzer and Dishan.

39 The sons of Lotan: Hori and Homam; the sister of Lotan was Timna.

40 The sons of Shoval: ‘Alyan, Manachat, ‘Eival, Sh’fi and Onam. The sons of Tziv‘on: Ayah and ‘Anah.

41 The son of ‘Anah: Dishon. The sons of Dishon: Hamran, Eshban, Yitran and K’ran.

42 The sons of Etzer: Bilhan, Za‘avan and Ya‘akan. The sons of Dishan: ‘Utz and Aran.

43 Following are the kings who ruled in the land of Edom before any king ruled over the people of Isra’el: Bela the son of B‘or; the name of his city was Dinhavah.

44 After Bela died, Yovav the son of Zerach from Botzrah took his place as king.

45 After Yovav died, Husham from the land of the Temani took his place as king.

46 After Husham died, Hadad the son of B’dad, who attacked Midyan on the plains of Mo’av, took his place as king; the name of his city was ‘Avit.

47 After Hadad died, Samlah from Masrekah took his place as king.

48 After Samlah died, Sha’ul from Rechovot-by-the-River took his place as king.

49 After Sha’ul died, Ba‘al-Hanan the son of ‘Akhbor took his place as king.

50 After Ba‘al-Hanan died, Hadad took his place as king; the name of his city was Pa‘i; his wife’s name was M’heitav’el the daughter of Matred the daughter of Mei-Zahav.

51 Then Hadad died.

The chieftains of Edom were: the chieftains of Timnah, ‘Alvah, Y’tet,

52 Oholivamah, Elah, Pinon,

53 Kenaz, Teman, Mivtzar,

54 Magdi’el and ‘Iram. These were the chieftains of Edom.

Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 2

1 These are the sons of Isra’el: Re’uven, Shim‘on, Levi, Y’hudah, Yissakhar, Z’vulun,

2 Dan, Yosef, Binyamin, Naftali, Gad and Asher.

3 The sons of Y’hudah: ‘Er, Onan and Shelah; the mother of these three was Bat-Shua the Kena‘anit. ‘Er, Y’hudah’s firstborn, was wicked fromAdonai’s perspective, so he killed him.

4 Tamar his daughter-in-law bore him Peretz and Zerach; thus Y’hudah had five sons altogether.

5 The sons of Peretz: Hetzron and Hamul.

6 The sons of Zerach: Zimri, Eitan, Heiman, Kalkol and Dara — five of them altogether.

7 The sons of Karmi: ‘Akhar [troubler], who troubled Isra’el by violating the rule concerning things set aside to be destroyed.

8 The son of Eitan: ‘Azaryah.

9 The sons born to Hetzron: Yerachme’el, Ram and K’luvai.

10 Ram fathered ‘Amminadav; ‘Amminadav fathered Nachshon prince of the descendants of Y’hudah;

11 Nachshon fathered Salma; Salma fathered Bo‘az;

12 Bo‘az fathered ‘Oved; ‘Oved fathered Yishai;

13 and Yishai fathered Eli’av his firstborn, Avinadav second, Shim‘a third,

14 N’tan’el fourth, Radai fifth,

15 Otzem sixth, David seventh,

16 and their sisters Tz’ruyah and Avigayil. The sons of Tz’ruyah: Avshai, Yo’av and ‘Asah’el, three of them.

17 Avigayil was the mother of ‘Amasa; the father of ‘Amasa was Yeter the Yishma‘eli.

18 Kalev the son of Hetzron fathered sons with ‘Azuvah his wife (and with Yeri‘ot); these were her sons: Yesher, Shovav and Ardon.

19 After ‘Azuvah died, Kalev married Efrat, who bore him Hur.

20 Hur fathered Uri, and Uri fathered B’tzal’el.

21 Afterwards, Hetzron had sexual relations with the daughter of Machir the father of Gil‘ad; he married her when he was sixty years old, and she bore him S’guv.

