Mattityahu (Mat) 10

1 Yeshua called his twelvetalmidimand gave them authority to drive out unclean spirits and to heal every kind of disease and weakness. 2 These are the names of the twelve emissaries: First, Shim‘on, called Kefa, and Andrew his brother, Ya‘akov Ben-Zavdai and Yochanan his brother, 3 Philip and Bar-Talmai, T’oma and Mattityahu the tax-collector, Ya‘akov […]

Mattityahu (Mat) 12

1 OneShabbatduring that time, Yeshua was walking through some wheat fields. Histalmidimwere hungry, so they began picking heads of grain and eating them. 2 On seeing this, theP’rushimsaid to him, “Look! Yourtalmidimare violatingShabbat!” 3 But he said to them, “Haven’t you ever read what David did when he and those with him were hungry? 4 […]

Mattityahu (Mat) 15

1 Then someP’rushimandTorah-teachers from Yerushalayim came to Yeshua and asked him, 2 “Why is it that yourtalmidimbreak the Tradition of the Elders? They don’t don’tilat-yadayimbefore they eat!” 3 He answered, “Indeed, why do you break the command of God by your tradition? 4 For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother,’ and ‘Anyone who curses […]