Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 58

1 Shout out loud! Don’t hold back!

Raise your voice like ashofar!

Proclaim to my people what rebels they are,

to the house of Ya‘akov their sins.

2 “Oh yes, they seek me day after day

and [claim to] delight in knowing my ways.

As if they were an upright nation

that had not abandoned the rulings of their God,

they ask me for just rulings

and [claim] to take pleasure in closeness to God,

3 [asking,] ‘Why should we fast, if you don’t see?

Why mortify ourselves, if you don’t notice?’

“Here is my answer: when you fast,

you go about doing whatever you like,

while keeping your laborers hard at work.

4 Your fasts lead to quarreling and fighting,

to lashing out with violent blows.

On a day like today, fasting like yours

will not make your voice heard on high.

5 “Is this the sort of fast I want,

a day when a person mortifies himself?

Is the object to hang your head like a reed

and spread sackcloth and ashes under yourself?

Is this what you call a fast,

a day that pleasesAdonai?

6 “Here is the sort of fast I want —

releasing those unjustly bound,

untying the thongs of the yoke,

letting the oppressed go free,

breaking every yoke,

7 sharing your food with the hungry,

taking the homeless poor into your house,

clothing the naked when you see them,

fulfilling your duty to your kinsmen!”

8 Then your light will burst forth like the morning,

your new skin will quickly grow over your wound;

your righteousness will precede you,

andAdonai’s glory will follow you.

9 Then you will call, andAdonaiwill answer;

you will cry, and he will say, “Here I am.”

If you will remove the yoke from among you,

stop false accusation and slander,

10 generously offer food to the hungry

and meet the needs of the person in trouble;

then your light will rise in the darkness,

and your gloom become like noon.

11 Adonaiwill always guide you;

he will satisfy your needs in the desert,

he will renew the strength in your limbs;

so that you will be like a watered garden,

like a spring whose water never fails.

12 You will rebuild the ancient ruins,

raise foundations from ages past,

and be called “Repairer of broken walls,

Restorer of streets to live in.”

13 “If you hold back your foot onShabbat

from pursuing your own interests on my holy day;

if you callShabbata delight,

Adonai’s holy day, worth honoring;

then honor it by not doing your usual things

or pursuing your interests or speaking about them.

14 If you do, you will find delight inAdonai—

I will make you ride on the heights of the land

and feed you with the heritage of your ancestor Ya‘akov,

for the mouth ofAdonaihas spoken.”

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