Iyov (Job) 12

1 Iyov responded: 2 “No doubt you are [the only] people [that matter]; and when you die, so will wisdom. 3 But I too have a brain, as much as you, In no way am I inferior to you. Besides, who doesn’t know things like these? 4 “Anyone who calls on God, and he answers […]

Iyov (Job) 14

1 “A human being, born from a woman, lives a short, trouble-filled life. 2 He comes up like a flower and withers away, flees like a shadow, doesn’t last. 3 You fix your eyes on a creature like this? You drag him to court with you? 4 Who can bring what is pure from something […]

Iyov (Job) 15

1 Then Elifaz the Teimani spoke: 2 “Should a wise man answer with hot-air arguments? Should he fill up his belly with the hot east wind? 3 Should he reason with useless talk or make speeches that do him no good? 4 “Why, you are abolishing fear of God and hindering prayer to him! 5 […]

Iyov (Job) 17

1 “My spirit is broken, my days are quenched, I am marked for the grave. 2 Mockers are all around me; my eye meets only their hostility. 3 Be my guarantor, yourself! Who else will put up a pledge for me? 4 For you have shut their minds to common sense; therefore you will not […]

Iyov (Job) 19

1 Then Iyov answered: 2 “How long will you go on making me angry, crushing me with words? 3 You’ve insulted me ten times already; aren’t you ashamed to treat me so badly? 4 Even if it’s true that I made a mistake, my error stays with me. 5 “You may take a superior attitude […]

Iyov (Job) 21

1 Then Iyov responded: 2 “Listen carefully to my words; let this be the comfort you give me. 3 Bear with me as I speak; then, after I have spoken, you can go on mocking. 4 “As for me, is my complaint merely to other people? Don’t I have grounds for being short-tempered? 5 Look […]