Sh’mu’el Alef (1 Sa) 12

1 Sh’mu’el said to all Isra’el, “Here, I have done everything you asked me to do — I have made a king over you.

2 There is the king, walking ahead of you; but I am old and gray-headed. There are my sons with you, and I have walked at your head from when I was a boy until today.

3 So here I am; now is the time to witness against me beforeAdonaiand before his anointed king. Does any of you think I have taken your ox or donkey, defrauded or oppressed you, or accepted a bribe to deprive you of justice? Tell me, and I will restore it to you.”

4 They answered, “You haven’t defrauded or oppressed us, and you have accepted nothing from anyone.”

5 He said, “Adonaiis witness against you, and his anointed king is witness against you today, that you have found nothing in my hands?” They replied, “He is witness.”

6 Sh’mu’el said to the people, “It wasAdonaiwho appointed Moshe and Aharon and who brought your ancestors up from the land of Egypt.

7 Now, hold still; because I am going to enter into judgment with you beforeAdonairegarding all the righteous acts ofAdonaithat he did for you and your ancestors.

8 “After Ya‘akov had entered Egypt, your ancestors cried toAdonai; andAdonaisent Moshe and Aharon, who brought your ancestors out of Egypt and had them live here in this place.

9 But they forgotAdonaitheir God; so he handed them over to Sisra, commander of the army of Hatzor, and to the P’lishtim, and to the king of Mo’av; and they fought against them.

10 But they cried toAdonaiand said, ‘We sinned by abandoningAdonaiand serving theba‘alimand‘ashtarot.But now, if you rescue us from the power of our enemies, we will serve you.’

11 SoAdonaisent Yeruba‘al, B’dan, Yiftach and Sh’mu’el and rescued you from the power of our enemies on every side, and you lived securely.

12 When you saw that Nachash the king of the people of ‘Amon was attacking you, you said to me, “No, we want a king to rule over us” — whenAdonaiyour God was your king.

13 Now, here’s the king you have chosen, the one you asked for. See,Adonaihas put a king over you.

14 If you will fearAdonai, serve him, obey what he says and not rebel againstAdonai’s orders — if both you and the king ruling you remain followers ofAdonaiyour God — [then things will go well for you.]

15 But if you refuse to obey whatAdonaisays and rebel againstAdonai’s orders, thenAdonaiwill oppress both you and your leaders.

16 “Now therefore, hold still; and see the great deed whichAdonaiwill perform before your very eyes.

17 Now is wheat harvest time, isn’t it? I am going to call onAdonaito send thunder and rain. Then you will understand and see how wicked fromAdonai’s viewpoint is the thing you have done in asking for a king.”

18 Sh’mu’el called toAdonai, andAdonaisent thunder and rain that day. Then all the people became very much afraid ofAdonaiand Sh’mu’el.

19 All the people said to Sh’mu’el, “Pray toAdonaiyour God for your servants, so that we won’t die; because to all our other sins now we’ve added this evil as well, asking for a king over us.”

20 Sh’mu’el answered the people, “Don’t be afraid. You have indeed done all this evil; yet now, just don’t turn away from followingAdonai; but serveAdonaiwith all your heart.

21 Don’t turn to the side; because then you would go after useless things that can neither help nor rescue, they are so futile.

22 For the sake of his great reputation,Adonaiwill not abandon his people; because it has pleasedAdonaito make you a people for himself.

23 As for me, far be it from me to sin againstAdonaiby ceasing to pray for you! Rather, I will continue instructing you in the good and right way.

24 Only fearAdonai, and serve him faithfully with all your heart; for think what great things he has done for you!

25 However, if you insist on doing wicked things, you will be swept away — both you and your king!”

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