Iyov (Job) 42

1 Then [at last,] Iyov gaveAdonaithis answer: 2 “I know that you can do everything, that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. 3 “[You asked,] ‘Who is this, hiding counsel, without having knowledge?’ Yes, I spoke, without understanding, of wonders far beyond me, which I didn’t know. 4 “Please listen, and I will speak. […]

Mishlei (Pro) 1

1 The proverbs of Shlomo the son of David, king of Isra’el, 2 are for learning about wisdom and discipline; for understanding words expressing deep insight; 3 for gaining an intelligently disciplined life, doing what is right, just and fair; 4 for endowing with caution those who don’t think and the young person with knowledge […]