Yesha ‘yahu (Isa) 4

1 On that day, seven women will grab hold of one man and say,

“We will supply our own food

and wear our own clothes.

Just let us bear your name;

take away our disgrace.”

2 On that day,Adonai’s plant will be beautiful and glorious; and the fruit of the land will be the pride and splendor of Isra’el’s survivors.

3 Those left in Tziyon and remaining in Yerushalayim will be called holy, and everyone in Yerushalayim written down for life.

4 WhenAdonaiwashes away the filth of the women of Tziyon and cleanses Yerushalayim from the blood shed in it with a blast of searing judgment,

5 Adonaiwill create over the whole site of Mount Tziyon and over those who assemble there a smoking cloud by day and a shining, flaming fire by night; for the Glory will be over everything like ahupah.

6 Asukkahwill give shade by day from the heat; it will also provide refuge and cover from storm and rain.

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