22 S’guv fathered Ya’ir, who had twenty-three cities in the land of Gil‘ad.

23 (But G’shur and Aram took Havot-Ya’ir away from them, along with K’nat and its villages — sixty cities.) All these were descendants of Machir the father of Gil‘ad.

24 After Hetzron died in Kalev-Efratah, Aviyah Hetzron’s wife bore him Ash’chur the father of T’koa.

25 The sons of Yerachme’el Hetzron’s firstborn: Ram the firstborn, Bunah, Oren, Otzem and Achiyah.

26 Yerachme’el had another wife, whose name was ‘Atarah; she was the mother of Onam.

27 The sons of Ram the firstborn son of Yerachme’el: Ma‘atz, Yamin and ‘Eker.

28 The sons of Onam: Shamai and Yada. The sons of Shamai: Nadav and Avishur.

29 Avishur’s wife was named Avichayil, and she bore him Achban and Molid.

30 The sons of Nadav: Seled and Apayim. Seled died without having any children.

31 The son of Apayim: Yish‘i. The son of Yish‘i: Sheshan. The son of Sheshan: Achlai.

32 The sons of Yada the brother of Shamai: Yeter and Yonatan. Yeter died without having any children.

33 The sons of Yonatan: Pelet and Zaza. These were the descendants of Yerachme’el.

34 Sheshan had no sons, but daughters. Sheshan had a servant, an Egyptian, whose name was Yarcha;

35 Sheshan gave his daughter in marriage to Yarcha his servant, and she bore him ‘Atai.

36 ‘Atai fathered Natan, Natan fathered Zavad,

37 Zavad fathered Eflal, Eflal fathered ‘Oved,

38 ‘Oved fathered Yehu, Yehu fathered ‘Azaryah,

39 ‘Azaryah fathered Heletz, Heletz fathered El‘asah,

40 El‘asah fathered Sismai, Sismai fathered Shalum,

41 Shalum fathered Y’kamyah and Y’kamyah fathered Elishama.

42 The sons of Kalev the brother of Yerachme’el: Mesha his firstborn, who was the father of Zif; and the sons of Mareshah the father of Hevron.

43 The sons of Hevron: Korach, Tapuach, Rekem and Shema.

44 Shema fathered Racham the father of Yorke‘am, and Rekem fathered Shamai.

45 The son of Shamai was Ma‘on, and Ma‘on was the father of Beit-Tzur.

46 ‘Eifah, Kalev’s concubine, bore Haran, Motza and Gazez; and Haran fathered Gazez.

47 The sons of Yahdai: Regem, Yotam, Geshan, Pelet, ‘Eifah and Sha‘af.

48 Ma‘akhah, Kalev’s concubine, bore Shever and Tirchanah.

49 [The wife of] Sha‘af the father of Madmanah bore Sh’va the father of Machbenah and the father of Giv‘a. The daughter of Kalev was ‘Akhsah.

50 These were the descendants of Kalev.

The sons of Hur the firstborn of Efratah: Shoval the father of Kiryat-Ye‘arim,

51 Salma the father of Beit-Lechem and Haref the father of Beit-Gader.

52 Shoval the father of Kiryat-Ye‘arim had sons: HaRo’eh and half of the [inhabitants of] M’nuchot.

53 The families of Kiryat-Ye‘arim: the Yitri, the Puti, the Shumati and the Mishra‘i; from them came the Tzor‘ati and the Eshta’uli.

54 The sons of Salma: Beit-Lechem, the N’tofati, ‘Atrot-Beit-Yo’av, half of the Manachati, the Tzor‘i,

55 the families of scribes that lived in Ya‘betz, the Tir‘atim, the Shim‘atim and the Sukhatim. These are the Kinim, who came from Hamat, father of the house of Rekhav.

Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 3

1 These were the sons born to David in Hevron: the firstborn was Amnon, whose mother was Achino‘am from Yizre‘el; the second, Dani’el, whose mother was Avigayil from Karmel;

2 the third, Avshalom, the son of Ma‘akhah the daughter of Talmai king of G’shur; the fourth, Adoniyah the son of Haggit;

3 the fifth, Sh’fatyah, whose mother was Avital; and the sixth, Yitre‘am, whose mother was his wife ‘Eglah.

4 Six were born to David in Hevron. He ruled there seven years and six months; then he ruled in Yerushalayim thirty-three years.

5 These were born to him in Yerushalayim: Shim‘a, Shovav, Natan, Shlomo, four whose mother was Bat-Shua the daughter of ‘Ammi’el;

6 and nine others — Yivchar, Elishama, Elifelet,

7 Nogah, Nefeg, Yafia,

8 Elishama, Elyada and Elifelet.

9 All these were sons of David, apart from the sons of the concubines; Tamar was their sister.

10 Shlomo’s son was Rechav‘am, his son Aviyah, his son Asa, his son Y’hoshafat,

11 his son Yoram, his son Achazyah, his son Yo’ash,

12 his son Amatzyah, his son ‘Azaryah, his son Yotam,

13 his son Achaz, his son Hizkiyahu, his son M’nasheh,

14 his son Amon and his son Yoshiyahu.

15 The sons of Yoshiyahu: Yochanan the firstborn, Y’hoyakim the second, Tzedekyah the third, and Shalum the fourth.

16 The sons of Y’hoyakim: Y’khonyah his son, and Tzedekyah his son.

17 The sons of Y’khonyah, also called Asir: Sh’alti’el his son;

18 also Malkiram, P’dayah, Shen’atzar, Y’kamyah, Hoshama and N’davyah.

19 The sons of P’dayah: Z’rubavel and Shim‘i. The children of Z’rubavel: Meshulam, Hananyah and Shlomit their sister;

20 also Hashuvah, Ohel, Berekhyah, Hasadyah and Yushav-Hesed — five.

21 The sons of Hananyah: P’latyah and Yesha‘yah. His son was Refayah. His son was Arnan. His son was ‘Ovadyah. And his son was Sh’khanyah.

22 The sons of Sh’khanyah: Sh’ma‘yah and the sons of Sh’ma‘yah — Hatush, Yig’al, Bariach, Ne‘aryah and Shafat — six.

23 The sons of Ne‘aryah: Elyo‘einai, Hizkiyah and ‘Azrikam — three.

24 The sons of Elyo‘einai: Hodavyahu, Elyashiv, P’layah, ‘Akuv, Yochanan, D’layah and ‘Anani — seven.

Divrei-HamYamim Alef (1 Ch) 4

1 The descendants of Y’hudah: Peretz, Hetzron, Karmi, Hur and Shoval.

2 Re’ayah the son of Shoval fathered Yachat; Yachat fathered Achumai and Lahad. These are the families of the Tzor‘ati.

3 These are [the sons] of the father of ‘Eitam: Yizre‘el, Yishma and Yidbash; their sister’s name was Hatzlelponi.

4 P’nu’el fathered Geder, and ‘Ezer fathered Hushah. These are the sons of Hur the firstborn of Efratah, the father of Beit-Lechem.

5 Ashur the father of T’koa had two wives, Hel’ah and Na‘arah.

6 Na‘arah bore him Achuzam, Hefer, Teimni and Achashtari; these were the sons of Na‘arah.

7 The sons of Hel’ah were Tzeret, Tzochar and Etnan.

8 Kotz fathered ‘Anuv, Tzovevah and the families of Acharchel the son of Harum.

9 Ya‘betz was honored more than his brothers; his mother called him Ya‘betz, she explained, “because I bore him in pain .”

10 Ya‘betz called on the God of Isra’el: “Please bless me by enlarging my territory. May your hand be with me! Keep me from harm, so that it will not cause me pain .” God granted his request.

