Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 6

1 In the year of King ‘Uziyahu’s death I sawAdonaisitting on a high, lofty throne! The hem of his robe filled the temple.

2 S’rafimstood over him, each with six wings — two for covering his face, two for covering his feet and two for flying.

3 They were crying out to each other,

“More holy than the holiest holiness


The whole earth is filled

with his glory!”

4 The doorposts shook at the sound of their shouting, and the house was filled with smoke.

5 Then I said,

“Woe to me! I [too] am doomed! —

because I, a man with unclean lips,

living among a people with unclean lips,

have seen with my own eyes

the King,Adonai-Tzva’ot!”

6 One of thes’rafimflew to me with a glowing coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar.

7 He touched my mouth with it and said,

“Here! This has touched your lips.

Your iniquity is gone,

your sin is atoned for.”

8 Then I heard the voice ofAdonaisaying,

“Whom should I send?

Who will go for us?”

I answered, “I’m here, send me!”

9 He said, “Go and tell this people:

‘Yes, you hear, but you don’t understand.

You certainly see, but you don’t get the point!’

10 “Make the heart of this people [sluggish with] fat,

stop up their ears, and shut their eyes.

Otherwise, seeing with their eyes,

and hearing with their ears,

then understanding with their hearts,

they might repent and be healed!”

11 I asked, “Adonai, how long?” and he answered,

“Until cities become uninhabited ruins,

houses without human presence,

the land utterly wasted;

12 untilAdonaidrives the people far away,

and the land is one vast desolation.

13 If even a tenth [of the people] remain,

it will again be devoured.

“But like a pistachio tree or an oak,

whose trunk remains alive

after its leaves fall off,

the holy seed will be its trunk.”

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