Yirmeyahu (Jer) 4

1 “Isra’el, if you will return,” saysAdonai, “yes, return to me; and if you will banish your abominations from my presence without wandering astray again; 2 and if you will swear, ‘AsAdonailives,’ in truth, justice and righteousness; then the nations will bless themselves by him, and in him will they glory.” 3 For here is […]

Yirmeyahu (Jer) 6

1 “Head for cover, people of Binyamin, get out of Yerushalayim! Blow theshofarin T’koa, light the beacon on Beit-Hakerem. For disaster threatens from the north, with great destruction. 2 Although she is beautiful and delicate, I am cutting off the daughter of Tziyon.” 3 Shepherds advance on her with their flocks; all around her they […]

Yirmeyahu (Jer) 7

1 This word came to Yirmeyahu fromAdonai: 2 “Stand at the gate of the house ofAdonaiand proclaim this word: ‘Listen to the word ofAdonai, all you from Y’hudah who enter these gates to worshipAdonai! 3 Here is whatAdonai-Tzva’ot, the God of Isra’el, says: “Improve your ways and actions, and I will let you stay in […]