11 K’luv the brother of Shuchah fathered M’chir, who fathered Eshton.

12 Eshton fathered Beit-Rafa, Paseach and T’chinah the father of ‘Ir-Nachash. These are the men of Rekhah.

13 The sons of K’naz: ‘Otni’el and S’rayah. The son of ‘Otni’el: Hatat.

14 M‘onotai fathered ‘Ofrah, and S’rayah fathered Yo’av the father of Gei-Harashim; for they were craftsmen .

15 The sons of Kalev the son of Y’funeh: ‘Iru, Elah and Na‘am. The son of Elah: K’naz.

16 The sons of Yehallel’el: Zif, Zifah, Tirya and Asar’el.

17-18 The sons of ‘Ezrah: Yeter, Mered, ‘Efer and Yalon. These are the sons of Bityah the daughter of Pharaoh, whom Mered took as his wife: she conceived Miryam, Shamai and Yishbach the father of Esht’moa; while his Jewish wife bore Yered the father of G’dor, Hever the father of Sokho and Y’kuti’el the father of Zanoach.

19 The sons of the wife of Hodiyah the sister of Nacham were the father of Ke‘ilah the Garmi and Esht’moa the Ma‘akhati.

20 The sons of Shimon: Amnon, Rinah, Ben-Hanan and Tilon. The sons of Yish‘i: Zochet and Ben-Zochet.

21 The sons of Shelah the son of Y’hudah: ‘Er the father of Lekha, La‘adah the father of Mareshah and the clans of fine-linen-workers at Beit-Ashbea,

22 Yokim, the men of Kozeva, Saraf the ruler in Mo’av, and Yashuvi-Lechem (the records are ancient).

23 These were potters and inhabitants of N’ta‘im and G’derah; they lived there, occupied with the king’s work.

24 The sons of Shim‘on: N’mu’el, Yamin, Yariv, Zerach and Sha’ul.

25 His son was Shalum, his son was Mivsam, and his son was Mishma.

26 The descendants of Mishma: his son Hamu’el, his son Zakur, his son Shim‘i.

27 Shim‘i had sixteen sons and six daughters, but his brothers did not have many children, so their clans did not increase like those of Y’hudah.

28 They lived at Be’er-Sheva, Moladah, Hatzar-Shu‘al,

29 Bilhah, ‘Etzem, Tolad,

30 B’tu’el, Hormah, Ziklag,

31 Beit-Markavot, Hatzar-Susim, Beit-Bir’i and Sha‘arayim. These were their cities until the reign of David.

32 Their villages were ‘Eitam, ‘Ayin, Rimmon, Tokhen and ‘Ashan, five cities,

33 along with all the villages surrounding these cities, as far as Ba‘al. These are the places where they lived, and they have their official genealogy.

34 Meshovav, Yamlekh, Yoshah the son of Amatzyah,

35 Yo’el, Yehu the son of Yoshivyah the son of S’rayah the son of ‘Asi’el,

36 Elyo‘einai, Ya‘akovah, Y’shochayah, ‘Asayah, ‘Adi’el, Y’simi’el, B’nayah,

37 Ziza the son of Shif‘i the son of Alon the son of Y’da‘yah the son of Shimri the son of Sh’ma‘yah —

38 these mentioned by name were princes in their clans, and their fathers’ houses increased greatly.

39 Seeking pasture for their flocks they went to the entrance of Geder, as far as the east side of the valley.

40 They found rich, good pastures; and the land was spacious, quiet and peaceful. Those who had lived there previously belonged to Ham.

41 Those whose names are written above came during the time of Hizkiyahu king of Y’hudah; they attacked their tents and the Me‘unim who were found there, destroyed them completely, and have lived there in place of them to this day; because there was pasture there for their flocks.

42 Some 500 of them who were descendants of Shim‘on went to Mount Se‘ir under the leadership of P’latyah, Ne‘aryah, Refayah and Uzi’el the sons of Yish‘i.

43 They attacked the remnant of ‘Amalek who had escaped and have lived there to this day.